




China to launch Shenzhou-7 spacecraft China will launch its third manned spacecraft Shenzhou-7 from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Thursday, a spokesperson with China's manned space program said on Wednesday. The first Chinese astronaut is likely to walk in space around 4:30 pm on Friday, a day after spacecraft Shenzhou VII lifts off, the commander-in-chief of the mission's ground operation has said. The historic moment will be broadcast live across the world, xinhua.net quoted Cui Jijun as having said yesterday, and the space environment is expected to be fine for the mission. The Shenzhou-7, carrying three taikonauts, will be launched on a Long-March II-F carrier rocket and then moved into orbit at an altitude of 343 kilometers.

2.英语作文 !!!!!!!!!!!!

如果你还只有3小时,你会做些什么? 如果我还有三小时的生命, 我会看看我所爱的人和爱我的人, 因为我上天堂他们不可能跟着; 我会思索走过的人生, 是否我的一生对这个世界有了影响, 是否我的一生都是虚度年华, 是否我的一生对别人造成了影响, 如果有,我将忏悔。 最后的生命, 我将坐着公车浏览城市一周, 听着最喜欢的音乐, 回忆着每一段开心的往事......If you have only 3 hours, what would you do? If I had three hours of life, I will see my love and who love me, I can not follow them to heaven; I will think through life, Does my life have impact on the world, If my life were wasted years, If my life had an impact on others, If so, I will repent. Finally, life, I will visit the city a week sitting in the bus, Listening to favorite music, Every piece of happy memories of the past ......


Good behavior is very important in moden society, it enable you be more respectful and make more friends, and benefit you at many aspects. To achieve the goal, we should follow some principles: 1. Be creditable, punctual, honest and don't speak dirty words. 2. Be polite and warm towards others. 3. Obey traffic rules, don't yell in public places, don't litter everywhere. I believe everyone could behave well as long as they follow those principles mentioned above. And I promise to do my best to become a well-behaved people.


I having a good time.Because now I having a party.It's a very lively party.Welcome to my pary.简单式作文!


