




林斤润春风读后感北京人说:南方来的人觉着这个。脖子”冬天刚过去”夏天就来到眼前了,哪里会有什么春天。只见起风:起风“成天刮土,刮土,眼睛也睁不开,桌子一天擦一百遍……,意见里说的景象,还得承认是春天,不过不像南方的春天,褒贬起来着重于春风。我也怀念江南的春天,暮春三月。杂花生树,群莺乱飞“这四句里没有提到风,江南的春风抚摸大地,像柳丝的飘拂。像细雨的滋润,莺飞…… 北京的春风真就是刮土吗;我在京西的大山里,京东的山边上,春脖子,背阴的岩下。积雪不管立春、春分,只管冷森森的,没有开化的意思“是潭、是溪、是井台”还是泉边。都坚持着冰块、冰砚、冰溜、冰碴……一夜之间,春风来了,忽然。从塞外的苍苍草原、莽莽沙漠,从关外扑过山头,漫过山梁,插山沟。呜呜吹号,哄哄呼啸。飞沙走石,扑在窗户上,扑在人脸上,如无数的针扎,轰的一声,是哪里的河冰开裂吧,是碗口大的病枝刮折了,我住的石头房子的木头架子。格拉拉、格拉拉响起来,晃起来。仿佛冬眠惊醒,伸懒腰。动弹胳膊腿,浑身关节挨个儿格拉拉、格拉拉地松动,麦苗在霜冻里返青了,山桃在积雪里鼓苞了,着大靸鞋,穿老羊皮背心,使荆条背篓。背带冰碴的羊粪,绕山嘴。爬高高的梯田,春风呼哧呼哧地帮助呼哧呼哧的人们,把粪肥抛撒匀净,好不痛快人也,北国的山民,喜欢力大无穷的好汉,到欢喜得不行时,连捎带来的粗暴也只觉着解气。


is exquisite. Even if you don't understand French,it is marvelous to hear and greatly adds to the overall feeling of the film. Wonderful and heart-felt throughout--but somehow manages not to be sickeningly sweet or contrived.

3.丰子恺《春》读后感 200字









Christophe Barratier',and when he teaches the boys how to sing:but round-faced Clement (Gerard Jugnot) holds on to his good cheer. His cuddly exterior betrays a warm intelligence--apparently he knows that he is in the kind of movie where a little art will certainly tame the teenage beasts;--just to make sure that everybody knows right away that this story has a happy end.Forgive me if I sound cynical. ",you will love the music. If you're in the mood to be uplifted in all the usual heartwarming ways--",Dead Poets',Society;"Billy Elliot",and scores of similar films come to mind--"The Chorus"is that Barratier didn'also;upliftin,g,as is his unrequited crush on Pierre’s attractive mother (Marie Bunel). The scene where he learns that she is in love with someone else is heart-breaking.There is also excellent support from the rest of the cast,from Berléand’s performance as the sadistic head to Gregory Gatignol as the school thug and Jean-Paul Bonnire as the kindly old school caretaker.However,teaching is even more difficult. Add to this a European post-war time when orphanages would be full-up and society is still chaotic,handsome,d say there'Rachin (Francois Berleand) is not at asir."In Christophe Barratier's picture "Les Choristes"indeed,director Barratier does not let us sit in the the dynamics from A to Z–particularly how he is able to get four-part harmony from the class. Seeing the result,we simply have to take for granted that the teacher does an A-1 not only with the kids but with himself:the failed musician is invigorated by the unfolding experience and takes to composing music once again–this tt become a success yourself in your chosen field–musicianship in this case–you can indeed flourish as one who inspires others to fame. "Les Choristes"is a charming paean to a most underappreciated and underpaid profession4Audiences love films about underdogs that overcome. One of the most beloved sub-genres in film history involves a seemingly controversial or unorthodox schoolteacher sparking the inspiration of students to rise above and achieve greatness. It'setting,who adapted the screenplay from a little known 1945 film called The Cage of the Nightingales. The new movie'a time of social restructuring and economic recovery from German occupation. Not many movies have adequately dealt with what the Frencspoil the children."which literally means ") and he sees great potential in the students. All they know is Rachin'"Action,reaction."appropriately building tension between Maeasily allowing the audience to want to see Mathieu succeed with his good intentions and gentler methods.Unfortunately,the movie has a sloppy flow that relies too heavily on little clichés. This is a movie about transformed lives,s progress is generally detailed with Mathieu'watching them light up with newfound musical passion.
