






读后感曼妙的世界,不尽的人生,总有快乐,也总有挫折:总有欢愉,也总有痛苦。当挫折与不幸不期而至,当痛苦与艰辛悄然来临,有人鼓起勇气正视它,轻视他甚至放大它。而人生境界,生活的理念中,却需要用一种心态对痛苦进行调节和支撑。不能应花落飘零就丧失对一个季节的热盼,不能因秋叶归根就忽视丰收的希望,不能应山河破碎就熄灭理想之灯,还是如静水深流般淡化痛苦吧。还是如潮起潮落般正视规律吧. 人生在世,总有遭遇,年轻而又幸福的女人为了追求那一时的奢侈和自尊:换来的却是10年幸苦劳作的代价,而最后得到的却是弗来思节夫人那残酷的回答,虚荣心在作怪,这篇文章揭露的现实担当值得研究,在资本主义社会中存在的这种事情并不少见,这其实就是其中的一个被资本主义阶级虚荣心所腐蚀而导致青春丧失的悲剧形象,很喜欢表现出来让周围的人都发生赞叹以及投来羡慕的眼光才满意,而项链深刻的揭露这个事实,虚荣心是非常可怕的,当一个人有了虚荣心,他会干出许多让人吃惊的事情,用了10年来还清这笔本不该他来偿还的债务,人生就是如此奇怪,虚荣是表面的荣誉、虚假的荣名。但很少有人能够不为虚荣所动。一个羡慕的眼神会使我们神舒心悦,一句大而无当的恭维会使我们眉开眼笑。一句言过其实的赞誉会使我们沾沾自喜,一个毫无实质意义的头衔会使我们引以为荣……许多虚荣心强的人在得不到虚荣的甘霖滋润时,便会想方设法谋取虚荣,有的人每有客来便要出示他与名人的合影。


Book"is one of Dumas'the Government can be hot at that time France',best-selling author."s father;the Cou,beauty,money,Superman"money worship"":this is the only principle.",can not help but admire the author',s superb writing skills and organizing writing the stories to. In this almost more than one million words of fiction;romantic legendary story. Du,gentlemen'"Count of Monte Cristo"BookHave thought of the pain of death;to understand the health and happiness.- InscriptionThis book is the world',s most widely circulated classics. But has not read it thought would be boring at the beginning and not on the modern dialogue together;the very real feeling. Put yourself in thinking that if I happened to e,angel,watching He eventually put aside hatred and find happiness.Happy for him to be short-lived,voice,as he Morrell said:"to know how happy students. "Then what'time trials to come up with life feeling.


The sky over the hate - "Count of Monte Cristo" Book"Count of Monte Cristo" is one of Dumas's masterpiece, is a plot to win the popular novel. Mid-nineteenth century, the novel was the ranking of "best-selling book", and Dumas himself, the Government can be hot at that time France's "best-selling author."Fiction narrative is a story of revenge. 19-year-old 爱德蒙唐泰斯, is a vibrant young sailor. He has a loving father, sweet love, have a glorious future, happy life. Optimistic good nature, makes everyone around him are treated with courtesy and genuine enthusiasm. His clear, bright eyes, the happy life filled with the expectations of the future with longing. May at his wedding, he was put behind bars have been victimized. A time to lose everything, with the Chateau d'If he's only dark dungeon of darkness and mental and physical torture on his double. Can at the same time, some are to the happiness of his sufferings. They killed the Tangtai Si's father, killed his wife. In his most helpless despair when you want to commit suicide, Faria priest into his life. Priest put his life knowledge to him, tell him where the treasure of Monte Cristo, and help him escape success. At this point, Tangtai Si has 14 years imprisonment. 14 years, people have changed, Tang Taisi also by an ignorant Sentimental youth into a home owned giant million count. He began gratitude also started to take revenge. Former owner of Morrell had his grace, count the first to the brink of bankruptcy in the good way to save from despair back. Since then there has to take care of his children, until the last to give them Baoku the island of Monte Cristo. On Tanggelaer, Fernand, and Villefort 3 July Bourbon, representing the French financial sector, political and judicial dignitaries of the enemy, Count of Monte Cristo all break. Finally, the three went bankrupt, suicide suicide, crazy mad, have been deserved.In the novel, the Count of Monte Cristo this figure almost perfect. Face to face with the enemy in revenge, he has not dazzled by hatred, he has never been devoid of conscience, nor distort his personality, he always reserves the noble good heart. Morrel, when he helped bail out a time when the curse him from a family of rescued one of his daughter, when he promised not to kill enemies Melcer son of Tess of the time, this noble soul shone the golden glory. Monte Cristo, that runs through the control of Gerry, in the face of wealth, beauty, hatred is not greedy, I was very impressed also. Biggest wish in life to achieve, he quietly gave up wealth, alone in exile.Yan Juan thought, I felt this character in the novel nearly completed the transformation from human to divine the process. Because the master control over great wealth, Count of Monte Cristo do anything they want, do anything, it seems that the whole community around him in turn. This is no doubt that it reveals the materialistic, money, social phenomenon first hand the positive sense, but from the perspective of literary creation, to create such a perfect "Superman", can not be said to work as a flaw, because it greatly weakened the works critical realism, power. In Dumas pen, always tell the lovely money, a money point of view, also reflects his own "money worship" ideas. Dumas has bluntly said: "I do not recognize in the literature on what system, what school are also bothered, but what does not tree flag; entertainment and fun, this is the only principle." Dumas reason in the history of French literature higher status can not be traced back, I think this is probably the main reason lies.Look at the book, can not help but admire the author's superb writing skills and organizing writing the stories to. In this almost more than one million words of fiction, both rhythmic tension, the climax of ups and downs, but also the relative ease with rhythm, romantic legendary story. Dumas time to time in the novel interspersed a number of allusions to legend, anecdotes, exotic, and the sea, island scenery description. All of these may constitute Dostoevsky said, "Dumas taste" it! If the plot of the story on simple, I thought, "Count of Monte Cristo" is indeed a rare seek the good book, and the eye-opener, food for thought.1,Love is also thorough and also thoroughly hate. Gratitude also complete, revenge complete. This is what I read, "Revenge of Monte Cristo" the greatest feeling. Chinese proverb called "gentlemen's revenge, no later than ten years," revenge is need to recharge your batteries, not relying on the momentary state of mind can act rashly. The Count of Monte Cristo, it is the most specific interpretation of their actions saying the phrase. In 14 years of dungeon life experience, after the essence of his life is to find loved ones who had a benefactor and former enemies. in recognition of the people who are looking for, he did not, as we have seen in the martial arts in it, the benefactor Baoquan cloud "through fire and water, and then the at ", stabbed to death at the enemy sword. He chose his own way. For there was a grace in his owner, he assured his best to quietly supports, in various ways, but never Let them know that actually own gratitude is to come. If he's gratitude is moving, then his vengeance is so vividly, as we have several times can not help a bit scared after the applause.IIAgainst hope - "Count of Monte Cristo" BookHave thought of the pain of death, to understand the health and happiness.- InscriptionThis book is the world's most widely circulated classics. But has not read it thought would be boring at the beginning and not on the modern dialogue together, did not expect a reading to fit inside, unable to stop.The book I like the character of Monte Cristo, the very real feeling. Put yourself in thinking that if I happened to encounter him, I would carry out revenge, but it is not the hand of God, but the angel of revenge, is the hand of death .I watched him fall into hell from heaven, watching him fall into the underground from the clouds, looking at him from the hope to despair, watching him from a vibrant youth into a heart full of hatred, revenge, angel, watching He eventually put aside hatred and find happiness.Happy for him to be short-lived, 14 years in prison, made his appearance, voice, heart and mind, personality also changed dramatically. He climbed out from the grave, Enyuanfenming, and has helped him to gratitude , I'm sorry he was for those who impose reprisals.People are always satisfied with the language situation, not content with being vested, can be lost only if, they find that share of happiness is valuable enough how elk.We always complain about learning difficulties, parents nagging, but we do not know, school is the community remaining in the Pure Land, the love of parents is the world's most selfless emotion.He has experienced many things, the end finally see through things, as he Morrell said: "In this world neither happiness nor misfortune, there is only one situation and another situation more. Must be thought of the pain of death, to know how happy students. "Then what's open-mindedness and how the mind ah! time trials to come up with life feeling.


他爱也彻底,恨也彻底。报恩也彻底,复仇也彻底。这就是在我读完《基督山复仇记》后对他这个人物的感受。他——故事的主人公——青年水手埃德蒙邓蒂斯——一个正直诚实的年轻人。本来应该是一个前程似锦的人——— 19岁就要被提升为船长,并且要与他的爱人美茜蒂丝成婚。但是在幸福的表面下正酝酿着一场阴谋。美蒂西斯的表哥弗男也想娶美茜蒂丝为妻,为了破坏邓蒂斯和美茜蒂丝的婚姻,就与觊觎船长之位的唐各拉尔一同设计了一个陷阱。当邓蒂斯正沉浸于幸福的光环时,被突如其来的警卫带走,由于涉及到维勒福自身的利益以及一个不可告人的原因,邓蒂斯成为了他的牺牲品,之后他被莫名其妙的关押在臭名昭著的伊夫堡监狱里一关就是14年。他只能带着痛苦和绝望一步步走向地狱。从囚徒变为自由人,从懵懂变为睿智,从热情变为冷漠,从邓蒂斯变为基督山伯爵,他除了复仇还能干什么?君子报仇,报仇也是需要养精蓄锐的,并不是凭着一时的心绪就可轻举妄动的,在经历了噩梦般十四年的地牢生涯后。他的人生要义就是找寻曾经的亲人、曾经的恩人和曾经的仇人,他并没有如我们在武侠小说里所见的那样,于仇人一剑刺死”却从来不让他们知道其实自己就是为了报恩而来,如果说他的报恩令人感动,那他的复仇则是如此的淋漓尽致。在我们也有几度的叫好后不免有点心惊,在基督山复仇的过程中,不断的卷入了一些无辜的人。有罪的人虽然得到了应有的报应,————这是一幕人类复仇过度的悲哀,一声无罪人变为有罪人的慨叹。阿尔贝和美茜蒂丝成了无家可归的流浪者。维尔福家中陆续死了3个无罪的人,尤其当爱德华和维尔福夫人死在他的面前;他想要救爱德华,却已经无力回天,他开始责问自己究竟有没有权利这样做,我是不是做得太过分了呢,于是他已经不再像以前那样坚决了,在故事的结局他给与邓格拉斯严厉的惩罚之后,这样的结局大概会比人都死绝了的结局要好”毕竟邓蒂斯的本性是善良的,而且活着的人还要继续承受自己种下的苦果,一直到死才能得到解脱,第二个全家老小相继死去,最后孤家寡人,从富翁一下变成了一文不名的糟老头,一了百了,虽然痛苦。但是至少精神上解脱了,清醒地活着。却又失去了自己看重的名利,这才是真正的活受罪,三个仇人的结局各不相同。最严厉的惩罚并不是死亡,但他的复仇虽然成功了。复仇成功给他带来了什么呢,大仲马借几近精神失常的维尔福之口说出。基督山只能默然无语“他感到他不能再说,他的报复超越了限度”冤冤相报带给人的,只能是愈加痛苦“它在现实及猛烈的鞭挞中清醒了”他找回了宽恕,人拥有生命毕竟不是为了复仇的。于是复仇的狂潮找到了它的归宿,无声的呐喊惊醒了灵魂最深处的人性。最无助绝望想要自杀的时候,法里亚神甫走入了他的生活。神甫把自己一生的知识传授给他,告诉他基督山岛宝藏的所在,唐泰斯也由一个懵懂青涩的青年变成一个家资巨万的伯爵。昔日的船主莫雷尔有恩于他,伯爵首先把这位濒临破产的好人从绝望的路上救了回来。此后又始终照顾他的儿女,直至最后把基督山岛的宝窟送给他们。对唐格拉尔、费尔南和维尔福三个分别代表法国七月波旁王朝金融界、政界和司法界显要人物的仇人,基督山伯爵个个击破。这三个人破产的破产、自杀的自杀、发疯的发疯,基督山伯爵这个人物几近完美。在与仇人面对面复仇时,他没有被仇恨冲昏了头脑,他的良知从未泯灭,他的人格亦未扭曲,他始终保留高贵善良的心。当他帮助莫雷尔一家摆脱困境的时候,当他从一个该诅咒的家族中救出他的一个女儿的时候,当他答应梅尔塞苔丝不杀仇人之子的时候,这个高贵的心灵映出了金子般的光辉。基督山性格里贯穿始终的节制,即面对财富、美色、仇恨的不贪婪,在达成一生最大的心愿后,他悄然地放弃了原有的财富,掩卷思索时,觉得这个人物在小说中几乎完成了从人到神的蜕变过程。因为掌握巨大财富的支配权,基督山伯爵呼风唤雨,似乎整个社会都在围着他转。这固然有它揭示物欲横流、金钱至上社会现象的积极意义的一面,不能不说是作品的一个败笔所在,因为它大大削弱了作品现实主义的批判力量,时时吐露出金钱可爱、金钱万能的观点,大仲马曾经直言不讳地说过。在文学上我不承认什么体系:大仲马之所以在法国文学史上不能得到更高的地位,我想这恐怕就是主要原因所在”不能不佩服作者高超的写作技巧和布局谋篇的编故事才能,在这部将近一百多万字的小说里。也有节奏相对舒缓、充满浪漫传奇色彩的小故事。大仲马在小说中还不时穿插一些典故传说、奇闻轶事、异域风情和大海、岛屿的景色描写,大仲马情趣。我以为《基督山伯爵》确实是难得一觅的好书”一、爱也彻底,恨也彻底.报恩也彻底,复仇也彻底.这就是在我读完《基督山复仇记》后最大的感受.中国有句俗语叫做"。报仇也是需要养精蓄锐的;并不是凭着一时的心绪就可轻举妄动的.而基督山伯爵,则是最具体的用自己的行动阐释了这句俗语的.在经历十四年的地牢生涯后;他的人生要义就是找寻曾经的亲人,曾经的恩人和曾经的仇人.在确认了所要寻找的人以后,他并没有如我们在武侠小说里所见的那样,再所不惜",于仇人一剑刺死.他选择了他自己的方式.对曾经有恩于自己的船主一家,却从来不让他们知道其实自己就是为了报恩而来.如果说他的报恩令人感动,那他的复仇则是如此的淋漓尽致,在我们也有几度的叫好后不免有点心惊. 二、 希望在人间——《基督山伯爵》读后感 必须想到过死的痛苦,才能懂得生的快乐. ——题记 这本书是全世界流传最广的名著之一.但一直没有去看,原以为会有枯燥的开头和与现代合不上的对白,


唉........这本书真的很好看,是相当精彩的通俗小说,建议你先可以去看看基督山伯爵的影视作品,有个大致了解再去读小说,很好看.基度山伯爵读后感 古往今来,世界上的通俗小说不计其数,但是优秀的作品寥寥无几,其中大仲马的《基度山伯爵》可以说是数一数二的佳作,《基度山伯爵》就是通俗小说的典范之一,大都以真实的历史作背景,以主人公的奇遇为内容,情节曲折生动,堪称历史惊险小说,急剧发展的故事情节,紧张的打斗动作,灵活机智的对话等构成了大仲马小说的特色,故事讲述的是一个无辜的人遭人蓄意陷害。但他以精心策划的计谋对那些曾出卖过他的人进行了报复,生性活跃的青年水手埃德蒙-丹特斯。但他平静的生活以及迎娶美丽的默塞德斯结婚计划被突然地打破了。因为他最要好的朋友—费尔 南德也想娶默塞德斯为妻。并一直欺骗着丹特斯,为了陷害丹特斯”就和与丹特斯有仇的唐各拉尔一同设计了陷阱,污蔑其与拿破伦有联系,使丹特斯在婚宴上被警察带走,于是将他关押在臭名昭著的伊福岛伊福城堡监狱里,他结识了一样被诬陷的老神甫法里亚。丹特斯策划并成功地逃离了这个监狱。化名成为了一个神秘而富有的。巧妙地挤进了法国的上流社会”也一步步地让那些曾操纵、奴役过他的人们付出了巨大代价,要是说起这部作品的特点,第一个是情节曲折!成功的小说导师情节曲折,小说一开卷就吸引了读者的目光,爱德蒙刚刚归回来,所以和他的情敌连手倒了一出戏,使爱德蒙惨遭横祸。而检查官维勒福却因为保护父亲而让其无辜入狱,这一富于戏剧性的开场,后来爱德蒙在黑牢中的描写更是有声有色,是全书最精彩的地方之一,为作者的奇妙构思拍案叫绝。小说主要写的就是复仇部分。大仲马匠心独运之处在于3次复仇写的互不相同,但又与3个仇人的职业和罪恶性质互有关联,而复仇的不同结果又使情节不至于呆板,让人感觉富有变化,读者也料想不到这样的结局。的确也没有更好的结局了。因此不能不赞叹作者的巧于安排,大仲马并不满足于基本的情节离奇曲折,只有这样的单纯情节仍会显得单调。于是他在其中穿插了不少惊险的场面,利用狂欢节进行绑架活动,卡得鲁思夜入伯爵家偷盗…险象还生,大起大落的艺术效果,这种大故事套小故事的手法用的也恰倒好处,每一个小插曲都写的很精彩紧凑,例如中间写的在岛上的探险好似与主题无关,但是却引出了仇敌的孩子阿尔贝……就是有了这些小故事才使情节复杂但不散漫,读起来只觉得精彩。作者再本篇目中做到了结构的严密、紧凑、清晰,大仲马还很擅长写人物的对话,全篇十分之八由对话构成,但又不觉得僵硬,反而更加的流畅、自然。从每个人物的对话中,就可以看出人物的性格。而且连往事的叙述都是对话组成,象是往事画面的重现一样,生动,形象鲜明,个性突出。我想不用多说,读过的人一定不会忘了那些鲜明的人物吧!


