




Earthquake ruthless, people love May 12, Chuan Wenchuan in the 8.0 quake. Mercilessly claimed thousands is lives lives a people re valuable However that. Now the people who died in terms of how unfair. Such a short life, in school, those children Rujisike study by the merciless buried in the debris. The earthquake was so ruthless, cruel ah! But merciless earthquake, people love. In school, who are young, elderly men and women teachers to save their students and dedication to his love of barriers to protect them, but of their own but never shut the eyes; a love for all people to donate their savings; A volunteers did not leave their names,竭力rescue the affected people in Sichuan; everyone scrambling to Wanqi arm ready to pay for their blood. Although they can not understand their own to the scene to help the rescue team in Sichuan, but they pay for their meagre forces rebuild their homes in Sichuan. The passage of time bit by bit, every minute, have a lot of the people of disaster areas due to the doctors and rescue officers and men of insufficient resources, and faced with the risk of death, now in the disaster areas to reduce food, although I stay away from Sichuan, but the disaster areas Affects the fate of the people of my heart. Earthquake buried the parents, brothers and sisters, in this moment, one lives flying to another country…… the face of disaster, unity is strength.


你QQ是多少 作文里有die这个词,发不出去的。。。 要不我给你网址吧 http://www.51edu.com/zuowen/huati/shishi/1627686.html http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/153341661.html 这里有两篇~ 回答完毕~望采纳~O(∩_∩)O谢谢

3.求关于地震的英语作文 100词左右 内容关于地震 最好原创 及时的给加...

I felt great sorry to heard the sad news about the strong earthquake struck Wenchuan county.At that moment,houses are damaged.Tens of thousands of people lose their life and thousands of homeless people.When difficulties arise in one place,aid comes from everywhere(一方有难,八方支援).Because of that,even I can't reach the disaster areas,I'll donate some usual things and some clothes.Besides,I can raise money in our school or society for rebuild the disaster areas. Generally speaking,in the future,the disaster areas will be rebuild and all the people will go back to their home. 这是原创的,我昨天写了一篇. 题目之类的是这个: 5.12汶川特大地震举世震惊。顷刻间,山崩地裂,房屋倒塌,城市成了废墟,数万人失去了生命,几十万人无家可归,…… 听到以上消息后,你无比痛心,目前你无法去灾区慰问抗灾,为了表达你对灾区人民的关爱,你打算现在和将来为灾区人民做些什么。 提示词:sad, lose one’s life, homeless , donate, raise money, rebuild (重建), in the future the disaster areas 要求:1. 语句精练,条理清楚。 2. 词数80词左右.(文中应包括所有提示词,可以适当增加细节使内容连贯。) 希望帮到你.不满意可以M我.


