






ArtsMain article:several well-known Chinese poets influenced Chinese poetry,Chinese poetry thrived and the Tang is considered the "Golden age"Li Po and Du Fu composed their poems. Late Tang poetry was marked by the influence of two poets,rhythm of nature."while Yuan dynasty opera became a variant of Chinese opera which continues today as Cantonese opera.Late imperial China was marked by two specific dynasties:Beijing opera was introduced;it is considered the best-known form of Chinese opera. Qing poetry was marked by a poet named Yuan Mei whose poetry has been described as having "unusually clear and elegant language"which adopted Western techniques,introduced oil painting and employed socialist realism. Twentieth-century Chinese poetry was also influenced by the Cultural Revolution but several poets attempted to resist the Cultural Revolution by incorporating pro-democratic themes. Contemporary Chinese artists continuehappenings"but their external appearances suggest the all-embracing nature of imperial China. This of course does not apply to pagodas,which connotes a sense of grandeur;Paifang is a Feng Shui designed gate of China town.Ceramics and ceramic waresChinese porcelain - Porcelain - Potter's wheel - Glazes]CinemaMain article:the majority of films made centered around the common themes of martial arts (Wu-xia films),and other traditionally Chinese themes. While these films were always populand especially in the United States. This reached its zenith in the 1970s,Hero,a traditional Wu-Xia movie,notably under the directors Wong Kar-wai (Mandarin:some critics argue that both directors distorted the history so as to make the depiction more appealing.


扇子的使用始于数千年前。扇子是由许多不同的材料制成的。农业有了发展,丝绸和缎面(satin)扇子开始出现,并在文人雅士 (scholars and artists)中成为了一种时尚。他们通过在扇面上书写和绘画来展示自己的才能。扇子很快获得了非常大的社会意义。它们成为了有学问的人标准夏季着装的一部分。中国制作的扇子多种多样。


Fans began to be used in China thousands of yearsago. They were made out of many differentmaterials. During the Han and Tang Dynasties, dueto progress in agriculture, silk and satin fansappeared, and they became a fashion amongscholars and artists who showed their genius by writing and painting on the fans. Fans soonacquired considerable social significance. They became a part of the standard summercostume among the learned. A great variety of fans have been produced in China and they stillenjoy great reputation today.在中国,扇子的使用始于数千年前。扇子是由许多不同的材料制成的。汉、唐期间,农业有了发展,丝绸和缎面(satin)扇子开始出现,并在文人雅士 (scholars and artists)中成为了一种时尚。他们通过在扇面上书写和绘画来展示自己的才能。扇子很快获得了非常大的社会意义。它们成为了有学问的人标准夏季着装的一部分。中国制作的扇子多种多样。它们如今依旧享有盛誉。

5.扇子用英语怎么说 si

fan 美 [fæ迷;扇形物;扇子vt. 煽动;


fan是电风扇。咱们用的纸扇是paper fan.


你好!扇子fan 英[fæ风扇;迷,粉丝;扇形物;吹拂,扬去;vi. 成扇形;[例句]If you'you'll love this movie如果你是比利·克里斯托的影迷,你会喜爱这部影片。
