




take after (长得像)in one's opinion (想法)think about(make意思理解为认为)


【成语】:十有八九【拼音】:shí yǒu bā jiǔ【解释】:差不离。土风坐男使女立“十有八九负薪归。卖薪得钱应供给,【举例造句】。阿爷”此猜十有八九:心中不乐。




s opinion (想法)think about(make意思理解为认为)


一、日常用语类,=What’s the matter?= Can/are….?=Good job!= How /二、直接引语和间接引语类,= Tom said that he had finished his homework.2、The boy said to his mother”=The boy asked his mother if he might watch TV then.3、The policeman said to the old woman“= The little monkey told the crocodile not to do that again.三、主动语态和被动语态类“1、We plant many trees in spring every year.= Many trees are planted in spring every year. 2、Parents often make their kids study at home on Sundays.= Children are often made to study (by their parents) at home on Sundays.四、复句和单句类”这类多数是把从句变为一个短语的形式,1、名词性从句(宾语从句、主语从句、表语从句)的简化“= Can you tell me how to get to the post office:它们都是把这些名词性从句转化为动词不定式的复合结构,when/(把从句中的主语和情态动词去掉,在动词前面加to.) 4)、They have decided that they will go to Shanghai next month. = They have decided to go to Shanghai next month. 注:这一类是把宾语从句改成一个动词不定式的形式,类似的动词还有:be sure/2、时间状语从句的简化,You had better wash you teeth after you get up in the morning.= You’d better wash your teeth after getting up.注:这些时间主语的引导词常常是:after….3、结果状语从句的简化,1)、The girl is so young that she can’t look after herself. = The girl is too young to look after herself.2)、The math problem is so difficult that I can’t work it out.= The math problem is too difficult for me to work out.3)、The box is so light that I can carry it easily. =The box is light enough for me to carry.4)、The boy is so old that he can go to school. = The boy is old enough to go to school.4、目的状语从句的简化,they will get up early.5、条件状语从句的简化,We can’t live if there is no air or water.= We can’t live without air or water.6、定语从句的简化,五、比较级和最高级类,例如:1)、He is the tallest in his class.= He is taller than any other students in his class.= He is taller than anyone else in his class.=He is taller than the other students in his class.2)、Our school is three times as large as theirs. = Our school is two times larger than theirs.六、感叹句类,There is much homework for us to do every day. = We have much homework to do every day.八、延续性动词与非延续性动词类,The Greens have been away from China for three days. = The Greens left China three days ago.= It is is three days since the Greens left China.九、句子成分的合并,这主要要用到一些表示并列关系的词或者是词组。1、Tom likes Chinese food and Mike likes it,


jiǔ hé yī kuāng释义:指春秋时齐桓公多次会合诸侯,称霸主,使混乱的政局得以安定。后用以形容有卓越的治国才能。联合式;作定语;用于书面语。《论语·宪问》:桓公九合诸侯“管仲相桓公”一匡天下“《史记·主父偃列传》,昔得管仲相齐桓,霸诸侯。近义词:形容具有治国的才干,王佐之材。


