




出席的英文译为attend,presence,拓展资料attend1、出席;参加to be present at an event[VN]The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders.90%的股东出席了会议。to attend a wedding/funeral参加婚礼 / 葬礼[V]We'd like as many people as possible to attend.我们希望出席的人越多越好。2、[VN]经常去,定期去(某处)to go regularly to a placeOur children attend the same school.我们的孩子上同一所学校。3、[V]~ (to sb/sth)(formal)注意;4、[VN](formal)伴随发生to happen at the same time as sthShe dislikes the loss of privacy that attends TV celebrity.她不喜欢成为电视名人后随之失去个人隐私。5、[VN](formal)随同;陪同to be with sb and help themThe President was attended by several members of his staff.总统有几名幕僚随从。当前的existing or happening nowin the present situation在当前形势下the present owner of the house现在的房主1、a list of all club members,


参加的英语:join读音:英[dʒn]美[dʒɔɪ接合点词汇搭配:1、join a demonstration参加示威2、join a discussion参加讨论3、join a game参加游戏4、join a match参加比赛相关例句:1、He is too young to join the army.他太年轻了,你什么时候参加的空军部队?3、The regular troops of Baden joined the insurgents.巴登的正规军参加到起义军方面来了。4、John joined a football club a few days ago.约翰几天前加入了一个足球俱乐部。词义辨析attend,join,participate这些动词或词组均含“参加,1、attend侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等。一些教师在学院里参加研究班。2、join普通用词,指加入党派、团体或游戏活动等。


参与英文表达有:n]<分担,厕足其间Over half the population of this country participate in sport.这个国家一半以上的人口参加体育锻炼。2、partake读音:k] 美 [pɑ:k]vi.参与;参加;吃 n.参与者,分担者They preferred not to partake in the social life of the town.他们很想参加这个镇的社交活动。n]染指;插上一手;参与,与…有关系;插一脚Does the local government have a hand in the management of the schools?当地政府是否插手这些学校的管理工作呢?英 [teik pɑ:n]参加…,参与…活动;插脚;厕;t need strength to take part in this sport参加这项运动不需要太多体力。peɪn] 美 [pɑːrˌtɪsɪpeɪʃn]    n. 参加;参与I'


参与英文表达有:participate in、partake、have a hand in、take part in、participation 解析1、participate in读音:英 [pɑ:ˈtisipeit in] 美 [pɑrˈtɪsəˌpet ɪn]<正>分担,参加;与;插脚;厕足其间Over half the population of this country participate in sport.这个国家一半以上的人口参加体育锻炼。2、partake读音:英 [pɑ:ˈteɪk] 美 [pɑ:rˈteɪk]vi.参与;参加;吃 n.参与者,分担者They preferred not to partake in the social life of the town.他们很想参加这个镇的社交活动。3、have a hand in读音:英 [hæv ei hænd in] 美 [hæv e hænd ɪn]染指;插上一手;参与,与…有关系;插一脚Does the local government have a hand in the management of the schools?当地政府是否插手这些学校的管理工作呢?4、take part in读音:英 [teik pɑ:t in] 美 [tek pɑrt ɪn]参加…,参与…活动;插脚;厕;预You don't need strength to take part in this sport参加这项运动不需要太多体力。5、participation 读音:英 [pɑːˌtɪsɪ'peɪʃn] 美 [pɑːrˌtɪsɪ'peɪʃn]    n. 参加;参与I'd like to be excused from any further participation in the work.我希望让我不再继续参加这项工作。


一、词义辨析不一样1、take part in v. 参加〔辨析〕指参加集体性的活动。〔例证〕He always takes an active part in politics.他总是积极参与政治活动。加入〔辨析〕指加入组织、团体等,也指与他人一同做某事,或去某人那里与其呆在一起或做某事。〔例证〕HestartedtosingandIjoinedin.他开始唱起歌来,然后我也跟着唱起来。参与〔辨析〕指参与某活动或事件,含积极、主动之意,〔例证〕The girls in his class are willing to participate in the dancing party.他班上的女生们很乐意参加这次舞会。4、attend v. [正式]参加,出席〔辨析〕多指出席会议、参加学术活动、听课等。〔例证〕She didn't explain why she was unable to attend.她没解释不能出席的原因。二、词义广泛性不一样1、take part in英 [teɪn]v.参加;参与2、join in英 [dʒɪn ɪn]v.加入,参加(活动3、participate英[pɑːpeɪt]美[pɑr'sə'peɪt]vi. 参与,参加;分担4、attend英[ətend]美[ə'tɛnd]vt. 出席;照料;



7.参加英语培训机构 英语怎么说

