




My mother likes to eat peaches, father of Joan likes to eat fruit, but I like to eat the kiwi, we can imagine how I am introducing today is the Kiwi.Some people say that there was nothing written in kiwifruit is a fruit not it? I do not think that this discount does not, for as long as using "magnifying glass" can be found a close look at the mysteries, we are now into the kiwi on it!Kiwi, like an egg as big as some sharp, wearing a furry of cotton-padded jacket, Actinidia receptacle on one end called the other side called pedicle. The meat of it is green, black seed, is the beige of the heart, skin is brown. Cut it open the last point will feel like the early release, like chrysanthemums, the United States and Great!The main origin of kiwifruit in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province, about its listing in September. It has the alias kiwifruit, Actinidia, such as fur, which is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B1, iron, sodium, calcium, it can be extracted linolenic acid, linoleic acid, it also lead to promote the effectiveness of the human body children are particularly good. Many places will be made local processing of kiwi drinks, preserved fruit, wine, etc., to identify more people can appreciate its unique flavor.In the first time I really amusing when eating kiwifruit, and now would like to also let me memorable. The day my mother gave me a good peel and cut the kiwi. I saw a Kiwi on the threatened use of a trembling voice said, "Mom how there are so many insects ah," his mother says with a laugh after laugh, "This child is the seed of it, rest assured you eat, it is delicious Try not believe you know. " I took a small bite Actinidia mouth sweet acetate was very good to eat, so I put the effort in the blink of an eye Kiwi finished, then I fell in love with the little things Kiwi.I also love love Actinidia Actinidia understand!帮你在网上搜了一篇,希望能帮到你看你挺急的,kiwi就是猕猴桃, 下面是这篇文章的中文翻译我的妈妈喜欢吃水蜜桃,爸爸喜欢吃圣女果,而我却喜欢吃那猕猴桃,可想而知今天我介绍的是猕猴桃。有人说猕猴桃没什么好写的不就是一种水果吗?我不觉得这个人说折不对,因为只要拿“放大镜”仔细看就能发现其中的奥秘,现在我们就走进猕猴桃吧!猕猴桃、像鸡蛋一般大有些尖尖的,穿着一件毛茸茸的的棉袄,猕猴桃一端叫花托另一端叫蒂。它的肉是绿色的,籽是黑色的,心是米黄色的,皮是棕色的。把它切开放近一点看就会感觉像初放的菊花一样,美极了!猕猴桃主要的产地在长江中下游和陕西省秦岭地区,它在九月份左右上市。它的别名有奇异果、软毛猕猴桃等,它含丰富的维生素C、维生素B1、铁、钠、钙等,它还可以提取亚麻酸、亚油酸,它还有促进人体排铅的功效,孩子们吃了它特别好。现在很多地方都将猕猴桃就地加工做成饮料、果脯、酒等,认更多的人能够领略到它的独特风味。在我第一次吃猕猴桃时真好玩儿,现在想起来还让我回味无穷。那天我妈妈给我一个剥好的猕猴桃并切开了。我看了一眼猕猴桃就吓的用颤抖的声音说“妈妈这里面怎么有那么多的虫子啊”,妈妈笑经笑说“孩子这都是它的种子,你就放心的吃吧,很美味的不信你试试就知道了”。我接过猕猴桃咬了一小口,果然醋酸甜甜的很好吃,于是我在一眨眼的功夫就把猕猴桃吃完了,从此我就爱上了猕猴桃这个小东西。我爱吃猕猴桃也爱了解猕猴桃!


猕猴桃的英文:ru:t] 美 [kɪwɪf'ru:t]猕猴桃1、Physiological and Molecular Mechanism of Ascorbate Formation and Accumulation in Apple and Kiwifruit苹果和猕猴桃抗坏血酸形成与积累的生理和分子机理研究2、Other excellent sources of C include kiwifruit,broccoli,and of course oranges.其他富含维生素C食品包括猕猴桃,花椰菜和橙子。jætaʊ]猕猴桃1、Yangtao is of high nutrition and medical value.猕猴桃营养价值和药用价值高;2、Research about Quality Standard of Yangtao Fruit Juice猕猴桃果汁质量标准的研究。扩展资料相关词:一、kiwi juice猕猴桃汁;奇异果汁;猕猴桃果汁Ascaninsistthatdrinkingadailyglassofkiwijuice,


wɪfˈruː1、可以把猕猴桃的顶部切掉,用茶匙把里面的果肉挖出来吃。Kiwi fruit can be eaten by cutting off the tops and scooping out the insides with a teaspoon.2、猕猴桃作为有益健康的零食是再好不过了。Kiwi fruit are just the thing for a healthy snack3、还有黑莓和新鲜的猕猴桃。And blackberries and fresh kiwi.4、研究了猕猴桃果实软化衰老过程的糖以及与糖类相关酶活性的变化。


for as long as using "magnifying glass"Kiwi,iron,sodium,calcium,wine,"it is delicious Try not believe you know. "then I fell in love with the little things Kiwi.I also love love Actinidia Actinidia understand!帮你在网上搜了一篇,希望能帮到你看你挺急的,kiwi就是猕猴桃,下面是这篇文章的中文翻译我的妈妈喜欢吃水蜜桃,爸爸喜欢吃圣女果,而我却喜欢吃那猕猴桃,可想而知今天我介绍的是猕猴桃。有人说猕猴桃没什么好写的不就是一种水果吗?现在我们就走进猕猴桃吧!猕猴桃、像鸡蛋一般大有些尖尖的,穿着一件毛茸茸的的棉袄,猕猴桃一端叫花托另一端叫蒂。它的肉是绿色的,籽是黑色的,把它切开放近一点看就会感觉像初放的菊花一样,它的别名有奇异果、软毛猕猴桃等,孩子们吃了它特别好。现在很多地方都将猕猴桃就地加工做成饮料、果脯、酒等,认更多的人能够领略到它的独特风味。在我第一次吃猕猴桃时真好玩儿,现在想起来还让我回味无穷。那天我妈妈给我一个剥好的猕猴桃并切开了。我看了一眼猕猴桃就吓的用颤抖的声音说“妈妈这里面怎么有那么多的虫子啊”你就放心的吃吧,很美味的不信你试试就知道了,我接过猕猴桃咬了一小口”




猕猴桃“的英语”kiwifruit读作:英[kɪ:wɪf'ruːt]n.猕猴桃;奇异果相关短语;1、FD Kiwifruit冻干猕猴桃2、The kiwifruit奇异果3、Kiwifruit Industry猕猴桃产业4、kiwifruit cultivars猕猴桃品种相关例句:broccoli,andofcourseoranges. 其他富含维生素C食品包括猕猴桃,花椰菜和橙子.2、Hongyangkiwifruitwasthefirstredmeatbreedin theworld. 红阳猕猴桃是国内外首个红肉型新品种,因其肉质好、风味佳而受到消费者好评.3、Ingredient,salt:海盐:奇异果萃取液、可可巴等.4、Ingredient,Kiwifruitextract:Aloeessenceetc. 主要成份,奇异果萃取液、芦荟精华等.扩展资料:部分水果的英语1、apple英 [':pl]n. 苹果;珍宝;家伙例句;The apple trees are blossoming.苹果树正在开花:]美[pɛr]n.梨子;梨树[例句]He operated an enormouspearorchard.他经营一个大型梨园;3、banana英[bə。]美[bənænə喜剧演员;大鹰钩鼻[例句]Bananaplants produce one stem at a time.芭蕉属植物一次生出一根蕉头;tʃɛri]n. 樱桃;樱桃树;樱桃色[例句]Over night;

7.猕猴桃英文为什么叫做kiwi fruit

猕猴桃英文是kiwi fruit,其实就是用粤语翻译过来“不要说水果本身样子如何,一个叫Frieda Caplan的美国女士经营的一家公司(Produce Specialties,开始从新西兰进口猕猴桃。因为那时的美国人对猕猴桃还比较陌生,第一批1000只猕猴桃,有水果商建议Caplan采用新西兰特有的 Kiwi鸟来命名该水果,因为Kiwi鸟也有类似猕猴桃那样毛茸茸的羽毛,颜色也相差不远。Kiwi鸟是尾巴翅膀极短不会飞的鸟,只在新西兰僻静的丛林里才能见到,所以成为新西兰的国鸟。Kiwi鸟为新西兰人骄傲,新西兰人也自称为Kiwi。于是Caplan就将这个主意告诉了新西兰的种植商,听上去倒是象新西兰土生土长的水果了。而在美国出版的 WEBSTER’S 英文大词典上,标出Kiwifruit一词最早出现于一九六六年。
