






狐狸 [hú li]n. fox双语例句:1.他们捉住狐狸并把它关进笼子里。They caught the fox and caged it. 2.他用剑刺穿了一只狐狸。He passed the sword through a fox. 3.为了逃避猎人的追捕。


The Fox – YlvisDog goes woof Cat goes meow Bird goes tweet and mouse goes squeek狗旺旺 猫喵喵 鸟啾啾 老鼠吱吱 Cow goes moo Frog goes croak and the elephant goes toot牛哞哞 蛙呱呱 大象则是嘟嘟Ducks say quack and fish go blub and the seal goes ow ow ow鸭呱呱 鱼啵啵 海豹是嗷嗷嗷But theres one sound That no one knows但有种声音 没有人知道What does the fox say?狐狸是怎么叫?Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!叮-叮-叮-叮个 叮个叮!Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!哇-怕-怕-怕-怕-炮!Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho!哈踢-哈踢~哈踢猴!又-又-又-又-又-不逗-不逗!Big blue eyes Pointy nose Chasing mice and digging holes蓝眼睛 尖鼻子 追老鼠 和挖洞洞Tiny paws Up the hill Suddenly you're standing still小爪子 上山丘 突然你静止不动Your fur is red So beautiful Like an angel in disguise你的红毛皮 多么美丽 就像天使的化身But if you meet a friendly horse Will you communicate by mo-o-o-o-orse?但如果你遇到 一匹友善的马 你沟通是否用 摩斯密码-mo-o-o-o-orse?mo-o-o-o-orse?ho-o-o-o-orse?嘎-恰-恰-恰-恰-翘!Chacha-chacha-chacha-chow!扶-给-给-给-给-给-给-告!啊-he哟he哈he!A-hee-ahee ha-hee!A-oo-oo-oo-ooo!The secret of the fox Ancient mystery Somewhere deep in the woods狐狸的奥秘 千古之谜 森林深处里I know you'我想要知道 Abay-ba-da bum-bum bay-do阿逼逼哩吧邦杯本


狐狸的英文:fox:ks] 美 [fɑ:ks]n.狐狸;狐;狐皮vt.欺骗;迷惑;使困惑vi.耍花招He's a wily old fox.他是个诡计多端的老狐狸。短语:马修;马修霍士arctic fox[脊椎]北极狐;快乐狐狸;白狐;福克斯;标签Gardner Fox加德纳·福克斯Gary Fox加里·福克斯;标签Happy Fox喜芙flying fox飞狐;赌坛飞狐;狐蝠扩展资料一、foxtail英 ['fɒksˌl]n.狐狸尾巴;s Sierra Nevada Mountains.饱经风霜的鳞屑包围一棵狐尾松的树干在加利福尼亚的内华达山脉。lpaɪn] 美 [ˈvʌlˌpaɪn]adj.<正>狐狸似的,狡猾的Sometimes one came near to my window,and then retreated.有时候,一只狐狸被我的灯光吸引住,走近了我的窗于,吠叫似地向我发出一声狐狸的诅咒,然后急速退走。


狐狸的英文:fox。fox:英 [fɒks] 美 [fɑ:ks]n.狐狸;狐;狡猾的人;狐皮vt.欺骗;迷惑;使困惑vi.耍花招He's a wily old fox.他是个诡计多端的老狐狸。短语:Matthew Fox马修·福克斯 ; 福克斯 ; 马修 ; 马修霍士arctic fox[脊椎]北极狐 ; 快乐狐狸 ; 白狐 ; 森帝诺Jim Fox吉姆·福克斯 ; 福克斯 ; 标签Gardner Fox加德纳·福克斯Gary Fox加里·福克斯 ; 标签Happy Fox喜芙flying fox飞狐 ; 缆道 ; 赌坛飞狐 ; 狐蝠扩展资料一、foxtail英 ['fɒksteɪl] 美 ['fɒksˌteɪl]n.狐狸尾巴;狐尾,狐尾草Weathered scales encase the trunk of a foxtail pine in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains.饱经风霜的鳞屑包围一棵狐尾松的树干在加利福尼亚的内华达山脉。二、vulpine英 [ˈvʌlpaɪn] 美 [ˈvʌlˌpaɪn]adj.<正>狐狸的,狐狸似的,狡猾的Sometimes one came near to my window, attracted by my light, barked a vulpine curse at me, and then retreated.有时候,一只狐狸被我的灯光吸引住,走近了我的窗于,吠叫似地向我发出一声狐狸的诅咒,然后急速退走。


true foxes'although various species are found on almost every continent. The presence of fox-like carnivores all over the globe has led to their appearance in the popular culture and folklore of many nations,and other cultural groups.


《狐狸与乌鸦》的故事英文版:"s praise,he was delighted and excited to sing. He just dropped his mouth and fell into the fox's mouth.拓展资料:《狐狸和乌鸦》是古希腊著名寓言家,世界四大寓言家之首的伊索所著《伊索寓言》里的一篇寓言故事。《伊索寓言》是全世界第一本寓言故事集,在戏谑、搞笑的动物世界背后隐藏着作者对人类社会准确、犀利的深入洞察。参考资料:百度百科词条 - 狐狸与乌鸦


fox 英[fɒks]  美[fɑː<美>vt.欺骗;迷惑名词复数:foxes过去式:foxing第三人称单数:foxes例句用作名词(n.)1、The fox lay dying in a pool of gore.狐狸倒在血泊中奄奄一息。2、The fox went to ground under a rocky escarpment.狐狸钻进了石崖下面的洞里。3、He's a crafty old fox.他是一只狡猾的老狐狸。4、Don'用作及物动词(vt.)5、The trainee foxed the arrogant instructor with a knotty problem.那位受训的队员故意用难题把傲慢的教练搞糊涂。词语用法 n.(名词)1、fox的基本意思是“fox用于比喻可指。2、fox一般指公狐”近义词的用法doubt 英[daʊ。t]  美[daʊ:t]  n.怀疑;疑惑;vt.怀疑;doubted过去分词:doubted现在分词:doubting第三人称单数:doubts例句用作名词(n.)1、There is no doubt that we will be successful.毫无疑问我们会成功的:
