




《secret love Song》歌手:Get Weird When you hold me in the street当你在街上与我相拥And you kiss me on the dancefloor在舞池里和我亲吻I wish that it could be like that我希望能那样Why can'm yours因为我是你的We keep behind closed doors我们把感情隐藏Every time I see you I die a little more每一次相遇后我都魂不守舍Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls待到窗帘落下我们才能享受独自的时光It'll never be enough那从来不够It're meant for me很明显我们天造地设Every piece of you it just fits perfectly每一寸的你都和我完美的匹配Every second every thought I'll never show it on my face但我从不敢把感情公开But we know this we got a love that is homeless我知道我们的爱是漂泊无助的Why can't you hold me in the street为什么你不能在街上与我相拥Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor为什么我不能在舞池与你拥吻I wish that it could be like that我希望能那样Why can't we be like that为什么没有当众爱你的权利Cause I'm yours因为我是你的When you're with him do you call his name当你和他在一起的时候你呼唤他的名字Like you do when you're with me does it feel the same当你和我在一起的时候也这样吗Would you leave if I was ready to settle down当我安定下来你是否会离我而去Or would you play it safe and stay或者留下照顾我Girl you know this we got a love that is hopeless女孩你知道我们的爱是无望的Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor为什么我不能在舞厅里与你拥吻I wish that it could be like that我希望那样Why can's baby没有人知道我们坠入爱河I don'm in love为什么我不能说我们坠入爱河I wanna shout it from the rooftops我想要像全世界宣告I wish that it could be like that我希望能那样Why can'm yours因为我是你的Why can't we be like that为什么不能那样Wish we could be like that我希望我们能做到扩展资料:混合甜心(英语:前身为Rhythmix)是英国女子音乐组合。2011年8月19日于歌唱比赛The X Factor UK上出道。粉丝名称为Mixer。Little Mix最初起的名字是"Rhythmix"

2.黄金温和下跌 在1550附近波动


