




40用英语可以表示为:1、seven forty 七点四十2、twenty to eight 差二十分八点3、forty past seven 七点过去四十分拓展资料seven forty1. The restaurant doesn'since he was one of only seven out of forty candidates who were successful. 他有理由沾沾自喜,因为他是40个候选人里仅有的7名成功者之一。3. It was already dark when Celia walked to Forty - seven Park Street. 西莉亚步行去四十七号公园大街时,天色已黑.4. I lost forty - seven pounds by being honest this morning. 今天早上就因为忠厚我损失了四十七镑.twenty to eight1. After years of frustrated efforts I was wild to accomplish things - and twenty - eight years old.过去几年,我劳而无功,已经 二十八 岁了.心中怀着强烈的欲望,想有一番作为.2. Twenty - eight and we'so that'我们扣掉37,阿尔巴尼亚和克罗地亚正式加入北约 ---- 使联盟增加到二十一个国家.4. Within twenty - eight months,


第四十的英文:tɪ:θ] num.第四十n.四十分之一;第四十个adj.第四十的;四十分之一的1、The office on the fortieth floor of a skyscraper in the center of New York City is the world he works in.设在位于纽约市中心一座摩天大楼第四十层楼里的那间办公室;就是他工作的小天地,Moses proclaimed to the Israelites all that the LORD had commanded him concerning them.出埃及第四十年,十一月初一日,摩西照耶和华借着他所吩咐以色列人的话,扩展资料相关词。forty英 [ˈ:fɔfɔ:rti] n.四十;四十几adj.四十的一、四十1、This man is about forty odd at most.这个人看样子顶多不过四十挂零儿;2、She knocked down forty dollars at a restaurant.她在一家饭馆花掉四十美元:


ti] 美 [ˈ:fɔrti]n.四十;四十几adj.四十的二、years old…岁(指年龄)1、I must have been forty years old before reading Frederic Bastiat':s classic The Law.读到弗雷德里克·巴斯夏的经典之作《法律》时我已经40岁了;2、He must be about forty years old.他总有四十岁左右了;扩展资料表示年龄的同义词。age。dʒ:]n.年龄;时代;老年;年龄段vt.&vi.(使)长大;使显老;使变老;使苍老1、He was well past retirement age他早过了退休年龄;by age;


ti]美 [ˈ:fɔrti]具体释义;n.四十:adj.四十的;例句;1、He had a chequered political career spanning nearlyfortyyears.他的政治生涯将近40年:我想你绝不敢和文森特这样的人一起坐上45分钟!3、Forty-one people are said to have been seriously hurt.据说41人身负重伤!扩展资料同义词。tu;':skɔ]n. 四十个adj. 四十个的例句;1、Since we spend twoscore or more hours at our jobs weekly:it is essential to your health and longevitythat your place of work is as conducive to wellness as possible.由于我们至少每周要花四十个小时在工作上:让您的工作场尽可能有利于健康是至关重要的。


40的英语:forty发音:英 [ˈfɔ:ti]美 [ˈfɔrti]具体释义:n.四十; 四十几;adj.四十的;例句:1、He had a chequered political career spanning nearlyfortyyears.他的政治生涯将近40年,其间起起伏伏。2、I dare you to sit throughforty-five minutes with someone like Vincent!我想你绝不敢和文森特这样的人一起坐上45分钟!3、Forty-one people are said to have been seriously hurt.据说41人身负重伤。扩展资料同义词:twoscore ['tu:'skɔ:]n. 四十个adj. 四十个的例句:1、Since we spend twoscore or more hours at our jobs weekly, it is essential to your health and longevitythat your place of work is as conducive to wellness as possible.由于我们至少每周要花四十个小时在工作上,因此为了您的健康和长寿,让您的工作场尽可能有利于健康是至关重要的。2、Twoscore rooms file off it, some of them so damp that they are filled today with stalagmites andstalactites formed by calcium dripping from the sodden concrete.四十个房间一字排开,一部分房间非常潮湿,长满了石笋和钟乳石,它们是湿透的混凝土滴下的钙凝结成的。


thirty—one 31thirty—two 32thirty—three 33thirty—four 34thirty—five 35thirty—six 36thirty—seven 37thirty—eight 38thirty—nine 39forty 40 希望能帮到你


clock是书面上的,twelve forty是日常这样说的,希望可以帮助您
