台阶读后感:谁给篇 李森祥《台阶》读后感




1.谁给篇 李森祥《台阶》读后感

and a host of other well-known British actors in smaller parts. It is generally regarded as the closest to the novel,albeit with a few changes such as the introduction of a love interest and a different meaning for the "39 steps". It is well remembered for the famous Big Ben end sequence.Powell later reprised the role in the ITV series Hannay in 1988 (six episodes) and 1989 (seven episodes).PlotIn 1914,but he is spotted and follows Hannay to the railway station to supposedly give him the black book.However,. Hannay manages to get Scudder'which he has posted to Scotland. Hannay flees to Scotland on a trainScudder',Thirty-Nine Steps"refers to the number of stairs in the clock tower of Big Ben and Hannay realises that the bomb is to be set off by the clock at 11.45.When he reaches the top of the clock tower;leading to the iconic final sequence.,




突然窜出一个满脸是血的人,让你帮忙把信带给一个人,生活中是否存在这样的历险呢?凭空想出的一个情节。我也许真的会找警察,然后被警察以凶嫌的身份拘留几天吧。也许还真会把我误判定罪。他脑子里比我想的多很多。自从他房间里出现了一个死人后,他就开始思考如何逃亡了。传奇并非只有在特定的人群和故事中才会出现,可能也会经历一段传奇生活。这是小说要告诉人的吧。我觉得作者是有意设置了一个谜题,从主人公在不断的逃亡中得到他的乐趣。凡是主人公被追的紧迫的时候,凡是主人公觉得万事大吉的时候,前面必定有一个陷阱。主人共还要在逃亡中不断思考,追自己的人到底是谁……他头一天还过着正常的生活,今日马上就陷入东躲西藏的日子中,而明日走向何方他却还不知道。因为警察也在追踪的行列中;往往去到一个陌生的地方,就会有新的追击…… 唯有揭开真正谜底,才能搞清事件的真相,所以唯有不断的逃跑,同时不断的思考解谜,才能逐渐接近事实真相。之前只看过一部类似电影,但是这样的情节很有意思。突然陷入到一个莫名其妙的事件中,他又要解开事件真相才能得以脱身。

4.三十九级台阶 读后感英文版 8篇150字的

The Thirty-Nine Steps is a 1978 thriller directed by Don Sharp, based on the novel The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan.IntroductionThis version of Buchan's tale starred Robert Powell as Richard Hannay, Karen Dotrice as Alex, John Mills as Colonel Scudder, and a host of other well-known British actors in smaller parts. It is generally regarded as the closest to the novel, being set before World War I. The early events and overall feel of the film bear much resemblance to Buchan's original story, albeit with a few changes such as the introduction of a love interest and a different meaning for the "39 steps". It is well remembered for the famous Big Ben end sequence.Powell later reprised the role in the ITV series Hannay in 1988 (six episodes) and 1989 (seven episodes).PlotIn 1914, Prussian spies are everywhere. After a spate of assassinations of important British politicians, a retired British intelligence officer, Colonel Scudder, realises his life and his mysterious black notebook are in danger. He turns to Richard Hannay, a mining engineer who is visiting Britain for a short time before returning to South Africa, who happens to live in a neighbouring apartment. Scudder tells Hannay of a plot by Prussian 'sleeper' agents, who are planning to pre-start World War I by murdering a foreign minister.Hannay reluctantly gives Scudder shelter in his apartment, despite his initial distrust of him. In the morning, Hannay leaves to purchase Scudder a train ticket to Scotland. Scudder also leaves the apartment to post a parcel, but he is spotted and follows Hannay to the railway station to supposedly give him the black book.However, before he can reach Hannay, Scudder is murdered and Hannay is framed for the death by the 'sleepers'. Hannay manages to get Scudder's notebook, but this turns out to be a dummy, with only a code in it to find his real book, which he has posted to Scotland. Hannay flees to Scotland on a train, but he is forced to make a daredevil escape on a bridge when police board.Hannay attempts to solve the mystery whilst on the run from the police, led by Chief Supt Lomas (Eric Porter), and the Prussian agents, led by Edmund Appleton, a Prussian sympathiser highly placed in the British government.With the aid of Alex Mackenzie and her fiance, David Hamilton, whom Hannay meets on the Scottish moors, claiming to be taking part in a wager, Scudder's book is found, the coded information partly deciphered and the true plans of the Prussian agents are revealed. The agents intend to murder the visiting Greek Prime Minister, leading to unrest in the Balkans and thus World War I, by planting a bomb in parliament. The "Thirty-Nine Steps" refers to the number of stairs in the clock tower of Big Ben and Hannay realises that the bomb is to be set off by the clock at 11.45.When he reaches the top of the clock tower, the agents have already planted the bomb and have locked the clock room. Hannay is forced to break the glass of the clock-face and physically stop the clock hands, leading to the iconic final sequence.





7.台阶和佛像的 故事反映了什么问题

台阶和佛像的 故事山民打算在山顶上建一座庙宇来供奉神佛。庙宇建好后,山民选择了一块非常大的花岗岩,一部分用来做庙宇门前的台阶,另一部分用来做佛像。寺庙建好后,前来供奉的人络绎不绝,台阶心里很不舒服,于是对佛像说:为什么我要做台阶让人每天踩踏,佛像叹了口气对台阶说”你只经历了两刀便成了台阶。而我却是经历了千刀万剐才被雕刻成佛像的:这个故事告诉我们“做什么事情都不可能一次成功,有时也许我们需要付出很多”有时也许我们付出全部却没有任何收获:我们都不能够放弃,要有坚定的信念和信心以及克服一切困难的勇气;朝着自己的梦想出发。当然这个世界上理想与现实没法统一,不能畏惧任何苦难。就像故事里的,做成佛像的石头也是经历了千刀万剐才受人供奉的,人生在世,没有经历就没有成长。我们都不能将经历看作一种包袱和负担。它只是自己成长的一个过程,但是我们要不断的总结经验和教训。
