




Of all the games I’ve ever engaged in, hide-and-seek is my all-time favorite.I guess the main reason for this is that it’s an outdoors game, and kids can run around hiding themselves in the neighborhood under the sun with a lot of fresh air.It provided me a strong feeling of adventure where i found out a lot about the details in my neighborhood.Since, we're always running and hiding from each other, the thrill in this game makes it so easily embedded in our childhood memory.I think this game is very beneficial for our mood and can release our pressure in our school.It also helps with our physical development.I'm not an out-going person by nature, but when I played it,I interacted with many of my peers.It expanded my social circle.So much sweet memory about my childhood was made.Now every time I think about the happy and carefree life I had when hide-and-seek occupied my spare time, a feeling of nostalgia still emerges from the depth of my memory.

2.捉迷藏 用英语翻译

捉迷藏的英文:hide-and-seek示例:but we can play hide-and-seek instead.今天我们不能打篮球了,但是我们可以改玩捉迷藏。d]美[haɪd]相关短语:1、hide from隐瞒2、hide all全部隐藏3、hide away把……隐藏扩展资料词语用法:通常用于事实、感情等方面。隐瞒”其后常接事实、观点、原因等名词作宾语。hide的过去分词可用作形容词,在句中作定语。2、hide用作及物动词时,宾语后接from,把某人藏起来或隐瞒某事不让某人知道”用作不及物动词时;后接from表示,3、hide的过去式和过去分词可以是hidden或者hid”但是后者hid仍不太普遍。词义辨析,screen。hide:conceal这组词都有,隐藏,的意思,1、screen指把处于被发现的人或物掩盖起来。


《叮咚捉迷藏》英文歌Hide and Seek歌手Lizz RobinettDing dong,我知道你能够听到我open up the door,I only want to play a little打开门吧,我只是想和你玩玩Ding dong,你不能一直让我等it's already too late for you to try and run away对你来说尝试逃跑已经太晚了I see you through the window我透过窗户看到你了哦Our eyes are locked together我们的眼睛锁定在一起I can sense your horror我能够感觉到你的恐惧Though I'd like to see it closer可是我想更近地看看Ding dong,我来找你了哦hurry up and run,s play a little game and have fun快跑,让我们玩一个小游戏吧Ding dong,你以为你已经赢了吗our game of hide and seek has just begun我们的游戏才刚刚开始I hear your footsteps我听到你的脚步声Thumping loudly through the hallways走廊里传来咚咚的响声I can hear your sharp breaths我能听见你急促的呼吸声You're not very good at hiding你真的不擅长躲藏啊Just wait,你是逃不掉的,你是逃不掉的Knock knock,我在你门前了哦I am coming in,no need for me to ask permission我进来了哦,不用经过你的许可Knock knock,I'我在你屋里了哦where is it you'our game of hide and seek's about to end你藏在哪里了呢,我们的游戏快结束了I'm coming closer我来得更近了哦Looking underneath your bed but望向你的床下You'I wonder但是你不在这里,我想知道Could you be inside the closet?你会在壁橱里面吗Ding dong,我找到你了哦Ding dong,你藏在这里啊Now you'终于找到你了,亲爱的Now you'看起来我赢了Now you'


I interacted with many of my peers.It expanded my social circle.So much sweet memory about my childhood was made.Now every time I think about the happy and carefree life I had when hide-and-seek occupied my spare time,a feeling of nostalgia still emerges from the depth of my memory.


让我们玩捉迷藏。语法:play的基本意思是指为了消遣和娱乐而进行身体的或精神的活动,玩,玩耍”也可指与某人进行一场比赛,参加比赛“play还可指”演奏乐器。引申可指“开某人的玩笑”扮演。播放“(泉水等)喷出”等意思“扩展资料近义词”s play the game of hide and seek读音”ə。ðəsiː让我们玩捉迷藏游戏吧;语法;hide的基本意思是;(把…)藏起来;可指故意地藏匿不被人发现;也可指偶然或无意地隐藏:有时还指客观上某物被另一物所掩盖。例句:Itisthedestinythatmakeusplayhideandseek.命运让我们玩起了捉迷藏“


很高兴回答你的问题,以下是我个人见解,希望可以帮到你:.There are two portions to the game:often with the aid of a word that takes about one second to say (e.g.,two-alligator ...","!It"isn'home base"the next game',it"is usually the fi;the players can agree that the last person to be discovered or tagged will become the next "it".望采纳,十分感谢。


hide-and-seekblindman's buff玩捉迷藏 play hide and seek/playing hide-and-seek灰尘铺满零乱的书斋,歌儿呵,你可愿在那里捉迷藏?请尽快【采纳】谢谢你的合作!( ̄0  ̄)y如果能【增加财富值】就更好了!如有疑问可追问,我会尽快回复。<( ̄︶ ̄)>——来自{上贼船莫怕死}
