




nonsensen.谬论;胡扯;胡言乱语;愚蠢的行为;冒失;不可接受的行为;毫无意义的话;没有意义的文章一、发音:nɒMostorthodoxdoctorshoweverdismissthisascompletenonsense.但大多数传统的医生认为此说法完全是胡说八道。三、词汇用法:make a nonsense 使变得荒唐;使失去意义talk nonsense 胡说八道扩展资料:近义词:irrationality一、意思:不合理(的事)二、读音:lɪti] 美 [ɪʃnæləti]三:例句:theimperfectionofperformanceindexsystemandirrationalityofstatisticaldataareanalyzed.与此同时。


自己写的,楼主看看吧。Son?Daughter?Therefore,I'm against the idea of cloning humans.


你的面试是关于什么的?找工作吗?还是申请奖学金?注明一下吧,因为不同类型的面试会需要用不同的方式回答。--------------------------------------------------------1)(关于沟通能力的问与答)Q:her message to his audience and their interests.2)(关于顾客服务的问与答)Q:Understand the vital importance of staff having excellence customer service skills if the organization is to success and expand.3)(关于管理能力的问与答)Q:Can effectively prioritize his/does not procrastinate or put off hard or unpleasant tasks.Q:Tell me about the methods you use to keep informed of your staffs activities and progress towards their set objectives.A:Monitors staffs through assessments aDescribe the procedures you have for evaluating reports and proposalsA:Has evolved methodical methods and systems to critically analyze reports for the effect it will have not just on one department but the organization as a whole.4)(关于解决问题能力的问与答)Q:acts decisively in implementing a solution to potential problems.Q:her staff.Q:catering,accounting,has the character to accept and implement feedback.5)(关于你的可靠性的问与答)Q:A:Does not get his/creates an ethos of high standards and achievements.6)(关于战略思考的问与答)Q:Structures the organization to take advantage of changing fundamentals in the industryQ:Tell me abouA:can formulate and implement plans to pursue these opportunities.我已经尽力了,上面都是关于酒店领域的面试问与答。如果还有什么不明白的可以随时提问。注:上面的答案都是采重点式的,并不是口语答案。所以你在回答的时候不要直接按照上面的答案说,应该用你自己的句子再套上上面给的标准答案。祝你面试顺利。


你的面试是关于什么的?找工作吗?还是申请奖学金?注明一下吧,因为不同类型的面试会需要用不同的方式回答。 --------------------------------------------------------1)(关于沟通能力的问与答)Q: Tell me about a time when you had to divulge sensitive information? How did you deal with the situation? In your opinion, what are in the main issues involved in sharing sensitive information?A:Is responsible and thoughtful in how they deal with sensitive information.Q: Give me an example of a time when you had to put forward an unpopular point of view in a meeting. How did you handle the negative reaction? What did you learn from the experience?A: Has the ability to convince others by making valid points; has a strong character; is not afraid to speak his/her mind to defend his own and the hotel's interests.Q: Give me an example of how you conveyed the same message to different levels of the hotel.A: Maintains continuous open and consistent communication with all levels of the organization, can tailor his/her message to his audience and their interests.2)(关于顾客服务的问与答)Q: Have you ever felt during course of your work that the existing systems and solutions are not sufficient to meet needs of guests properly and need to be changed? If so, tell me more.A: Can take initiatives; keen to improve existing systems and services in order to provide better service to all guests and users of the hotel services.Q: How important do you think customer services are in relation to your other corporate objectives?A: Understand the vital importance of staff having excellence customer service skills if the organization is to success and expand.3)(关于管理能力的问与答)Q: What steps do you undertake to organize and prioritize your tasks during a normal day?A: Can effectively prioritize his/her tasks in order of importance, does not procrastinate or put off hard or unpleasant tasks.Q: Tell me about the methods you use to keep informed of your staffs activities and progress towards their set objectives.A: Monitors staffs through assessments and managers reports, to ensure individual objectives and developments are been achieved.Q: Describe the procedures you have for evaluating reports and proposalsA: Has evolved methodical methods and systems to critically analyze reports for the effect it will have not just on one department but the organization as a whole.4)(关于解决问题能力的问与答)Q: Tell me about a time when you anticipated a potential problem in the hotel before it happened. How were you able to anticipate it?A: Reflects deeply on the hotel's processes and procedures, applies his technical knowledge and expertise to the consequences of these processes, acts decisively in implementing a solution to potential problems.Q: What tasks should you delegate and to what degree? Give me some examples, particularly in relation to hiring staff and formulation safety policies for the hotel.A: Delegates routine activities; fact-finding assignments; preparation of rough drafts of reports for new hotel policies to his/her staff.Q: Tell me about the last time you sought advice before making a major decision.A: Has assembled a trusted team of expertise and talent in hotel administration, catering, accounting, banqueting, human resources, security and information systems, with whom he can discuss his/her solutions before implementation, has the character to accept and implement feedback.5)(关于你的可靠性的问与答)Q: Describe the extent to which you set good examples to your staff. Can you give me a few examples?A: Does not get his/her staff to do anything they would not do themselves, sets themselves as excellent role models, creates an ethos of high standards and achievements.6)(关于战略思考的问与答)Q: Tell me about a time you were prominently involved in re-structuring an organization to take advantage of a major change like a competitor failing, new technology, a decrease in tourist numbers, prices rises etcA: Structures the organization to take advantage of changing fundamentals in the industryQ: Tell me about an opportunity you foresaw in the hospitality market for a new product or for an adaptation of an existing product. What steps did you take? Were you successful?A: Always seeking new products and new markets; can formulate and implement plans to pursue these opportunities.我已经尽力了,上面都是关于酒店领域的面试问与答。如果还有什么不明白的可以随时提问。注:上面的答案都是采重点式的,并不是口语答案。所以你在回答的时候不要直接按照上面的答案说,应该用你自己的句子再套上上面给的标准答案。祝你面试顺利。


dirtness尘埃dirt[dE:t]n.污垢,泥土dirtdirtAHD:rt] D.J.[d*8t]K.K.[d)t]n.(名词)Earth or soil.泥土;肮脏或泥土的物质,如烂泥或灰尘Excrement.排泄物A squalid or filthy condition.肮脏:污秽或肮脏的状态One that is mean,卑鄙、可鄙或邪恶的人Obscene language or subject matter.污秽的言行:下流话或下流行为Malicious or scandalous gossip.流言。


和身处社会底层的人相比,处于社会上等阶层的人更可能有说谎,欺骗及其他不道德行为In comparison to those in the bottom,

7.应该是一个外贸方面的专业词汇吧,arm’s-length trade什么意思???

放手式贸易详见例句1 But the researchers found that starting out with the wrong industries was less of a problem for countries with arm's-length financial systems.但研究者发现,产业不合理的国家在放手式的金融体制中却问题不多。2 The traditional alternative to arm's-length finance is a more intimate system dominated by banks that maintain long-term relationships with their borrowers.银行同借贷者保持长期关系,放手式金融管理的传统替代模式即是由银行支配的更密切的体系。into an arm'
