






set的相关短语有:1、empty set[数]空集;空集合;看来球队后防的空设;空设2、set out动身;开始;摆放3、set forth阐明;动身起程;陈述;说明4、set in开始;开端;来临;到来5、fuzzy set[数]模糊集;乏晰集合;模糊判断6、set screw止付螺丝;定位螺丝;紧定螺钉;固定螺钉7、index set指标集;[计]索引集;翻译8、die set下模座;冲压模座;成套模具;模具9、limit set极限集合;极限集;限制特权集;控制11、set the fashion创新样式12、set the goal确定目标基本解释:t]vt.设置;安置;使处于某种状况;vi.落山;出发;凝结n.集合;一副;布景;adj.固定的;位于…的;顽固的;1、set可用作及物动词,用作及物动词时,其间接宾语可转化成介词for或to的宾语。2、set作名词时的基本意思是“3、set作形容词的基本意思是,




动身;使爆炸;使开始"They will set off for Paris next week.下星期他们将动身去巴黎。The country set off a hydrogen bomb successfully in 1957. 1957 年这个国家成功地爆炸了一颗氢弹。ll go on all night. 如果你能让他开始谈论他的宠物狗;他就会整个晚上谈下去,2. set about"。开始;着手"出发;开始;陈述"They will set out at dawn.他们将在拂晓出发;她就着手进行试验,The professor sets out his ideas clearly in his article. 在这篇文章中教授清楚地表明了自己的想法。创造;建立;创办"The young man has just set up a new national record in high jump. 那个小伙子刚创造跳高全国记录;It is difficult for us to set up a school within a month. 我们在一个月内很难建立一所学校。set构成的其它短语还有set an example to... 为......树立榜样。set a trap for ...为......设陷阱;set sail启航;存蓄;


set off "动身;使爆炸;使开始"。 They will set off for Paris next week.下星期他们将动身去巴黎。 The country set off a hydrogen bomb successfully in 1957. 1957 年这个国家成功地爆炸了一颗氢弹。 If you can set him off talking on his pet dog, he'll go on all night. 如果你能让他开始谈论他的宠物狗,他就会整个晚上谈下去。 2. set about"开始;着手"Once I realized what was wrong, I set about correcting it. 我一认识到错误马上就纠正。 3. set out "出发;开始;陈述" They will set out at dawn.他们将在拂晓出发。 Having made the plan, she set out to make the experiment. 计划制定好以后,她就着手进行试验。 The professor sets out his ideas clearly in his article. 在这篇文章中教授清楚地表明了自己的想法。 4.set up"创造;建立;创办" The young man has just set up a new national record in high jump. 那个小伙子刚创造跳高全国记录。 It is difficult for us to set up a school within a month. 我们在一个月内很难建立一所学校。 set构成的其它短语还有set an example to... 为......树立榜样;set a trap for ...为......设陷阱;set sail启航,等等。 此外,set 还可以作名词。a complete set of equipment成套设备。 5.set aside 放在一边,搁置;存蓄,留下。如: My father set his research work aside for a year while he wrote some magazine articles to make more money. 为了多赚点钱,我爸爸搁下他的研究工作有一年,给一些杂志写文章。 My parents set aside a bit of money every month. 我的父母每个月都存点钱。




短语:set meal、set switch、set the table三个词分别造句:1、Finally,


set about solving the problem.着手解决问题set apartTo reserve for a specific use.留出,留出以备专用To make noticeable:character traits that set her apart.使她引人注目的个性set asideTo separate and reserve for a special purpose.留出,分开或留出以备专用To discard or reject.抛弃,放弃To declare invalid;声明无用、取消或否决:The court has set aside the conviction.法庭宣告无罪set atTo attack or assail:打击或袭击:The dogs set at the fox.狗群冲向狐狸set backTo slow down the progress of;hinder.阻止:减慢进程;妨碍Informal To cost:000.那件衣服花了我1,000美元set byTo reserve for future use:保留为将来之用:It is wise to set food and money by in case of a future emergency.为将来紧急情况贮备食物和钱是明智的set downTo cause to sit;seat:Set the baby down here.让小孩坐这儿To put in writing;record:记录:We set down the facts.我们记下事实To regard;consider:认为;Just set him down as a sneak.当他是个阴险的人To assign to a cause;attribute:s set the error down to inexperience.让我们把错误归于没有经验To land (an aircraft):(飞机)着陆:The pilot set the plane down hard.飞行员艰难地使飞机着陆set forthTo present for consideration;propose:提出:提出想法;建议:set forth a sound plan.提出一个合理的计划To express in words:表达:She has set forth her ideas.她已经表达出了想法set forwardTo begin a journey.开始旅程set inTo insert:插入:set in the sleeve of a gown.插入礼服袖子中To begin to happen or be apparent:开始发生或出现:当我行于山顶公路时夜幕降临“(查尔斯·谢伯特)To move toward the shore. Used of wind or water.(风)水向岸(吹)流”移向岸边:用于风和水set offTo give rise to。发生:引起:导致发生;He set out to understand why the plan had failed.他开始明白为什么计划失败了To lay out systematically and graphically:为展览或出售而摆设To plant:She set out at dawn for town.她日出时出发去镇上set toTo begin working energetically;热忱地开始工作;开始To begin fighting.开始战斗set upTo place in an upright position.直立:放于竖直位置To elevate;raise.抬起;上升To raise in authority or power;提高权威或权力;They set the general up as a dictator.他们赋与将军指挥者的权力To put (oneself) forward as;He has set himself up as an authority on the English language.他自称是英语专家To assemble and erect:集合并装配:set up a new machine.组装一台新机器To establish;set up a charity.建立一家慈善机构To cause:They set up howls of protest over new taxes.他们发起反对新税的吼声To establish in business by providing capital,equipment,通过提供资本、设备或其它支持而建立企业Informal 【非正式用语】 To treat (someone) to drinks. 招待(某人)饮料To pay for (drinks).为(饮料)付账Informal To stimulate or exhilarate:a victory that really set the team up.胜利鼓舞了球队To lay plans for:制定计划:通过提供充实而正确的信息纠正(某人)set store byTo regard as valuable or worthwhile.认为有价值或值得set the paceTo go at a speed that other competitors attempt to match or surpass.领先:以其它竞争者企图赶上或超过的速度前进To behave or perform in a way that others try to emulate.做榜样:以其它人企图超越的方式行动或做事set the stage forTo provide the underlying basis for:提供基础:
