




偶蹄目(Artiodactyla) 骆驼科(Camelidae) 骆驼属(Camelus)成员一向被称为“单峰驼(C.dromedarius)和双峰驼(Camelus bactrianus )。骆驼生有浓密的眼睫毛。这些结构均是居于多风沙地区的长期适应。骆驼虽然非常能保持水份。但不能储存很多水,它们就会失去体重和力气,吃得好的骆驼。驼峰是竖立而圆滚滚的,没有充足的食物。驼峰就会瘪下去,甚至象口袋似的垂下来,骆驼性情腼腆。野骆驼单独、成对或结成小群4-6只在一起。单峰驼原产在北非和亚洲西部及南部。其确切分布区难以考证,因为它早已为人类驯化没有野生的了。有证据表明在公元前1800年单峰驼就已在阿拉伯被人驯养了。躯体也较双峰驼细瘦,腿更细长,双峰驼则比单峰驼更驯顺、更易骑乘。双峰驼原产在亚洲中部土尔其斯坦、中国和蒙古。至少在公元前800多年就被人驯化了。但现在野外仍有野骆驼(野双峰驼)。野双峰驼的驼峰比家骆驼的小而尖,野骆驼躯体比家骆驼的细长。脚比家骆驼的小,它们可以十多天甚至更长时间不喝水,在极度缺水时,能将驼峰内的脂肪分解,双峰驼适于载重。单峰驼更适于骑乘,骆驼在四天时间中可运载170-270公斤东西每天走约47公里路。骆驼非常能耐热耐寒。能长时间不喝水,而一次饮水可达57升,以便恢复体内的正常含水量,它们吃沙漠和半干旱地区生长的几乎任何植物。连其它食草动物不吃的盐碱植物它们也能吃,骆驼繁殖期4—5月。雌骆驼每产一仔,骆驼不仅是沙漠地带著名的驮兽。而且还供人以奶、肉、毛和皮革,常栖息在干旱地区。becomes the wild group to fall


骆驼的英文是:camelcamel英[ˈml]美[ˈ暗棕色的vi. 工作刻板平庸n. (Camel)人名;(阿拉伯)卡迈勒短语camel clutch骆驼式固定;固定技;橐驼式固定camel pose骆驼式;全骆驼式Camel milk骆驼奶;驼乳camel coat驼色大衣;驼色外套Light Camel骆驼骑手;浅驼色;浅骆驼色Camel Xiangzi骆驼祥子Van camel西域骆驼例句:camelback英[')lbæk]美['kæbæ一种翻新的橡胶adj. 骑在骆驼背上的adv. 骑在骆驼背上地短语Camelback Village城市Camelback Silhouette驼峰轮廓Camelback East位于Camelback mountain驼背山;驼峰山;




伊索寓言原版本:if he (camel) could just put his fore legs in because they were very cold. The Arab reluctantly agreed that the camel could only put his fore legs in and no more. So the camel moved in his fore legs and they became warm. After sometime the camel asked the Arab again that he had to put in his hind legs or else he won'there was no more room in the tent for the Arab and the Arab was kicked out.还有一个版本是这样的The Camel'Master,let me put my nose in your tent. It'said,I will take but little more room if I place my forelegs within the tent. It is difficult standing out here."Yes,May I not stand wholly inside?I keep the tent open by standing as I do.""Yes,he was outside in the cold and the camel had the tent to himself.还有一版本,我最喜欢的,是我们70后高中时的高中代用课本《英语》第二册中21英语课文。为剧本式的:也是1983年10月第一版初中英语第四册阅读材料4《阿拉伯人和骆驼》。Master,It'Why,yes,but again the camel woke him up. "Master,too."for there wasn'He wondered. Just the camel said:my other two legs are still out in the cold. Why don'"the camel kicked the poor man out.Give a greedy person an inch and he will take a foot.


第一个版本,伊索寓言原版本:One day an Arab and his camel were crossing the desert. Night came and the temperature became colder. The Arab put up his tent and tied the camel to it. The Arab went to sleep.The temperature became slightly colder and the camel asked the Arab if he (camel) could just put his nose in the tent to warm up. The Arab agreed that the camel could just put his nose in, because the tent was small and there was no room for 2. So the camel's nose became warm and after a while the temperature went down even more.The camel asked the Arab again, if he (camel) could just put his fore legs in because they were very cold. The Arab reluctantly agreed that the camel could only put his fore legs in and no more. So the camel moved in his fore legs and they became warm. After sometime the camel asked the Arab again that he had to put in his hind legs or else he won't be able to make the journey the next morning with frozen legs. So the Arab agreed and once the camel moved his hind legs in, there was no more room in the tent for the Arab and the Arab was kicked out.还有一个版本是这样的The Camel's Nose In The Tent.One cold night, as an Arab sat in his tent, a camel gently thrust his nose under the flap and looked in. "Master," he said, "let me put my nose in your tent. It's cold and stormy out here." "By all means," said the Arab, "and welcome" as he turned over and went to sleep.A little later the Arab awoke to find that the camel had not only put his nose in the tent but his head and neck also. The camel, who had been turning his head from side to side, said, "I will take but little more room if I place my forelegs within the tent. It is difficult standing out here." "Yes, you may put your forelegs within," said the Arab, moving a little to make room, for the tent was small.Finally, the camel said, "May I not stand wholly inside? I keep the tent open by standing as I do." "Yes, yes," said the Arab. "Come wholly inside. Perhaps it will be better for both of us." So the camel crowded in. The Arab with difficulty in the crowded quarters again went to sleep. When he woke up the next time, he was outside in the cold and the camel had the tent to himself.还有一版本,我最喜欢的,是我们70后高中时的高中代用课本《英语》第二册中21英语课文。为剧本式的:也是1983年10月第一版初中英语第四册阅读材料4《阿拉伯人和骆驼》。The Arab and the Camel Once an Arab was travelling on his camel. When the sun started to go down, he stopped and set up his tent. Then he made a fire, ate his meal and lay down to sleep.Suddenly it began to blow. It became colder and colder. The camel put his head into the tent. "Master, could you let me put my head in the tent? It's so cold outside."The Arab was a kind man. "Why, yes," he said. "Put your head in and get warm."Then he went back to sleep. But before long, the camel woke him. "My head is warm now, but my neck is cold. Could I bring it inside, too?""All right," the Arab said. And the camel put his neck in.There wasn't much more room in the tent now, as the camel had a long neck.Again the Arab went back to sleep, but again the camel woke him up. "Master, I really must ask you to move over a bit. I've warmed my head and my neck, but I'd like to bring my front legs inside and warm them up, too."The Arab moved over. He had to sit up now, for there wasn't enough room for him to lie down and sleep."What next?" He wondered. Just the camel said: "This tent is really too small for both of us. Besides, my other two legs are still out in the cold. Why don't you go out and leave the tent to me?"And with that, the camel kicked the poor man out.Give a greedy person an inch and he will take a foot.


骆驼的英语音标为:ml] 美 [ˈkæml]骆驼英语写法为:camel词性:n.骆驼;驼色复数:Irodeacamel.我还去到了的沙漠,我第一次骑骆驼。扩展资料:1、alpaca音标:lˈlˈpækən.羊驼(南美长毛动物);羊驼毛;羊驼呢复数:alpacas例句:orarayonorcottonimitation.薄的羊驼的毛或人造丝或棉花的仿造物制成的平滑的纤维织品。2、vicuna音标:'kju:nə'kjunə]词性:骆马;骆马毛服装;n. (Vicuna)人名;


谚语:s back.就是强调句了如果用在句子里,直接说“即可,大家都明白
