conducive:be conductive to后面为什么是doing接to do行不行



目录 conductive to后面为什么是doing接to do行不行

beconductiveto里面的to是介词,所以后面接doing或者是名词,beconductiveto音标:vtu]美[bikədʌvtu]释义:有助于...;导致,andtheyshouldbeconductivetoestablishingfriendlyrelationsbetweencountries.我认为这五项原则公平务实,应该有利于国家之间建立的友好关系。扩展资料:含义的其他词组”1、contributeto英[kə:ttu]美[kənˈtrɪttu]捐助;给…投稿;捐(款)给;投寄(一篇论文)给(某杂志)例句; beneficial for和be beneficial to有什么区别

be beneficial for somebody to do sth是唯一的区别,此时只能使用for其他的类型for和to都可以用,for是对事to本身是介词,后应接名词性的词.表示“move to the east、benefit sb/sth=sb/sth benefit from for the benefit of为……的利益1、Allthesefactorsprovedtobebeneficialfortheopposition.所有这些因素都对反对派有利。2、These efforts will definitely be beneficial for the healthy development of organ transplantation in China in a long run.这些规范管理措施的实施必将有利于我国人体器官移植事业的健康和长远发展扩展资料:beneficialadj.~ (to sth/sb)有利的;有裨益的;有用的improving a situation;having a helpful or useful effect同义词:advantageous,favourable例句:Using computers has a beneficial effect on children' conducive to是什么意思

kəsiv tu:][美][bi kənˈdusɪv tu]有助于;例句:


有利于的英语:有利于的短语:decide in favour of 作有利于contributes to good health 有利于健康Sustainable development 有利于可持续发展contribute to employment 有利于就业扩展资料用有利于造句:1、The thing is to go say is that we have things to do that are good for you that are also good for all of us.所以正确的做法是,告诉大家我们有些事情要做,而且也有利于我们所有人。and so we do.它有利于去评价人们,我有的哪些长处有利于我的事业发展?


有利于的英语:be good for,in favour of,make for或者to the benefit of。有利于的短语:decide in favour of 作有利于contributes to good health 有利于健康Sustainable development 有利于可持续发展contribute to employment 有利于就业扩展资料用有利于造句:1、The thing is to go say is that we have things to do that are good for you that are also good for all of us.所以正确的做法是,告诉大家我们有些事情要做,它不仅对你有好处,而且也有利于我们所有人。2、It is beneficial to value people, and so we do.它有利于去评价人们,而且我们也是那样做的。3、What strengths do I have that will help my career?我有的哪些长处有利于我的事业发展?4、All of these are well suited to this stage of development.这些游戏都有利于这个阶段儿童的成长。5、This is conducive not only to their respective development, but also to regional stability and prosperity.这不仅有利于两国各自的发展,而且对本地区的稳定与繁荣做出了贡献。

6.A can be conducive only on the premise that B ....后面接什么时态?



一、含义不同1、diversity n.多样性;差异例句:多样化对学习环境确有益处。种类;杂耍例句:这家店铺出售品种繁多的瓷器。二、词汇搭配不同1、diversitydiversity receiver分集接收机;ecological diversity生态差别;diversity system分集制2、varietycommercial variety商业品种;improved variety改良的品种;a variety of uses种种用途三、用法不同1、diversity 基本意思是“用作名词(n.)例句,印度国内差异巨大:完全可能演变成一个自由贸易俱乐部,用作名词(n.)例句”Last week we went to a variety show.译文。


为举办奥运会而开展的大规模城市建设将加快北京跻身现代化国际大都市的步伐。为举办2008年奥运会,北京计划新建和改造一批符合举办奥运会标准的体育场馆。同时将从有利于北京城市长远发展的角度,对机场、火车站、城市道路、电信系统、新闻中心以及奥运村及其辅助设施等大型基础设施进行建设和改造。如果2008年奥运会能够申办成功,北京的市政建设在各方面都将有一个全新的发展,使北京的老百姓直接受益。Beijing plans to build and transform a number of criteria in line with the Olympic Games stadiums. At the same time will be conducive to long-term development perspective of Beijing City on the airport,such as large-scale infrastructure facilities construction and renovation. If a successful bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games to Beijing'so that directly benefit ordinary people in Beijing.申奥将使北京的环境更加美丽。目前,北京正在进一步加大治理环境的力度。在改善环境质量的同时,借助申办奥运会的有利时机,将环境资源的开发利用与城市功能的设施布局建设结合起来,不但可以扭转目前的被动状态,而且可以进一步提高北京市的环境建设层次。北京属暖温带半湿润气候,四季分明,拥有相当丰富的生态景观和环境资源,申办奥运,可以使我们的环境资源得到进一步开发,使我们北京人的生活环境更加美丽Beijing Olympic will make the environment more beautiful. Currently,but also further enhance the level of Beijing'the Olympics bid will enable us to further develop the environmental resources so that our living environment more beautiful Peking Man举办奥运会可以提供更多的就业岗位。由奥运项目带动的城市建设。面将有力地推动北京产业结构的调整,增强城市经济持久发展的后劲,同时可以创造更多的就业机会,提高就业质量。举办奥运会对于发展相关产业也有着不可估量的作用。奥运会是目前规模最大的全球性活动,为保证其举办成功,需要投入最优质、最先进的技术装备和产品,由此带动了相关技术和产品的升级换代,推动了产业结构和技术结构的高级化。will require the highest quality and most advanced technical equipment and products,thus driving the related technologies and products to upgrade and promote the industrial structure and technological structure of the high-level of.
