



1.作文 描写北京风景优美的作文,我就是北京的

今天,我讲一讲北京的美丽景色。 北京城有许多高大、现代的楼房,在这些楼房中间是红砖碧瓦的古老建筑和公园。公园里有汪汪的湖水还有精致的小桥。 每到夜晚来临,北京就变的金光闪闪、金碧辉煌,各种各样美丽的灯装点着古老的北京。像照明灯、草坪等、喷泉灯、礼花灯…… 在北京城的周边,也有许多美丽的风景。 走在香山的小道上你会闻到一股浓浓的草木味道,在茂密的树木之间,各种各样的昆虫爬来爬去,知了和小鸟在林木中弹奏着悦耳的歌声,听了它们的歌声你会把所有不愉快抛在脑后,心情马上变的轻松。 在北京城的北边有许多特色的农家小院,他们会热情的欢迎你的到来,在那里有许多美味的农家菜,让你回味无穷。 北京还有许多美景:鸟巢、水立方、国家博物馆、国家音乐厅、早锻炼的老人和时尚的年轻人…… 我希望北京越变越美。


Beijing in the north of China.There are a lot of people travling here every year.I have gone to Beijing for many times and I travled all over Beijing city.I have climbed the Great Wall,visited the Summer Palace and the Palace Museum.I took many photos and communicated with foreiners in English.Beijing is a beautiful city and I love it.

3.介绍北京的英语作文 80词左右就行 ZY最好有翻译

The Imperial Palace is located in downtown Beijing, formerly known as the forbidden city. In the Ming Dynasty Yongle built eighteen years, is the Ming, Qing two generations of the palace, incomparable masterpiece of ancient architecture, the world's largest, most complete wooden structure of the ancient building group. The entire the Imperial Palace building from the "future" and" imperial palace " is composed of two parts, surrounded by a wall around. Four from now on. City four corner turret. Four each having a gate, South is the Meridian Gate, as the front gate of the Imperial Palace. The Imperial Palace is located in downtown Beijing, now into the " Museum of the Imperial Palace". Lived here 24 emperors, is during the two dynasties palace, incomparable masterpiece of ancient architecture, the world's largest, most complete wooden structure of the ancient building group. Now into the " Museum of the Imperial Palace". Is the world's largest existing royal garden.


北京的四季 北京是一个风景迷人的城市 在北京,有人喜欢细雨如丝的春天,有人喜欢绿草如茵的夏天,有人也喜欢果实累累的秋天,有人还会喜欢银装素裹的冬天,而我却对一年四季的北京都非常喜欢。 北京的春天是一年四季中最美的一个季节。鸟儿都从南方赶了回来,多姿多彩的风筝点缀在白云间,天空中顿时生机勃勃,如果下起毛毛雨,北京就更美丽了,到处飘飘洒洒,像花针一样,瞧,就连小草们也偷偷地露出小脑袋,大口大口的享受着甘甜的雨露。转眼间,大地万物复苏,清高亮丽、花香宜人的玉兰花瞬间开遍了北京的大街小巷,桃花、杏花、海棠等竞相开放,整个北京城被花的海洋所包围,春姑娘的驾到让整个世界焕然一新 夏天的北京骄阳似火的季节也是万物争艳的季节,瞧,人们不知啥时候已换上了漂亮的夏装,楼前屋后都摆满了五颜六色的花,花草树木也争先恐后的赶来比美,有婀娜多姿的荷花,色彩艳丽的月季,树木枝繁叶茂,绿油油的草坪,更有好多叫不上名的花,一朵朵,一族族,把北京扮成了漂亮、美丽的世界。 秋天的北京是万物凋零的季节,但只有枫树在山间悄然开放;是懒惰颓唐的季节,但只有辛勤在享受收获的喜悦。玉米金灿灿的,麦子低头不停地向大地致谢,周边的农民伯伯个个笑的合不扰嘴,谁都那么忙,谁都那么开心,树木慢慢的开始换装了,树叶惭惭变色,像一只只大彩蝶在翩翩起舞,北京的秋天硕果累累,充满了欢声笑语 冬天的北京也不逊色,尤其是雪天,鹅毛般的大雪纷纷扬扬的,房前屋后都盖上了厚厚的雪花,地面上像铺了白色的绒地毯,最开心的是小朋友们,打雪丈、堆雪人、抛雪球,那个开心的劲真是无法形容,欢声笑语充满了这个银色的世界 我爱北京的四季,更爱这个变化多端的世界。


Beijing Aquarium Beijing Aquarium is the largest inland aquarium in the world including an Amazon rainforest area, coral reefs, a shark aquarium (where you can dive with the flesh eaters), whales, dolphins and a marine mammal pavilion. The latter hosts lively aquatic animal displays. Drum Tower Originally built in 1273, marking the centre of the old Mongol capital Dadu, the tower has been repeatedly destroyed and restored. Stagger up the incredibly steep steps for long views over Beijing's rooftops. The drums of this later Ming dynasty version were beaten to mark the hours of the day - in effect the Big Ben of Beijing. The building came close to ruin during the Cultural Revolution, when it was reviled as an artefact from a feudal past. The Drum Tower has survived both Swiss engineering and Maoist scorn and are now protected treasures. On display is a large array of drums, including the large and dilapidated Night Watchman's Drum (being one of the five two-hour divisions of the night) and a large array of reproduction drums.


晚上,北京的长安街灯光闪亮。 马路上,各种各样的车辆来来往往,整个长安街变成了灯的海洋,光的世界。 马路两旁,高楼大厦鳞次栉比、错落有致。霓虹灯闪烁着七彩的光,有的大厦的玻璃被夜晚的灯光映衬得晶莹剔透,像一颗颗钻石闪闪发亮;有的大厦上矗立着一根根粗壮的柱子,就像一个个高大的哨兵挺拔、威武;有的大厦的门形成了一个大大的钝角,就像一个人张开手臂迎接八方来客...... 夜晚的长安街,美的像诗,美的像画,美的像歌。


