




Yes.That’s a11.A:please.I will put your bags by the post over there.B:thanks.A:A bellman will show you to your room when you have finished checking in.B:晚上好,先生。欢迎到和平饭店。您有多少件行李?两个旅行箱和两个袋子,B:我带您到前台,请跟我来。我把您的袋子放在那儿的柱子旁边。谢谢。您办完住宿登记时,服务员会带您到房间去。B:好的。A:希望您过得愉快。


可以礼貌的说在西餐厅说sir,在酒吧里面你就直接称兄道弟直接说hey men。你就直接说hi,当他看见你了。


请问您有两个人的桌子吗?您预定餐桌了吗?您预定了吗?吸烟区还是非吸烟区?您想喝什么?Would you like to see the menu?您需要看菜单吗?Language Notes三言两语


A:Good evening,sir.Welcome to the Peace Hotel.B:Thank you.A:How many pieces of luggage do you have?B:Just these four.A:Two suitcases and two bags.Is that right?B:Yes.That’s a11.A:Itll show you to the front desk.This way,please.I will put your bags by the post over there.B:I see,thanks.A:A bellman will show you to your room when you have finished checking in.B:OK.Fine. A:Please enjoy your stay.A:晚上好,先生。欢迎到和平饭店。B:谢谢。A:您有多少件行李?B:只有这4件。A:两个旅行箱和两个袋子,对吗?B:是的,就这些。A:我带您到前台,请跟我来。我把您的袋子放在那儿的柱子旁边。B:好的,谢谢。 A:您办完住宿登记时,服务员会带您到房间去。B:好的。A:希望您过得愉快。




酒店日常英语对话 Daily Service 日常服务酒店日常英语对话(一)-(Knocking at the door.)-(敲门。-我可以进来吗?please.-请进。t come in.-请不要进来。please.-请稍等一下。酒店日常英语对话(二)-I'-对不起打扰你了,-Please clean it when I am out.-我马上要出去,请等一会儿打扫。-我现在可以换水吗?-Yes,please.-请换吧。酒店日常英语对话(三)-Some of my friends will come and see me this afternoon.Will you please give me some more hot bottles and tea cups?请给加些热水瓶和茶杯。-Well,客人来访我们会端茶进来的。-顺便一下,I'll give it to you in time.-没有。-你为什么没经我允许就进来了?-It's my negligence.I beg your pardon.-我疏忽了,请你原谅。-我来做夜床,-Here'd better check it.-衣服洗好了,酒店日常英语对话(五)-I am collecting the fee of the long distance call.-我来收长途电话费。-This is the bill for the room rent of half a day.-这是补半天房金的帐单。-Here is a telegram for you.-这儿有一封你的电报。-它怎么被拆开了?therefore the clerk unsealed it in order to find out the name of the receiver.-因为电报封面没有收报人姓名,服务台为了查对姓名而拆开的。酒店日常英语对话(六)-Have you lost anything today,-先生,m looking for it now.-丢了一只皮夹子,-What is there in the wallet?-皮夹子里有些什么?-My daughter's photo and some money.-有一张我女儿的照片,-Look,-Yes,it'please.-拖鞋坏了,请给换一双。please.-请拿一只热水瓶给我。-I feel a bit cold when I sleep.Please get me a blanket.-我睡得有点冷,请给我加一条毯子。-I need another pillow.-我需要加一只枕头。酒店日常英语对话(八)-All right,我就去拿。-Just a moment,I'll do it right now.-请稍等一下,-Excuse me.-对不起。-I am sorry.-很抱歉。-I beg your pardon.-请你原谅。-Pardon me for interrupting.-对不起打扰你们了。-Please excuse me for coming so late.-请原谅我来迟了。-I'm sorry I was so careless.-很抱歉我太粗心了。1.I’ll take a look at the hotel’s booking situation. 我来查看一下本店房间的预订情况。2.I’m glad that we’ll be able to accept your extension re-quest. 很高兴我们有办法接受您延长住宿的要求。恐怕最后两天我们得请您搬到别的房间去。4. We have already let your room to another gentleman. 我们已经把您住的房间租给了另外一位先生。Mr.Bradley.Your room number is 1420. 给您房间的钥匙,布拉德利先生。每天的房费是90美元。9. My business negotiation has progressed much more slowly than I had expected. 我的业务谈判进行得比我原先预料的慢了许多。10. I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at this hotel for two days. 我想知道是否可以让我在这儿多呆两天。我们这儿是有您预订的房间。请您把这份表填好,我同时就给您开出入证,房间号码“14.I’ll put in the room number for you later on. 过会儿我来给您填上房间号码?15.You forgot to put in the date of your departure. 您忘了填写离店日期了。A:Sure.Here you are. B:A:address,nationality,signature and date of departure.Oh,sir.Your forgot to put in the date of your departure. Here let me fill it in for you.You are leaving on…?B:Mr.Bradley.Your room number is 1420. It is on the14th floor and the daily rate is$90.Here is your key card with all the information on your booking,OK.I’ll take good care of it. A:Mr.Bradley,Yes,I hope you enjoy your stay with us. B:I’ll try 希望令你满意!


