




Mt.Taishan is located in the middle of Shandong Province,and "beauty,mystery,"and this means China has contributed a special heritage to the world."and the First among the Ten Famous Mountains in China. And in the September of the year 2006,Mt.Taishan谢谢


泰山的英语介绍:the first mountain in the world".泰山,为中国著名的五岳之一,位于山东省中部,绵亘于泰安、济南、淄博三市之间,主峰玉皇顶海拔1545米,气势雄伟磅礴,天下第一山”heaven leading directly to the throne".泰山被古人视为“直通帝座”成为百姓崇拜,帝王告祭的神山,泰山安,四海皆安”先后有13代帝王引次亲登泰山封禅或祭祀,另外有24代帝王遣官祭祀72次。harmony between man and nature"and the home of the spirit of the Chinese nation.泰山是中华民族的象征,是东方文化的缩影,是中华民族精神的家园。扩展资料1、矿产资源泰山地区矿产资源丰富,有煤、铁、岩盐、石膏、硫磺、蛇纹石、麦饭石、木玉石、碧玉等矿产。泰山及其周围,现已发现和探明的矿产已有40余种。储量丰富,分布在泰山周围的肥城、新汶、宁阳等3个煤田,是山东省的主要煤产地之一。接触交代型的铁矿,分布在泰山的东麓及其南侧,其富铁矿石量多质优,是山东省最大的富铁矿产地。2、文化底蕴因为东方是生命之源,希望和吉祥的象征。而古代中国先民又往往把雄伟奇特的东岳视为神灵,把山神作为祈求风调雨顺的对象来崇拜。于是地处东方的泰山便成了“万物孕育之所”吉祥之山”神灵之宅”受天命而帝王的。更把泰山看成是国家统一”权力的象征,为答谢天帝的。也必到泰山封神祭祀,百度百科-泰山:

3.泰山的景物 用英语怎么说?



Mt.Taishan is located in the middle of Shandong Province, with a total area of 426 sq km. As the highest peak in Shandong with an elevation of 1,545 meters, Mt. Taishan is called "Chief of the Five Sacred Mountains" and "First Mountain Under Heaven." With its abundant cultural treasures, Mt.Taishan is honored as a sacred mountain and the symbol of Chinese national spirit. From ancient times to the Qing Dynasty, emperors came to this reverend peak to hold grand ceremonies to worship the Gods of Heaven and earth. On the mountain there are 22 ancient construction complex, over 100 other buildings, more than 1,800 above carved stones, nearly 20,000 ancient trees and numerous poems and masterpieces written by scholars throughout different dynasties, all of which make Mt. Taishan the epitome of oriental culture.Formed about 28 hundred million years ago, Mt.Taishan is famous for its imposing natural landscape. Besides its majesty, the Sunrise, Sunset Glow, Golden Belt of the Yellow River, the Sea of the Clouds are its four wonders. With a bird’s eye view, the mountain is divided by five valleys into six areas, which is features respectively by seclusion, spaciousness, beauty, mystery, elegance, and wonderful spectacles. Around the main peak, Jade Emperor, there are smaller 112 peaks, 98 ridges, 102 streams, 72 springs and 36 peculiar stones.Experts of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO said, "Mt.Taishan uniquely unites nature and culture together, and this means China has contributed a special heritage to the world."In 1987, Mt.Taishan was listed as both a world natural and cultural heritage by UNESCO. It was the first place named as double heritage to the world.Mt.Taishan has also been designated as one of the Top 40 Tourist Attractions in China, a Model of Civilized Scenic Spots in China, a National 5A Scenic Spot, and the First among the Ten Famous Mountains in China. And in the September of the year 2006, Mt.Taishan has become the World Geopark.望采纳,谢谢


自我介绍什么的就不要说了吧,自己到时候加进去就行 Taishan Mountain in Shandong was included as "which has another name of "spring city"and Taiji meet in Tai'it is the center of Qi and Lu. And its transportation is more superior. Taishan Mountain is in a key position wherescience and historic value. We can say that Taishan Mountain is the symbol of spiritual culture of China and the unique heritage of the world.




but also feel the profound culture of Taishan. I will never forget the happy journey.今年国庆期间,我们全家一起去爬了一次泰山,那是一次难忘的经历。坐车来到了泰山的后背——天烛峰景区。首先来到了有着明镜般水面的天烛峰水库,堤坝高耸地山坳里,形成壮观的千尺瀑。沿着崎岖蜿蜒的盘道向上走,一路上我们穿过了仙鹤湾的悬崖峭壁;涉过了风魔涧的急流险滩;听过了天烛峰的阵阵松涛;我们来到了向往已久的泰山极顶——玉皇顶。在泰山的怀抱里,我不但感受到了泰山的雄伟壮丽,而且感受到了泰山文化的博大精深。我永远也不会忘记这次愉快的旅行。
