








它的英文名称是One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest影片介绍如下:Forman. The film is an adaptation of the 1962 novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo'Director,Oregon,categorized as "voluntary"McMurphy'but his sense of injustice at their treatment leads him into a battle for the hearts and minds of the patients. What he finds out only later is that Ratched has the power to keep him there indefinitely. Rather than simply bide her time with McMurphy andChief"s strategy of open defiance). McMurphy hatches a plan that will allow himself and Bromden to escape. Following his ""McMurphy sneaks into the nurse'Candy,Mr. Turkle (Scatman Crothers). The patients drink while Bilthe Chief suffocates his neurologically disabled friend with a pillow. He follows Randle's plan for escape by heroically hoisting a very heavy hydrotherapy control panel (which McMurphy had tried to lift earlier) and hurling it through a barred window. He is last seen fleeing the institution to the roaring cheers from the other patients.


它的英文名称是One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest影片介绍如下:One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a 1975 comedy-drama film directed by Miloš Forman. The film is an adaptation of the 1962 novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey. The movie was the first to win all five major Academy Awards (Best Picture, Actor in Lead Role, Actress in Lead Role, Director, Screenplay) since It Happened One Night in 1934, an accomplishment not repeated until 1991, by The Silence of the Lambs.There had been an earlier stage version of the book, in 1963, but the film does not use the script of the stage version.The movie was filmed at Oregon State Hospital in Salem, Oregon, which was the setting of the novel.Contents [hide]1 Plot 2 Casting 3 Title interpretation 4 Reception 5 Awards and Nominations 5.1 Academy Awards 5.2 Golden Globe Awards 5.3 BAFTA Awards 5.4 American Film Institute recognition 6 See also 7 Notes 8 External links [edit] PlotRandle Patrick McMurphy (Jack Nicholson), a recidivist criminal serving a short prison term on a work farm for statutory rape, is transferred to a mental institution due to his apparently deranged behavior. This is possibly a deliberate gambit by McMurphy in the belief that he'll now be able to serve out the rest of his sentence in relative comfort and ease.His ward in the mental institution is run by a calm but unyielding tyrant, Nurse Ratched (Louise Fletcher), who has cowed the patients — most of whom are there by choice, categorized as "voluntary" patients — into dejected submission. While he initially has little respect for his fellow patients, McMurphy's antiauthoritarian nature is aroused. His needling of Nurse Ratched is initially just for kicks, but his sense of injustice at their treatment leads him into a battle for the hearts and minds of the patients. What he finds out only later is that Ratched has the power to keep him there indefinitely. Rather than simply bide her time with McMurphy and have him transferred, Ratched sees his behavior as a personal affront and challenge to her authority and becomes obsessed with winning this contest.McMurphy gradually forms deep friendships in the ward with a group of men which includes Billy Bibbit (Brad Dourif), a suicidal, stuttering and helpless young man whom Ratched has humiliated and dominated, and "Chief" Bromden (Will Sampson), a 6’ 5” (1.96 m) muscular Native American. Believed by the patients to be deaf and unable to speak, Chief is mostly ignored but also respected for his enormous size. In Billy, McMurphy sees a younger brother figure whom he wants to teach to have fun, while the Chief ultimately becomes his only real confidant, as they both see their struggles against authority in similar terms.McMurphy initially insults Chief when he enters the ward, but attempts to use his size as an advantage (for example, in playing basketball). Later, they and patient Charlie Cheswick (Sydney Lassick) are detained for being involved in a fight with the ward attendants. Cheswick undergoes electroshock therapy, while McMurphy and Chief wait their turn on a bench. While they wait, McMurphy offers Chief a piece of Juicy Fruit gum, and Bromden verbally thanks him. A surprised McMurphy discovers that Chief actually hates the hospital establishment just as he does but handles it in a different way (by remaining mute instead of using Randle's strategy of open defiance). McMurphy hatches a plan that will allow himself and Bromden to escape. Following his "therapy," McMurphy jokingly feigns catatonia before assuring his cohorts and Nurse Ratched that the attempt to subdue him didn't work.On the night of December 10, 1963, McMurphy sneaks into the nurse's station and calls his girlfriend, Candy, and tells her to bring booze. Another woman tags along and both enter the ward after McMurphy bribes the night watchman, Mr. Turkle (Scatman Crothers). The patients drink while Billy flirts with McMurphy's girlfriend. McMurphy sees that Billy likes Candy and asks her to sleep with Bibbit. While Billy and McMurphy's girlfriend are in a separate room, the rest of the patients, including McMurphy and the Chief who had been planning to escape, pass out from drinking, probably because of the extant neuroleptic drugs (Thorazine, etc.) in their systems.When Nurse Ratched arrives the next morning she commands the attendants to clean up the patients and conduct a head count. Billy is found in a room sleeping with Candy. Without stuttering at all, he announces that he is not ashamed of what he has done, Nurse Ratched then threatens that she will tell his mother about it. Billy breaks down, his stutter returns, and after being carried into the doctor's office, kills himself by slitting his throat. McMurphy, furious at what Nurse Ratched did to Billy, tries to strangle her. McMurphy is subdued and taken away again.A few days later, the patients are seen playing cards as usual. Nurse Ratched, her vocal cords damaged by McMurphy's previous attack, is forced to speak through a microphone for the patients to hear her, and finds that she is now no longer able to intimidate them. Later that night, Chief Bromden sees McMurphy being returned to his bed. When the Chief approaches him, he finds to his horror that he has been given a lobotomy. Unwilling to leave McMurphy behind, the Chief suffocates his neurologically disabled friend with a pillow. He follows Randle's plan for escape by heroically hoisting a very heavy hydrotherapy control panel (which McMurphy had tried to lift earlier) and hurling it through a barred window. He is last seen fleeing the institution to the roaring cheers from the other patients.


《飞跃疯人院》之观后感好莱坞每年在以吨计的生产垃圾时,也时常为全世界人民奉献出一件件精品,我并不认为他们逊色于欧洲电影,他们实在不必向那些贡高自傲的欧洲同行和中国(我只熟悉中国)那些品位出奇的小资们低头哈摇,一个劲地承认自己没文化底蕴.(这也是我自己说的,估计美国佬自以为是得很) 奥斯卡虽然越来越俗气,最近连《指环王》、《角斗士》这样的垃圾电影都得了许多奖品,但是我们必须看到,它仍然为世人提供了一系列的好作品,这些电影在对人性和现实的批判上不遗余力,使我们领略到了好莱坞并不仅仅只是世界上最大的虚拟兵火库和美女帅哥梦工厂而已. 现在说说《飞》片.在电影结束前半个小时,我认为这片子有点意思,但是还说不上非常有意思.其实我指的是一部艺术作品如果仅仅是让你觉得比较有意思,表现手法上让你感到有点奥妙,那是不够的. 拿正热和着的世界杯打个比方,但是并不妨碍我觉得英格兰队踢得还是很有水平的.也就是说我认为英队技战术上让我觉得很有意思,有嚼头.但是我之所以成为一个忠诚的巴迷,是因为我爱这只球队,而我之所以爱巴西队,是因为它曾经在精神上给过我非常强烈的震撼,使我无法在感情上背叛它. 说得罗嗦了,把话拉回来,如果《飞跃疯人院》仅仅是讲了一个不但不是疯子而且很聪明的家伙,误打误撞般搞飞机搞进了疯人院,而后领着一帮疯子和疯人院的女护士大唱对台戏的故事吧,我会认为这是部很有象征意味的电影,导演想告诉你,面对强权和高压统治,我们该做些什么. 就像片子里的主人公,他其实是个冲动 粗鲁但颇有小聪明的家伙.他搬不动浴室里的大理石水池去砸铁窗,却告诉他的病友们起码他试过.他还努力地争取选票,好让自己或者还加上众人可以收看电视转播的棒球赛.他抢开大客车把病友送上船出海去钓鱼,甚至最后还让他的女友和那个口吃的病友作爱. 其实在我感到有趣的那大部分影片中,我没觉得那些病秧子们过的日子有什么不好,护士长虽然不算慈眉善目,但是很有礼貌地对待他们.他们还能赌博,没有出轨就没有任何问题,反正那些病友们从未想过要离开疯人院,他们甚至是自愿留在这的. 直到主人公的到来,才使一切起了翻天覆地的变化.这小子是个天生的捣蛋鬼,一来这就要冒犯护士长的权威. 直到他真的搞了一次小革命(他们打架了),他才意识到疯人院里甚至比他以前呆的监狱更可怕,于是他就开始盘算着逃出去. 这时我们也领略到了冷冰冰的护士长身上所代表的强权的威力.她的命令必须得到服从与贯彻,电影的高潮是最后那段逃跑的狂欢以及狂欢后的情景.主人公本可以逃走,说他走了病友就要遭殃时,他留下了. 在这里不得不提醒诸位注意一下两位病友.其实每位病友都代表了某种病态,但是我想说这两位,是最后这出闹剧转变为悲剧的最关键人物.一位是那个结巴,他害怕护士长将他的陋行告诉给他妈妈听,竟然自杀了.这充分暴露了护士长冷漠森然的那一面,也直接导致了主人公冲动地上前紧扼护士长的脖子.而后,这出悲剧就正式开始了,主人公被人送到病房时,已经变得完全地痴呆了,一个不疯的家伙最后因为挑战权威就这样被弄疯了.之后,那位高大的装聋作哑好多年的酋长又出现了,我不想再多说下去了,我只希望大家也看一看,然后和我一样向好莱坞导演致敬. 最后说一句吧,这部片子应该拍得挺早的,




