






make的词组make sure确信;证实make up弥补;整理make full use of充分利用make friends with与…交友make up for补偿,弥补make a difference有影响,有关系make good use of充分利用;很好地使用make out理解;辨认出;设法应付make a decision作决定make for导致;走向make of了解;用…制造make it possible使它变成可能make in加入,维持生活make 英 [meɪ制造;生产,制定;使成为;使产生;尝试;行进;增大;n. 制造;生产量;性格;样式;再反过来笑他们。2. Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for better things. 有时候要到达谷底,才会慢慢变好。boys. Make your lives extraordinary. 人生就应该是快乐的,让你们的生活变得非凡起来。


和解make a clean breast of 彻底坦白,把…和盘托出make a difference 有影响,使出丑make a fuss of 对…关怀备至,过分注意make a point 表明一种看法;证明一个论点make a promise 答应。






make believe假装 make it及时到达;成功 make love (to)与…做爱;与…性交;急求获得某种东西;谋求与他人性交 make for移向;走向 攻击 (= make at) 造成The large print makes for easier reading. 大号字体便于阅读。make of懂得;了解;写(支票、账目等)He immediately sat down and made out a check. 他立刻坐下来开了一张支票。你和同班同学关系如何?伪装;把…说成He makes out he'证明He'make over更改;修改Can you make over this old shirt?你能修改这件旧衬衫吗?〈法〉转让财产His wealth was made over to his children. 他的财产已移交他的孩子们了。化装She made up her face to look prettier. 她把脸化了妆以便看上去漂亮些。捏造,虚构(故事、诗等)The boy made up a story;it was not true. 男孩编了个故事,这故事不是真的。收拾make up a bed 整理床铺make up for补偿How can we make up to you for what you have suffered?我们如何补偿你所遭受的损害?make up for lost time补回失去的时间They hurried on to make up for lost time. 他们加速进行以补回失去的时间。回报 (= make it up to sb. for sth.)make out of... 与 make of ...的意思相同。makeout of 常用于口语They make bottles out of glass. 他们用玻璃做瓶The box is made out of cedar wood. 这盒子是用杉木做的。由……制造(与 from 连用,from 后接的名词侧重指加工,(原样起化学变化)。These wines are made from grapes. 这几种酒都是葡萄酿造的。Bread is made from flour. 面包是由面粉加工而成的。把……做成……(与 into 搭配)They make glass into bottles. 他们把玻璃制成瓶。We made the material into a skirt. 我们把那块料子做成一条短裙。走The train makes 10 miles an hour. 这列火车时速为40英里。我们已走了70英里。s way 往前跑,前进The hospital had been bombed and Hans had made his way back into Western Germany on foot. 医院遭到了轰炸,汉斯就步行回到了西德。We quickened our pace and made our way rapidly towards the stream 我们加快步伐,朝那条小河迅速走去。迫使A Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke which would make an Englishman laugh to tears. 俄国人可能看不出会使英国人笑出泪来的笑话有什么可笑之处。This made the driver following her brake hard. 这使得跟在她后面的司机猛地刹车。Really honest people are ofter made to feel guilty.真正老实的人常被弄得感到犯了罪似的。使成为He made her his wife. 他娶她为妻。This photograph makes you an old man. 这张照片使你看起来象个老头。Radio and television have made it possible for advertisers to capture the attention of millions of people in this way. 收音机及电视机使得做广告的人有可能用这种方法吸引千百万人的注意力。成为,变得If you work hard,you will make a good teacher.如果你肯努力,你将成为一个好教师。This makes our third party this month. 这成了我们本月第三次舞会。wives automatically assume that their husbands will somehow put things right. 当电灯保险丝烧断、家具变得摇摇晃晃、水管变得堵塞时,妻子们便会自然而然地认为丈夫总会设法修好的。Twelve inches make one foot. 12 英寸等于1英尺。t of salvaging a sunken ship. 某轮船公司要求赔赏打捞沉船的费用。(make a claim 要求)进行Over a year passed before the first attempt was made. 一年时间过去了,才有人进行第一次尝试。We often go out to make social investigation. 我们经常出去进行社会调查。赶上(用于俗语)If you hurry,you can make the next train. 你如果快点,还可以赶上下一趟火车。s making a shopping-list,她在写一份购物单。s making a sentence. 他在写一个句子。He'被列入The novel made the list of the 50 best books of the year. 这本小说被列入全年五十本最佳书籍中。Did you make the Dean'你被列入系主任写的名单了吗?make 后可接形容词make sure (certain)弄清楚,搞确实。I only came to make sure that everything was all right. 我只是来弄清楚是否一切都无问题。We must make certain that they can come. 我们一定要搞确实他们是否能来。暂未定制 参加的活动:暂时没有参加的活动 提问者对于答案的评价:谢谢你朋友.今天我去了图书馆知道了他的用法一共有198种,make"的词组?62 2009-1-21 我要关于make的所有词组~~~ 36 2006-4-5 能不能多给几道关于get make take 词组的高考题 2011-4-30 牛津英语关于put,make...组成的词组 4 更多关于make词组的问题>查看同主题问题:make 词组 等待您来回答2回答the state of being hard to do or to understand 是什么意思.0回答5谁只有有一种可以当棉被的抱枕哪买啊?折起来可以当抱枕用.0回答What do you think is the standard to judge whether a college stud....1回答我学车学了一个星期了,为什么倒车老是倒不直线 但是我感觉是直的呢.1回答犯病前没有预兆,犯时抽筋、呕吐,犯后头痛现在晚上较多,原因不清请....0回答5想问一下 我是山东济宁的,有没有说腊月不搬家的说法,.1回答5使用换位算法,对明文P=can you understand进行加密,K=teac,请根据....0回答棉被生产的许可证件有哪些.更多等待您来回答的问题>>谋求与他人性交make for移向;走向攻击 (= make at)造成The large print makes for easier reading.大号字体便于阅读。t make of what he wants.我不了解他要什么。make off匆匆逃走make out勉强了解开出,写(支票、账目等)He immediately sat down and made out a check.他立刻坐下来开了一张支票。成功有(友好)关系How did you make out with your classmates?你和同班同学关系如何?s younger than me.他声称比我年轻。证明He's not such a good doctor as some people make out.他不是某些人所说的那样好的医生。修改Can you make over this old shirt?你能修改这件旧衬衫吗?〈法〉转让财产His wealth was made over to his children.他的财产已移交他的孩子们了。和好化妆;化装She made up her face to look prettier.她把脸化了妆以便看上去漂亮些。捏造,虚构(故事、诗等)The boy made up a story;it was not true.男孩编了个故事,这故事不是真的。配(药)补足;凑足缝制;做成整理;收拾make up a bed整理床铺make up for补偿How can we make up to you for what you have suffered?我们如何补偿你所遭受的损害?make up for lost time补回失去的时间They hurried on to make up for lost time.他们加速进行以补回失去的时间。


make after 追逐、make at 攻击、make from由…制成、make off with 偷,The hunter made after the game at top speed.猎人在后面拼命追赶猎物。make at sb示例:The two boys made at each other with stones and both ended up with bad bruises.那两个男孩互相扔石子砸对方,结果两人都给砸得青一块紫一块的。三、make from由…制成句型:make sth from sth示例:Mother can make a wonderful meal from bits of food left over from the day before.母亲能用前天剩下的食物作出一顿美餐来。花费句型:He made off with all the old man's savings.他卷走了这个老人所有的积蓄。
