




1、bee(蜜蜂)叫声 buzz buzz 英[bʌz] 美[bʌz] vi. 嗡嗡叫; 低声谈; 散布:嗡嗡叫,发哼声; 匆忙来去,奔忙; vt. 使嗡嗡叫; 咕哝:用快而低的嗓音讲话; [非正式用语] 低飞; 打电话给…; n. 嗡嗡声; 电话; 乱哄哄的说话声; 醉酒; 2、bird(鸟)叫声 tweettweet 英[twi:t] 美[twit] vi. 鸣叫; n. 小鸟啼叫,自录音再现装置发出的高音; 3、cat(猫)叫声 meow meow 英[mɪ'aʊ] 美[miˈaʊ] n. 猫叫声; vi. 猫叫; 4、hen (母鸡)叫声 cluck cluck 英[klʌk] 美[klʌk] n. (母鸡) 咯咯声; <俚>傻瓜,笨蛋; vt. 咯咯叫; 5、cow(奶牛)叫声 moo moo 英[mu:] 美[mu] n. (牛叫声) 哞; vi. 发出哞哞声; 6、cuckoo(布谷鸟)叫声 cuckoo cuckoo 英[ˈkʊku:] 美[ˈkuku, ˈkʊku] n. 布谷鸟,杜鹃; adj. 疯狂的,傻,笨; 7、dog (狗)叫声 woof woof woof 英[wʊf] 美[wʊf, wuf] n. 纬线; 织物; 低音; 低吠声; 8、duck(鸭子)叫声 quack quackquack 英[kwæk] 美[kwæk] n. <英>江湖医生; 江湖郎中; (鸭子的) 呱呱声; vi. (鸭子) 发出嘎嘎声; 9、frog (青蛙)叫声 croak croak 英[krəʊk] 美[kroʊk] vi. 呱呱地叫; vt. 用粗的声音说; n. 呱呱的叫声; 10、Lions(狮子) 叫声roarroar 英[rɔ:(r)] 美[rɔr, ror] vi. 咆哮; 吼叫; 喧闹; 混乱或吵闹; vt. 大声喊出; 使…轰鸣; 吼,咆啸; n. 吼叫声,咆哮声,呼啸声; 狂笑,大笑; 扩展资料:动物声音歌谣:The Animal Sounds Song动物叫声歌the dog goes woof woof woof woof小狗汪汪叫the cow goes moo moo moo moo奶牛哞哞叫the duck goes quack quack quack quack鸭子呱呱叫and the owl says to whit to whoooo猫头鹰呜呜叫the cat goes meow meow meow meow小猫喵喵叫the bird goes tweet tweet tweet tweet小鸟喳喳叫the pig goes oink oink oink oink小猪哼哼哼and the little mouse says squeak squeak squeak, squeak,squeak, squeak小老鼠吱吱叫these are the sounds that animals make这些就是动物们发出的声音these are the sounds that animals make这些就是动物们发出的声音the horse goes neigh neigh neigh马儿“neigh neigh”叫the sheep goes baa baa baa baa绵羊咩咩咩the rabbit goes thump thump thump兔子发出“ thump thump”的声音and the people they say bla bla bla bla bla人们巴拉巴拉在说话the snake goee hiss hiss hiss蛇的声音是咝咝咝the chicken goes cluck cluck cluck cluck鸡的叫声是咯咯咯the frog goes ribbit ribbit ribbit青蛙呱呱呱the bees say buzz buzz buzzbuzz buzz buzz蜜蜂嗡嗡嗡these are the sounds that animals make这些就是动物们发出的声音these are the sounds that animals make这些就是动物们发出的声音the donkey goes haw hee haw hee haw毛驴嘿吼叫the elephent goes pawoooo大象 pawoooo叫the bear growls grrr grrr狗熊哇哇叫the lion roars raaaar狮子啊呜啊呜啊呜these are the sounds that animals make这些就是动物们发出的声音these are the sounds that animals make这些就是动物们发出的声音these are the sounds that animals make这些就是动物们发出的声音these are the sounds that animals make这些就是动物们发出的声音




常见动物英文单词有:frog、rabbit、turtle、snake、monkey、whale、duck等。单词解析:嗓音沙哑;马的蹄叉;刀剑的挂环The witch changed the prince into a frog.巫婆把王子变成了青蛙。bɪt]    n. 兔子The rabbit burrowed under the fence.兔子在篱笆下打洞。tɜ【动】龟,海龟v. 倾覆,翻身;捕龟The turtle doesn't run so quickly as the hare.乌龟没有兔子跑得那么快。k] 美 [sneɪ狡诈的人v. 蜿蜒;拖曳The girl screamed at the sight of the snake.那女孩看到蛇就尖叫起来。mʌ猴一样的人v. 嘲弄;胡闹;模仿He'他像猴子那麽顽皮!


1、bee(蜜蜂)叫声 buzz buzz 英[bʌ低声谈;嗡嗡叫,发哼声;奔忙;咕哝:用快而低的嗓音讲话;打电话给…;电话;乱哄哄的说话声;醉酒;2、bird(鸟)叫声 tweettweet 英[twi:n. 小鸟啼叫,自录音再现装置发出的高音;3、cat(猫)叫声 meow meow 英[mɪaʊ<笨蛋;5、cow(奶牛)叫声 moo moo 英[mu:6、cuckoo(布谷鸟)叫声 cuckoo cuckoo 英[ˈku:kʊ杜鹃;笨;f,织物;低音;8、duck(鸭子)叫声 quack quackquack 英[kwæ江湖医生;江湖郎中;ʊvt. 用粗的声音说;n. 呱呱的叫声;10、Lions(狮子) 叫声roarroar 英[rɔ(r)] 美[rɔ:r;吼叫;喧闹;混乱或吵闹;vt. 大声喊出;使…轰鸣;吼;咆啸,n. 吼叫声;咆哮声,狂笑;扩展资料;动物声音歌谣:The Animal Sounds Song动物叫声歌the dog goes woof woof woof woof小狗汪汪叫the cow goes moo moo moo moo奶牛哞哞叫the duck goes quack quack quack quack鸭子呱呱叫and the owl says to whit to whoooo猫头鹰呜呜叫the cat goes meow meow meow meow小猫喵喵叫the bird goes tweet tweet tweet tweet小鸟喳喳叫the pig goes oink oink oink oink小猪哼哼哼and the little mouse says squeak squeak squeak:squeak小老鼠吱吱叫these are the sounds that animals make这些就是动物们发出的声音these are the sounds that animals make这些就是动物们发出的声音the horse goes neigh neigh neigh马儿,叫the sheep goes baa baa baa baa绵羊咩咩咩the rabbit goes thump thump thump兔子发出”oes haw hee haw hee haw毛驴嘿吼叫the elephent goes pawoooo大象 pawoooo叫the bear growls grrr grrr狗熊哇哇叫the lion roars raaaar狮子啊呜啊呜啊呜these are the sounds that animals make这些就是动物们发出的声音these are the sounds that animals make这些就是动物们发出的声音these are the sounds that animals make这些就是动物们发出的声音these are the sounds that animals make这些就是动物们发出的声音




Go to the zoo to see the animals. 去动物园看动物不同表达方式:你喜欢去动物园看动物吗?2、I am going to the zoo to see animals.我将要去动物园看动物。Iwenttothezootoseelovelyanimals. 去动物园看可爱的动物。4、I made an appointment with a friend and went to the zoo to see animals tomorrow.我和朋友约好了明天去动物园看动物。动词不定式就是由“动词不定式符号to加动词原形”构成了一种非谓语动词结构。也会有一些动词不定式可以不带to。动词不定式作主语用法:动词不定式放在句首,特别是带疑问词的不定式短语作主语。特别是不定式短语很长的时候。

7.他们在动物园里看动物 用英语怎么说

They look at animals in the zoo.读音/ðænɪn ð重点词组:look的用法一、释义vt. 看;看起来;注意;样子;面容二、例句Lookathow todothisnext.下面来看这是如何做到的。三、look同义词辨析look,watch,observe,witness,这些动词均有“1)look侧重“去看看它。2)see指看见。Whetheryouseemeor not.不论你是否看到我。3)watch指用眼睛跟随某物,以便对每一个变化、运动等进行观察。WatchwhatIdoandhowIdoit.看我的动作,4)observe侧重以客观的态度进行观察。你要怎样观察?5)witness指当场看见,亲眼看见。Itisdefinitelyaneventyoushouldwitness.它绝对是一个事件,你应该证人。
