




造福人类Sewage,the benefit of mankind随着科学技术的进步,几乎每个城市都有许多的工厂,工厂里每天排出的污水都污染了许多江河、湖泊,导致大部分的鱼虾中毒死亡;同时也威胁这自然界里的生物和人类的安危,对人类的生活造成了极大的影响。caused great impact on human life.我时常幻想着,假如这些污水经过处理,变成干净的、能饮用的水,于是我就想到了需要一种能随意变大变小的“污水处理仪器”它可以放在家里、学校里、也可以安装在工厂里”是个正方形“外壳是一种踩不烂压不扁的塑料”它的心脏是由一块伸缩自如且永久使用的过滤网,一个具有除臭功能且永不变形的旋转筒和一片微型的智能电动芯片组成;的电是用之不竭的“只要有一丝光亮”它就立刻把光能转化为电能,非常环保,可以自动计算需要排出的污水量“然后根据排污量来改变自己的大小”一间造纸厂每天生产一吨纸。只要你轻轻按红色按钮:它就自动计算出这间工厂的排污量,根据排污量把自己变大,再轻轻一按绿色按钮,马上开始工作,污水流经入口的过滤网“所有的大大小小的垃圾就会被过滤掉”没有垃圾的污水直接流入旋转筒。旋转筒不停地转动去除臭味,再净化。它会加入人体所需要的矿物质和微量元素,然后再通过出口排出来。这些经过处理的水非常神奇,人们喝了既可以美容又可以强身健体,少生病。动物喝了会更肥壮,再凶猛的动物喝了也会变得善良可爱,这些水用来浇灌禾苗。稻谷的产量会更高,放在家里的时候。它会自动变小“家里的生活用水经过”可以循环利用。我们不但达到了节约用水的目的”还保护了地球的生态环境。想到这里,我仿佛就生活在一个绿树成荫、鸟语花香、物产丰富、山清水秀……没有一丝污染的国家里,sewage treatment instrument",school,basin"environmental protection very much. The "basin",and then according to the size of the emissions to chan,"it will automatically become smaller. Home after "basin"I like to live in a tree-lined,beautiful scenery... No any pollution in a country.想到这里,我惊醒了,我想:这绝不是幻想的,这是我的梦想、理想。同学们,让我们行动起来,一起努力,保护环境,节约用水,珍惜水资源,处理污水,造福人类,为现实吧!I thought:for real!




pour the dirty water into...


处理污水,造福人类Sewage, the benefit of mankind随着科学技术的进步,几乎每个城市都有许多的工厂,工厂里每天排出的污水都污染了许多江河、湖泊,导致大部分的鱼虾中毒死亡;同时也威胁这自然界里的生物和人类的安危,对人类的生活造成了极大的影响。With the progress of science and technology, almost every city has many factories, factory every day discharge sewage pollution of many rivers, lakes, cause most of the deaths of fish and shrimp; Also threaten the creatures of the nature and the human safety, caused great impact on human life.我时常幻想着,假如这些污水经过处理,变成干净的、能饮用的水,那该多好啊!于是我就想到了需要一种能随意变大变小的“污水处理仪器”,我把它简称为“处污器”。它可以放在家里、学校里、也可以安装在工厂里。这个“处污器”是个正方形,外壳是一种踩不烂压不扁的塑料;它的心脏是由一块伸缩自如且永久使用的过滤网,一个具有除臭功能且永不变形的旋转筒和一片微型的智能电动芯片组成。这个“处污器”的电是用之不竭的,只要有一丝光亮,它就立刻把光能转化为电能,非常环保。这个“处污器”可以自动计算需要排出的污水量,然后根据排污量来改变自己的大小。比如:一间造纸厂每天生产一吨纸,只要你轻轻按红色按钮,它就自动计算出这间工厂的排污量,根据排污量把自己变大。再轻轻一按绿色按钮,“处污器”马上开始工作。污水流经入口的过滤网,所有的大大小小的垃圾就会被过滤掉。没有垃圾的污水直接流入旋转筒,旋转筒不停地转动去除臭味,再净化。同时,它会加入人体所需要的矿物质和微量元素,然后再通过出口排出来。这些经过处理的水非常神奇,人们喝了既可以美容又可以强身健体,少生病。动物喝了会更肥壮,再凶猛的动物喝了也会变得善良可爱。这些水用来浇灌禾苗,稻谷的产量会更高。这个“处污器”放在家里的时候,它会自动变小。家里的生活用水经过“处污器”可以循环利用。这样,我们不但达到了节约用水的目的,还保护了地球的生态环境。想到这里,我仿佛就生活在一个绿树成荫、鸟语花香、物产丰富、山清水秀……没有一丝污染的国家里。I often fantasize about, if the wastewater has been treated, can become clean, drinking water, that it would be good! So I was thinking about can need a casual becomes big small "sewage treatment instrument", I put it referred to as the "basin". It can be put in the home, school, also can be installed in the factory. The "basin" is a square, the shell is a kind of trample bad pressure not flat plastic; Its heart is a piece of retractile and permanent use of filter, a deodorization function and never deformation and the rotating drum and a chip of the intelligent electric chip. The "basin" electricity is unlimited, as long as there is light, it immediately to convert light energy into electrical energy, environmental protection very much. The "basin" can automatically calculate need amount of sewage discharge, and then according to the size of the emissions to change itself. For example: a paper mill producing one ton of paper a day, as long as you gently press the red button, it will automatically calculate the emissions from the factory, according to position themselves. Gently press the green button again, "basin" start work immediately. The filter on the sewage through the entrance, all the big and small garbage will be filtered out. No garbage sewage directly into the rotating drum, rotating cylinder kept turning to remove odor, purify again. At the same time, it will join the minerals and trace elements of human need, and then discharged through exports. The treated water is very magical, people drink can not only beauty but it can strengthen physical health, sick less often. Animals drink will be more fat, and then drank the ferocious animals will become kind and lovely. The water used to irrigate the movie, the output of rice is higher. The "basin" at home, it will automatically become smaller. Home after "basin" of domestic water can be recycled. In this way, we not only achieved the purpose of saving water, protect the ecological environment of the earth. Thought of here, I like to live in a tree-lined, charactizing a fine spring day, rich natural resources, beautiful scenery... No any pollution in a country.想到这里,我惊醒了,我想:这绝不是幻想的,这是我的梦想、理想。同学们,让我们行动起来,一起努力,保护环境,节约用水,珍惜水资源,处理污水,造福人类,为现实吧!Thought of here, I woke with a start, I thought: this is not fantasy, this is my dream and ideal. Boys and girls, let's action, and work together to protect the environment, save water, cherish water, sewage, and for the benefit of humanity, for real!


翻译结果汽车尾气排放的英文怎么说Vehicle emissions in English how to say



7.排放量 的英文怎么说

