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The money and happiness, have the very complicated relations throughout at any time to anybody, has the money to be possible to be much obliged the luck to lay the powerful material base, may accomplish happiness, may support happiness, but may also ruin happily; Will not have the money possibly to be far away from happiness, also will possibly become in another kind of significance happiness; The money and happy is proportional, is in reverse proportion the relations, the two have the big relations, anybody had not proven at any time is worth theorem which deliberates, any person also ponders over airtight hides secret, annotation relations. But the majority people are think like this: Has the money, was equal to that had happiness, the money regarding the people, exists from it, has had the charm which to the people was unable to drive out. No wonder now has many people to go all out to make money, even does not hesitate the life, to make money resourcefully. Along with national anti-corruption measure's releasing and anti-corruption dynamics's enlargement, many bribery and corruption official, specially some hold the place or a disciple kill the power authority the big corrupt official to fall from a horse in abundance, is restrained according to the law, is really the will of the people are greatly quick. But when applause, searches them to move toward the crime abyss the path, analyzes reason which they move toward degenerate, is actually a very simple reason, is they regards the chase money chase happiness, has the money to treat as the happy fountainhead.

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A: hello! I think the story book! B: do you want to borrow story book call what name! A: "Snow White" "journey to the west" B: as long as the two this! A: yes! B: here you are! A: excuse me, can I borrow long! B: A week A: A week! Great! B: but you return it on time! A: this is of course! A: thank you. B: don't mention it A: bye B: bye!


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