




恩佐·法拉利是一位铁匠之子。小法拉利的父亲后来成立一座引擎维修工厂,这也是恩佐·法拉利浸淫基本汽车工艺场所。他们父子都曾经参加早期在意大利举行的汽车竞赛;他想要成为赛车手的渴望很早便已萌芽。由于父亲死亡而迫使法拉利辍学,法拉利的第一份工作是车床技师,法拉利入伍,刚退伍的他找到试车手的工作,而后转往米兰的CMN (Costruzioni Meccaniche Nazionali) 从事赛车手兼试车手的工作。他的赛车生涯始于1919年的Parma-Berceto 大赛,同年进入Targa Florio车队,从试车手到赛车手再到销售助理,最后1939年担任Alfa赛车部门的董事。法拉利驾驶一辆CMN的汽车,在一项名为柏塞托帕马雷久(Parma-Reggio de Berceto)的爬坡赛中,他也首次晋级Targa Florio越野大赛。恩佐·法拉利加入爱快·罗密欧(Alfa Romeo)公司,成为工厂赛车手,并且在当年为爱快·罗蜜欧在Targa Florio大赛中赢得第二名。爱快·罗蜜欧很快就明白恩佐。法拉利不仅是一个优秀的驾驶,恩佐。法拉利为爱快·罗密欧经营车队,然后在1929年离开该公司,法拉利首次将「跃马」这个标志固定在自己的赛车上。这是因为他有个兄弟曾经是斯夸德里格利亚(Squadriglia)9la飞行中队(第一次世界大战期间,驾驶斯佩德Spad Sl3s战斗机的飞行中队)的一员,跃马图案曾经出现在他们的飞机上。当恩佐·法拉利担任爱快·罗蜜欧车队经理时,他正享有早年的成功荣耀,利用英制的鲁吉(Rudge)和诺顿(Norton)机车经营机车竞速赛,并曾使用鲁吉机车一连两年赢得意大利的25Occ、35Occ、5OOcc级的机车竞赛。在1923年法拉利赢得一项赛事之后,在大战中被击落并壮烈牺牲)的飞机、带有跃马图案的布块.显然的,这让法拉利先生想起:将跃马图案摆在自己的赛车上,恩佐·法拉利将原本图案的外观改变成目前的样子:1929年法拉利在故乡Modena创立Scuderia Ferrari,其最初的目的是组织赛车成员.然而他投入大笔资金而成立一只正式的赛车队,且1933年转入了Alfa赛车技术部门而克服出赛的困难.1940年法拉利完全脱离Alfa Romeo且将 Scuderia Ferrari 带出Alfa而成立"致力于航空事业.1943年,法拉利工厂由Modena 迁到Maranello,1944年法拉利工厂被炸毁,工厂重建且企图建立完全第一法拉利,1969年 FIAT加入法拉利,成为法拉利最重要的股东.1963年法拉利在Maranello创办训练学校,1972年在Fiorano盖了一条试车赛道,在战争即将结束之前。法拉利旗下有200多位工人,而且他也拥有二十年担任赛车手、车队经理和制车厂长等职的工作经验,法拉利确信赛车竞赛中的胜利。将会推动轿车的销售量,使得他的同名汽车公司于1947年诞生,GP大赛中仍然可见法拉利汽车的身影。赢得向以竞争激烈闻名于世的Targa Florio大赛,而从1948-53这段期间:他们也每年赢得Mille Miglia(千公里赛车)的胜利,而且欧洲的每一项主要汽车赛。法拉利车手也几乎都曾夺冠,最后。恩佐-法拉利1988年8月14日于莫德纳(Modena)去世,享年90岁,因为恩佐·法拉利的坚持。所以缔造出今日法拉利辉煌的事,名声响遍全球,Enzo Ferrari is the son of a blacksmith. Small'!he wanted to become a racing driver'Ferrari',s first job was lathe technician;he qualified for his first cross-country race Targa Florio. The following year Enzo Ferrari joined Alfa Romeo (Alfa Romeo) to become the factory racers,and then in 1929 left the company set up its own h,Prancing Horse"the use of Imperial'Enzo Ferrari would be to change the appearance of the original patterns into their present form:and the tail of a horse stands up. Ferrari'and in 1933 transferred to overcome the Alfa racing technology sector and out of tournament difficult to .1940 completely out of years of Alfa Romeo and Ferrari Scuderia Ferrari out of the Alfa was established "Auto Avio Costruzioni Ferrari"began manufacturing machinery in 1944 the Ferrari factory was destroyed. Two y,becoming the most important shareholder .1963 Ferrari Ferrari in Maranello-year training school was founded in 1972 in Fiorano built a test track. Before the war coming to an end,Ferrari'such as:Ford,and has been covering 25 world champion. Enzo Ferrari'but to a "fleet command"in order to win the highly competitive world-famous Targa Florio race:every majorso to create something out of today'reputation reverberates worldwide!


英文名Ferrari 法拉利才是贵族车啊,在它眼中BENZ BMW都是资本主义的中产阶级哦~喜欢ferrari,有品啊


法拉利的首字母?或者是名字后缀的Modena?那是代表法拉利的所在地,等等...法拉利的名字是scuderia ferrari,所以在一些地方会有SF的标志。


恩佐·法拉利是一位铁匠之子。小法拉利的父亲后来成立一座引擎维修工厂,这也是恩佐·法拉利浸淫基本汽车工艺场所。他们父子都曾经参加早期在意大利举行的汽车竞赛;他想要成为赛车手的渴望很早便已萌芽。由于父亲死亡而迫使法拉利辍学,开始赚钱养活自己,法拉利的第一份工作是车床技师,生活困苦,几年后第一次世界大战爆发,法拉利入伍,1918年大战结束,刚退伍的他找到试车手的工作,而后转往米兰的CMN (Costruzioni Meccaniche Nazionali) 从事赛车手兼试车手的工作。他的赛车生涯始于1919年的Parma-Berceto 大赛,同年进入Targa Florio车队,1920年转入Alfa Romeo而且往后20年与Alfa Romeo建立良好关系,从试车手到赛车手再到销售助理,最后1939年担任Alfa赛车部门的董事。1919年,法拉利驾驶一辆CMN的汽车,在一项名为柏塞托帕马雷久(Parma-Reggio de Berceto)的爬坡赛中,赢得受人敬重的第四名。那一年,他也首次晋级Targa Florio越野大赛。次年,恩佐·法拉利加入爱快·罗密欧(Alfa Romeo)公司,成为工厂赛车手,并且在当年为爱快·罗蜜欧在Targa Florio大赛中赢得第二名。爱快·罗蜜欧很快就明白恩佐。法拉利不仅是一个优秀的驾驶,更是一位深具潜力的行政管理人,所以在二○年代后几年的时光中,恩佐。法拉利为爱快·罗密欧经营车队,然后在1929年离开该公司,成立自己的史卡得利亚法拉利(Scuderia Ferrari)公司。也就是在这段时间,法拉利首次将「跃马」这个标志固定在自己的赛车上。非常明显的,这是因为他有个兄弟曾经是斯夸德里格利亚(Squadriglia)9la飞行中队(第一次世界大战期间,驾驶斯佩德Spad Sl3s战斗机的飞行中队)的一员,跃马图案曾经出现在他们的飞机上。当恩佐·法拉利担任爱快·罗蜜欧车队经理时,他正享有早年的成功荣耀,特别是爱快·罗蜜欧P3.他有一段时间,利用英制的鲁吉(Rudge)和诺顿(Norton)机车经营机车竞速赛,并曾使用鲁吉机车一连两年赢得意大利的25Occ、35Occ、5OOcc级的机车竞赛。在1923年法拉利赢得一项赛事之后,巴拉卡(Baracca)女伯爵交给他一片取自于法兰西斯科·巴拉卡(Francesco Bauacca,意大利英雄,在大战中被击落并壮烈牺牲)的飞机、带有跃马图案的布块.显然的,这让法拉利先生想起:将跃马图案摆在自己的赛车上,可以同样纪念他的兄弟和法兰西斯科·巴拉卡。经过数年,恩佐·法拉利将原本图案的外观改变成目前的样子:骏马以单一后脚昂立,而且马尾巴耸立起来。1929年法拉利在故乡Modena创立Scuderia Ferrari ,其最初的目的是组织赛车成员.然而他投入大笔资金而成立一只正式的赛车队,且1933年转入了Alfa赛车技术部门而克服出赛的困难.1940年法拉利完全脱离Alfa Romeo且将 Scuderia Ferrari 带出Alfa而成立"Auto Avio Costruzioni Ferrari",致力于航空事业.1943年,第二次世界大战期间, 法拉利工厂由Modena 迁到Maranello,开始制造机械,1944年法拉利工厂被炸毁。两年后,工厂重建且企图建立完全第一法拉利,1960年投入股市,1969年 FIAT加入法拉利,成为法拉利最重要的股东.1963年法拉利在Maranello创办训练学校,1972年在Fiorano盖了一条试车赛道。在战争即将结束之前,法拉利旗下有200多位工人,而且他也拥有二十年担任赛车手、车队经理和制车厂长等职的工作经验。法拉利确信赛车竞赛中的胜利,将会推动轿车的销售量;也就是这种观点,使得他的同名汽车公司于1947年诞生。在半世纪后的今天,GP大赛中仍然可见法拉利汽车的身影,而且在一级方程式车赛中,他们是唯一使用原厂引擎作为赛车动力的与赛者,不像其它的对手,都是从别的制造厂购买引擎,例如:福特、雷诺(Renault)或本田(Honda)。在这段时间,法拉利赛车小组几乎宰制半数以上的比赛。他们最辉煌的纪录是在1952-53的赛车季,当时,赛车界正利用较小型的二级方程式车赛来决定世界冠军,而法拉利连续十四次赢得胜利。当时他已经主导赛车界近七十年,他所产制的汽车曾赢过世界各地的五千多项赛事,而且曾经囊括二十五项世界冠军。恩佐·法拉利在跑车赛的成功几乎众所皆知。在意大利,赢得家乡主场的胜利是非常重要的,而向以「车队指挥」闻名的恩佐·法拉利,很早就现身赛车界,而且法拉利的车手经常名列前茅:他们在1948、1951、1958、1961、1962、1965和1972等年,赢得向以竞争激烈闻名于世的Targa Florio大赛:而从1948-53这段期间,以及1956和1957这两年,他们也每年赢得Mille Miglia(千公里赛车)的胜利。而且欧洲的每一项主要汽车赛,法拉利车手也几乎都曾夺冠。最后,恩佐-法拉利1988年8月14日于莫德纳(Modena)去世,享年90岁。因为恩佐·法拉利的坚持,所以缔造出今日法拉利辉煌的事,名声响遍全球!Enzo Ferrari is the son of a blacksmith. Small's father was the establishment of a Ferrari engine maintenance facility, which is steeped Enzo Ferrari basic automotive technology sites. They are father and son who took part in an early automobile race held in Italy; he wanted to become a racing driver's desire at an early stage embryo. Because my father died, forcing Ferrari dropped out of school, began to earn money to feed themselves, Ferrari's first job was lathe technician, living in poverty and the First World War broke out after a few years, Ferrari joined the army, the war ended in 1918, just discharged He found the work of test driver, and then transferred to Milan, CMN (Costruzioni Meccaniche Nazionali) in driver and test driver for work. His racing career began in 1919, Parma-Berceto competition, the same year the team into the Targa Florio, 1920 transferred to Alfa Romeo and the next 20 years, establish a good relationship with Alfa Romeo, from test driver to race driver to sales assistant, the last Alfa racing department in 1939, served as a director. In 1919, driving a Ferrari car CMN, in a long time known as Bose Tuo Pama Lei (Parma-Reggio de Berceto) climbing race, won by the respectable fourth place. That year, he qualified for his first cross-country race Targa Florio. The following year Enzo Ferrari joined Alfa Romeo (Alfa Romeo) to become the factory racers, and in those years to the Alfa Romeo to win in the Targa Florio race in second place. Alfa Romeo quickly understand the Enzo. Ferrari is not only an excellent driver, but also an enormous potential for the administration of people, so several years after the Second ○ years time, the Enzo. Ferrari to run the team for Alfa Romeo, and then in 1929 left the company set up its own history of Scuderia Ferrari (Scuderia Ferrari) company. That is, in this time, the first time Ferrari "Prancing Horse" logo on their car fixed. Very obvious, it is because he has a brother who is a Squire德里格利亚(Squadriglia) 9la Flying Squadron (during World War I, driving Spade flying fighter squadrons Spad Sl3s) is a member of the Prancing Horse logo had appeared in their aircraft. When Enzo Ferrari Alfa Romeo as a team manager, he is enjoying early success of glory, especially Alfa Romeo P3. He has for some time, the use of Imperial's Ruggie (Rudge) and Norton (Norton) operating motorcycle racing motorcycle race, and used motorcycles Ruggie consecutive win in Italy two years 25Occ, 35Occ, 5OOcc class locomotive competition. Ferrari in 1923 after winning a tournament, Baraka (Baracca) Earl gave him a woman taken from the French Skoba laka (Francesco Bauacca, the Italian hero, was shot down during the war and heroic sacrifice) in aircraft, with a mounted pattern cloth. Obviously, it so reminds Mr. Ferrari: the Prancing Horse logo placed in his own car, you can also commemorate his brother and the French Skoba laka. After several years, Enzo Ferrari would be to change the appearance of the original patterns into their present form: a single rear foot Onlly horses, and the tail of a horse stands up. Ferrari's hometown of Modena in 1929, founded Scuderia Ferrari, the car was originally aimed at the members of the organization. However, he invested large sums of money set up an official racing team, and in 1933 transferred to overcome the Alfa racing technology sector and out of tournament difficult to .1940 completely out of years of Alfa Romeo and Ferrari Scuderia Ferrari out of the Alfa was established "Auto Avio Costruzioni Ferrari", dedicated to the aviation industry. In 1943, during World War II by the Modena Ferrari factory moved Maranello, began manufacturing machinery in 1944 the Ferrari factory was destroyed. Two years later, the factory rebuild and attempt to create a complete first Ferrari in 1960 into the stock market, FIAT joined Ferrari in 1969, becoming the most important shareholder .1963 Ferrari Ferrari in Maranello-year training school was founded in 1972 in Fiorano built a test track. Before the war coming to an end, Ferrari's more than 200 workers, and he also has twenty years as a racing driver, fleet managers and vehicle system, such as the post of director experience. Ferrari confident that the victory of the race car, will drive sales of cars; It is precisely this point of view, allowing his namesake car company was born in 1947. In half a century later, GP Competition Ferrari cars are still visible figure, but also in a Formula One motor race, they are only using the original engine as the engine and race car who, unlike the other opponents, are yes to buy engines from other manufacturers, such as: Ford, Renault (Renault) or Honda (Honda). During this time, the Ferrari racing team dominate almost half of the game. Their most brilliant record of the 1952-53 racing season, when the car industry is using the smaller two equations to determine the racing world champion, while Ferrari have won 14 straight victories. At that time he has led the car industry in recent seventies, he produced a car has won a number of events around the world in 5000, and has been covering 25 world champion. Enzo Ferrari's success in sports car racing is almost well known. In Italy, won the home victory at home is very important, but to a "fleet command" the famous Enzo Ferrari, the car industry appeared very early on, but the Ferrari driver is often among the best: they are 1948,1951, 1958,1961,1962,1965 and 1972 and other years, in order to win the highly competitive world-famous Targa Florio race: the period from 1948-53, as well as the past two years 1956 and 1957, they won the annual Mille Miglia (1000 km race) victory. And Europe, every major auto racing, the Ferrari drivers have won almost. Finally, Enzo - Ferrari August 14, 1988 in Modena (Modena) died at the age of 90. Because of Enzo Ferrari's insistence, so to create something out of today's Ferrari brilliant, reputation reverberates worldwide!


的读音为[lafə一般车友称其为”LaFerrari是法拉利推出的一款旗舰级超级跑车“于2013年3月在日内瓦车展首次亮相”以取代法拉利Enzo车型。LaFerrari拥有超凡极致的性能表现、空气动力效率以及操控性,为超级跑车树立了新的标杆,1、Styling on LaFerrari is a nod to the Ferrari prototypes that came out in the late 1960s.拉法拉利的造型是对20世纪60年代末出现的法拉利原型车的致敬,2、Still。我们还是没有料到拉法拉利的大锤,扩展资料;是意大利语里的定冠词:


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