我发现了什么的作文「精选8篇」 时间:2023-01-14 20:20:25 由作文陶老师原创 分享 复制全文 下载本文 作文陶老师原创2023-01-14 20:20:25 复制全文 下载全文 目录 1.关于发现的作文:我发现了什么_650字 2.关于发现的作文:我发现了什么_550字 3.我发现了什么作文(英语)_1500字 4.我发现了什么作文(英语)_1500字 5.我发现了什么What I Have Found_800字 6.我发现了什么What I Have Found_800字 7.关于发现的作文:我发现了_650字 8.关于发现的作文:我发现了_650字 1.关于发现的作文:我发现了什么_650字 朋友,你在生活中是否会注意一些微不足道的细节,最近我就发现了一个细小而有趣的细节。 那是在周四的傍晚,我打了个哈欠。呼,终于写完作业了。这时,我隐隐约约看到了每个字的上面都好似长了一层毛。咦?难道是我眼花了吗?我揉了揉双眼,定睛一看。的确如此:每个字上有像都长了“刺”一般,活像一株株“仙人掌”。我伸手去碰,可那些“刺”就像是我用超细的钢笔芯画上去的一样。再翻看前面几页,每个字竟然皆是如此,而我之前居然毫无察觉。 这个有趣现象立即吸引了我,我拿着本子去请教爸爸妈妈,可他们对此也一无所知。于是我只好去请教无所不知的电脑。我在电脑上一搜,就立马知晓了答案。原来,本子的表面并非是我们眼中的那样光滑,因为大多数纸是机器压缩制成的,所以本子的表面会有一些沟泐,当我们将钢笔墨书写到本子上时,墨水就会一部分被材料吸收,另一部分则会像江水一样流入了那些细小到肉眼看不见的沟泐里,于是就形成了我所见到的“文字仙人掌”。另外,一些材质优秀的本子会使用特殊材质压缩,便不会出现这类问题。 俗话说得好,“实践出真知”。我从作业本和记事本上各撕下一块纸片,再在两片纸片写上了钢笔字,然后放在显微镜下,就可以清楚地看到本子上的一条条好似干枯的河,钢笔墨吸附在本子上后,表面的一些“河水”便涌向了河中。而记事本却恰恰相反,虽然也有沟泐,但墨水会很快被本子吸收,便不会留下“刺”。 弄明白了“文字仙人掌”的奥秘,我十分高兴,为自己解开谜团而欣喜。朋友,你在生活中也要多多发现,相信你也一定会有意想不到的惊喜。 2.关于发现的作文:我发现了什么_550字 一天,我在家看电视的时候,无意中看到了一个有趣的事:一个人拿着一张宣纸在火上烤,烤了一会儿后,纸上竟然出现了几个大字!正当我郁闷的时候,爸爸走了过来:“这其实是生姜在作怪哦!”“生姜?”我不解地问。“对,就是生姜,用毛笔蘸上生姜汁写在宣纸上不那么看得清楚的,必须经过高温加热才能显示出文字来。”我半信半疑:“要不我们来作一次实验?”“最好了!”爸爸毫不犹豫地说。 我们拿来了一张宣纸,一个生姜和一支毛笔。实验开始了,我们先把生姜放进一个干净的墨盒里,然后用菜刀的“肚子”使劲拍打小生姜,生姜汁就这样流了出来。生姜汁虽不多,可写几个字可就绰绰有余了。接着我拿起笔,在纸上写了一个大大的“誠”字。“哇!字果然一点都看不出来耶!”之后,我和爸爸把纸拿到了厨房,爸爸把烧菜锅拿走,把火开着,把纸放在火上烤,但没碰到火。差不多四五分钟后,纸上一个大大的“誠”字就出现在我的眼前了。看来爸爸说的没错,这个事情果然是生姜在作怪,准确点说应该是生姜汁啦。 我为我爸爸的知识渊博而骄傲,也为我自己感到骄傲,因为这对于我来说是一个新的发现,也是我第一次做的实验。 这次发现让我觉得,在以后的生活中要多注意观察身边发生的事,要做一个勇于探索的人。 3.我发现了什么作文(英语)_1500字 I found something.A few days ago, I found a strange thing, you guess what? Tell you, that is, the oil can kill the goldfish. You might think I'm kidding, you're wrong, don't believe it, just listen to me!On Sunday morning, I got up early. I, as usual, came to the goldfish bowl and looked at my little goldfish. These five small goldfish can be beautiful, like the water, like the princess, dressed in gorgeous clothes, yellow, white, black. As I ate bread, I looked at the fish. They seem to be aware of, one by one scrambling to swim over, I look at them one by one to rush to the appearance, thought: maybe they are hungry. So, I broke a piece of bread to give them to eat, at this time, suddenly from behind my father's a broken drink, do not feed them. I was so surprised to ask, "Dad, why don't you give them to me?" he said, "it's up to you to find out.". When I listened to my father, I took out two goldfish and put them in another fish bowl, and I put the bread I had just broken down. Two fish saw, they scrambled to grab up, soon the bread was eaten up. I'm all eyes to look at them, but they may also have something. I thought to myself: my father must have lied to me. So, I went to play.The second day, I will come to see them, the two goldfish are heroic sacrifice. My heart is very sad, and suddenly, I found a layer of oil floating on the water, I thought: this layer of oil and goldfish and death has no relationship? So, I took this question to check my information. Finally, I found the answer in the "one hundred thousand why", the original is because the oil cut off the air, fish, because they do not suck the air to die.修改后:A few days ago, I found a strange thing, can you guess? Well, let me tell you, that is, the oil can kill the goldfish. You might think I'm kidding, but you're wrong, I am serious. On Sunday morning, I got up early. As usual, I came to the goldfish bowl and looked at my little goldfish. These five small goldfish are beautiful, like some princesses dressed in gorgeous clothes, yellow, white, black. As I ate bread, I looked at the fish. They swam one by one to rush out of the water, and I thought that maybe they were hungry. So, I broke a piece of bread to give them to eat. At this time, my father shouted behind me, "Do not feed them." I was so surprised to ask, "Dad, why don't you give them to me?" He said, "It's up to you to find out." When I listened to my father, I took out two goldfish and put them in another fish bowl. And then I put the bread I had just broken down. They scrambled to grab it, and soon the bread was eaten up. I opened all eyes to look at them, but nothing happened. I thought, my father must lie to me. So, I went to play. The next day, when I came to see them, they died. I was very sad, and suddenly, I found a layer of oil floating on the water. I thought whether this layer of oil had relationship with the death of two goldfish. So, I went to get the answer. Finally, I found it in the "Mr. Know all", which says that the oil cut off the air, so the fish die of lacking of air.修改老师:Crystal 老师 五年级:李昕怡 4.我发现了什么作文(英语)_1500字 I found something.A few days ago, I found a strange thing, you guess what? Tell you, that is, the oil can kill the goldfish. You might think I'm kidding, you're wrong, don't believe it, just listen to me!On Sunday morning, I got up early. I, as usual, came to the goldfish bowl and looked at my little goldfish. These five small goldfish can be beautiful, like the water, like the princess, dressed in gorgeous clothes, yellow, white, black. As I ate bread, I looked at the fish. They seem to be aware of, one by one scrambling to swim over, I look at them one by one to rush to the appearance, thought: maybe they are hungry. So, I broke a piece of bread to give them to eat, at this time, suddenly from behind my father's a broken drink, do not feed them. I was so surprised to ask, "Dad, why don't you give them to me?" he said, "it's up to you to find out.". When I listened to my father, I took out two goldfish and put them in another fish bowl, and I put the bread I had just broken down. Two fish saw, they scrambled to grab up, soon the bread was eaten up. I'm all eyes to look at them, but they may also have something. I thought to myself: my father must have lied to me. So, I went to play.The second day, I will come to see them, the two goldfish are heroic sacrifice. My heart is very sad, and suddenly, I found a layer of oil floating on the water, I thought: this layer of oil and goldfish and death has no relationship? So, I took this question to check my information. Finally, I found the answer in the "one hundred thousand why", the original is because the oil cut off the air, fish, because they do not suck the air to die.修改后:A few days ago, I found a strange thing, can you guess? Well, let me tell you, that is, the oil can kill the goldfish. You might think I'm kidding, but you're wrong, I am serious. On Sunday morning, I got up early. As usual, I came to the goldfish bowl and looked at my little goldfish. These five small goldfish are beautiful, like some princesses dressed in gorgeous clothes, yellow, white, black. As I ate bread, I looked at the fish. They swam one by one to rush out of the water, and I thought that maybe they were hungry. So, I broke a piece of bread to give them to eat. At this time, my father shouted behind me, "Do not feed them." I was so surprised to ask, "Dad, why don't you give them to me?" He said, "It's up to you to find out." When I listened to my father, I took out two goldfish and put them in another fish bowl. And then I put the bread I had just broken down. They scrambled to grab it, and soon the bread was eaten up. I opened all eyes to look at them, but nothing happened. I thought, my father must lie to me. So, I went to play. The next day, when I came to see them, they died. I was very sad, and suddenly, I found a layer of oil floating on the water. I thought whether this layer of oil had relationship with the death of two goldfish. So, I went to get the answer. Finally, I found it in the "Mr. Know all", which says that the oil cut off the air, so the fish die of lacking of air.修改老师:Crystal 老师 五年级:李昕怡 5.我发现了什么What I Have Found_800字 Since I came to high school, I find that I need to do some homework with a group, as it is the teacher's requirement. For me, I get used to do homework alone and feel uncomfortable with other people, but I have to follow the rule. On the process of cooperating with my friends, I found that I gained a lot of new ideas from my group, which inspired me a lot. What's more, with our effort, the job would be finished with efficiency. I gained much joy in the group work. Now I get used to work with more people and I think it is a good trend for me, because in the future, I will face all kinds of team work in job. The employers like the person who can cooperate well with others. I work on it. 自从我上高中了,我发现有些作业是需要团队来完成的,因为这是老师的要求。对我来说,我习惯于独自完成作业,与他人合作让我感到不舒服,但是我必须听老师的话。在与朋友合作的过程中,我发现我从中获得了很多新的想法,对我的启发很大。更重要的是,通过我们的努力,任务顺利完成。团队工作使我获得了很多快乐,我现在习惯了与他人一起工作,我认为这对我来说是一个很好的趋势,因为在未来的工作中我将面临各种各样的团队协同合作。老板们都喜欢可以与他人良好合作的人。我正在朝这方面努力。 6.我发现了什么What I Have Found_800字 Since I came to high school, I find that I need to do some homework with a group, as it is the teacher's requirement. For me, I get used to do homework alone and feel uncomfortable with other people, but I have to follow the rule. On the process of cooperating with my friends, I found that I gained a lot of new ideas from my group, which inspired me a lot. What's more, with our effort, the job would be finished with efficiency. I gained much joy in the group work. Now I get used to work with more people and I think it is a good trend for me, because in the future, I will face all kinds of team work in job. The employers like the person who can cooperate well with others. I work on it. 自从我上高中了,我发现有些作业是需要团队来完成的,因为这是老师的要求。对我来说,我习惯于独自完成作业,与他人合作让我感到不舒服,但是我必须听老师的话。在与朋友合作的过程中,我发现我从中获得了很多新的想法,对我的启发很大。更重要的是,通过我们的努力,任务顺利完成。团队工作使我获得了很多快乐,我现在习惯了与他人一起工作,我认为这对我来说是一个很好的趋势,因为在未来的工作中我将面临各种各样的团队协同合作。老板们都喜欢可以与他人良好合作的人。我正在朝这方面努力。 7.关于发现的作文:我发现了_650字 “我发现了,发现了”我高兴地对妈妈说。妈妈便惊讶地问我:“孩子你发现了什么,怎么这么高兴?”“我发现了去掉狗毛的方法”…… 如果能找到去掉狗毛的方法,我和爸爸妈妈便会高兴的三天三夜睡不着觉。你们知道为什么吗? 我们家养了一条小狗,它特别喜欢在我和爸爸妈妈身上跳来跳去。每次‘疯’过后我和爸爸妈妈身上便满是狗毛。妈妈用了许多办法想要弄掉身上的狗毛,可怎么也弄不掉。那毛就像吸铁石一样扭着我们的衣服不放,每次都把妈妈弄的焦头烂额。于是,我就想:如果能一种能去掉狗毛的办法就好了,妈妈就不用每天洗衣服前还要用手把狗毛一一拔掉。 有一天晚上,我正在做作业时,一不小心把本子撕了一道小口。妈妈便为我找来了一捆透明胶,我便小心翼翼地把那一道小口补上了。突然,我灵机一动心想:何不用透明胶试试,看看是否能用它去掉身上的狗毛。我用剪刀剪下了一节透明胶,然后把透明胶放在裤子上一粘,那毛便乖乖地粘在了上面,我便又这样来回试了几次,裤子上的毛便一扫而光。 后来,我把这个发现告诉了妈妈。妈妈开始不怎么相信,我便为她做了一次示范。她二话没说,便拿起那捆透明胶“咔嚓”一下剪下来一试,只见那毛像掉了魂似的,有序地粘在了透明胶上。妈妈十分高兴,竖起大拇指对我说:“真聪明。” 从此以后,我们再也没有为这种鸡毛蒜皮的小事犯过愁了。 我们老师家里养了三只猫。她也经常为身上粘毛的事发脾气。我便为她介绍了这种方法。后来她便时不时用上我这种有效方法。 我的这个方法是不是很有效呀,如果你也经常为这种事愁上了的话,就快快采用我的这个简便方法吧! 8.关于发现的作文:我发现了_650字 “我发现了,发现了”我高兴地对妈妈说。妈妈便惊讶地问我:“孩子你发现了什么,怎么这么高兴?”“我发现了去掉狗毛的方法”…… 如果能找到去掉狗毛的方法,我和爸爸妈妈便会高兴的三天三夜睡不着觉。你们知道为什么吗? 我们家养了一条小狗,它特别喜欢在我和爸爸妈妈身上跳来跳去。每次‘疯’过后我和爸爸妈妈身上便满是狗毛。妈妈用了许多办法想要弄掉身上的狗毛,可怎么也弄不掉。那毛就像吸铁石一样扭着我们的衣服不放,每次都把妈妈弄的焦头烂额。于是,我就想:如果能一种能去掉狗毛的办法就好了,妈妈就不用每天洗衣服前还要用手把狗毛一一拔掉。 有一天晚上,我正在做作业时,一不小心把本子撕了一道小口。妈妈便为我找来了一捆透明胶,我便小心翼翼地把那一道小口补上了。突然,我灵机一动心想:何不用透明胶试试,看看是否能用它去掉身上的狗毛。我用剪刀剪下了一节透明胶,然后把透明胶放在裤子上一粘,那毛便乖乖地粘在了上面,我便又这样来回试了几次,裤子上的毛便一扫而光。 后来,我把这个发现告诉了妈妈。妈妈开始不怎么相信,我便为她做了一次示范。她二话没说,便拿起那捆透明胶“咔嚓”一下剪下来一试,只见那毛像掉了魂似的,有序地粘在了透明胶上。妈妈十分高兴,竖起大拇指对我说:“真聪明。” 从此以后,我们再也没有为这种鸡毛蒜皮的小事犯过愁了。 我们老师家里养了三只猫。她也经常为身上粘毛的事发脾气。我便为她介绍了这种方法。后来她便时不时用上我这种有效方法。 我的这个方法是不是很有效呀,如果你也经常为这种事愁上了的话,就快快采用我的这个简便方法吧! 复制全文下载全文 复制全文下载全文