自豪的英文:你是我的骄傲 用英语怎么说




1.你是我的骄傲 用英语怎么说

你是我的骄傲“d]美[jəpraɪd]重点词汇解析;pride读法:d]美[praɪd]释义;骄傲;狮群v. 使得意;have pride in以…自豪have pride in ability对能力感到自豪hold pride of place占据第一位:居于显位hurt pride伤害自尊心扩展资料词语用法,1、pride作名词是不可数名词:用于褒意时表示,用于贬义表示”骄傲自满,妄自尊大“2、pride还可表示,常用作单数形式。3、pride的基本意思是“自豪”感到骄傲。


proud adj.自豪的,有自尊心的比较级:来源于中世纪英语,(proud)英汉例句She must be very proud of herself. 她一定非常自豪。the proud owner of a new car 得意扬扬的新汽车主人The school was rightly proud of the excellent exam results. 学校为这次出色的考试成绩感到骄傲,He was proud of the fact that he was a self-made man . 他为自己白手起家而自豪。The company is proud to be in the vanguard of scientific progress. 这家公司以处于科学发展的领先地位而自豪。We are proud for you to win the championship. 我们为你赢得冠军而骄傲。He was proud of having such a good friend. 他为有这样的好朋友而自豪。She had been too proud to ask for help. 她的自尊心太强,绝不当众流露内心的痛苦。The residents of the town are proud of its new library. 该镇的居民都为镇上新建的那座图书馆感到骄傲。We are proud of our motherland. 我们为祖国感到自豪。同反义词同义词adj.1. "得意的;高兴的"自负的"释义下的同义词为:vain bragging smug lofty conceited haughty arrogant egotistic boastful反义词adj.1. "骄傲的;自豪的"释义下的反义词为:modest ashamed humble词组搭配do someone proud(非正式)使某人有理由感到高兴(或满意)they did themselves proud in a game which sent the fans home happy.他们在比赛中为自己增了光,让球迷心满意足地回家了。

3.感到自豪 英语怎么说

感到自豪feel proud更多释义>>be proud of;feel proud我们感到自豪 Us proud;

4.自豪的英语翻译 自豪用英语怎么说

篇一:一件令我自豪的事 Among all the unforgettable experiences in my life when I’ am looking back on those beautiful old days with fulfillment,even I myself don'Please come in."Chinese teacher said slowly:I."said:"have what idea to say.The competitpicked up a piece of paper from the table handed to me:I!unexpectedly won a prize two.""the source of happiness.本文来自:书通网(www.kj-cy.cn) 详细出处参考:http:/www.kj-cy.cn/htm/201564/85075.htm

5.我最自豪的一件事 一百字英文版

篇一:一件令我自豪的事 Among all the unforgettable experiences in my life when I’ am looking back on those beautiful old days with fulfillment , there’s one thing that I’ am proud of most. Whenever thinking of it, I would find myself happier and more confident than ever. It was on a fine autumn afternoon when I was still a teenager. I noticed an old grandma sitting silently under a tall tree in front of her house, looking rather sad and lonely. I went to have a chat with her. After our short conversation, I got to know that all the old women’s sons and daughters were far away from her, making their lives in big cities and she felt lonely. I felt sympathetic for her, and I realized that there were actually many old people like her in the village. So a good idea occurred to me suddenly. I gathered my friends, and organized them to visit there old people one by one. We sang songs, danced and told jokes to them, which made them happy. One of them was so moved that tears fell down. Caring for those around us and passing our happiness to others are what I have learnt that day. I made it, and I feel really proud of myself that gave comfort to those who needed most. 篇二:一 件另我自豪的事 There are many things in life,then a smile for the teacher,I feel very proud.It is a writing competition the sixth grade next semester,I won the two prize Remember that time I very want to join in the game,the Chinese teacher to inform youthe game news,I first signed up,want to cherish this opportunity.But every class onlyallows two students to participate in,my composition level is on the level of our class,even I myself don't expect.The day the teacher told me to go to the office,"the report!" "Please come in." Chinese teacher said slowly:"you sign up to participate in the essay contest,you have what idea?" "I." I make an ambiguous statement to say a word.The Chinese teacher relieved smile,said:"never mind,have what idea to say.The competition you are the first one to sign up,oneself at that time is how to think?"See the teacher a reassuring smile,I finally plucked up the courage to breath to say:"I wrote a composition in the class is not the best,but I want to seize this opportunity,also can exercise my composition level.I want to have a try." The Chinese teacher is asmile,picked up a piece of paper from the table handed to me:"this is I make the playlist,you see it first." My hands and took the piece of paper has a name was."I!" I could not help but exclaim aloud.The Chinese teacher smiled and nodded."I would choose you because of your courage.And your writing skills but also good." Chinese teacher always looked at me and smiled."You can,go home to prepare yourself properly,we have classes on you!" Chinese teacher said saw me out of the office,however,my heart a long time can not be calm. The contest I overachieving,unexpectedly won a prize two."Awesome!" The teacherthat brief language and blooming smile,makes me very proud.This game let me really understand,everyone is not trivial,even ordinary people,there will be others appreciate attention.It will be my successful book,the source of happiness.本文来自: 书通网(www.kj-cy.cn) 详细出处参考:http://www.kj-cy.cn/htm/201564/85075.htm

6.作为一个中国人我感到自豪 用英文怎么说

这句话可以有多种翻译,最常用的是We are proud of being an Chinese.We take pride in being an Chinese.be proud of= take pride in表示“为...感到自豪”


1. be proud of I am proud of my mother. 2. take pride in I take great pride in my work. 我对自己的工作感到非常满意
