








【finds】意思与用法1. VERB发现…的所在 If you find someone or something,you see them or learn where they are. The police also found a pistol...警方还发现了一把手枪。t find a trace of anywhere called Darrowby...他们对着地图细看了许久也没能找到那个叫达罗比的地方的影踪。不知您能否为我找一副纸牌?2. VERB找到;you succeed in achieving or obtaining it. Many people here cannot find work... 这里很多人都找不到工作。他们还没有找到一种对抗该病毒的方法。而我们得给他找份工作。3. V-PASSIVE发现…存在(于) If something is found in a particular place or thing,beans,4. VERB发现…处于某种状态;遇见;they are in that situation when you see them or come into contact with them. They found her walking alone and depressed on the beach...他们碰见她独自一人神色忧郁地走在海滩上。She returned to her east London home to find her back door forced open...她回到在伦敦东区的住所时发现后门被撬开了。Thrushes are a protected species so you will not find them on any menu.鸫鸟是受保护的物种,在菜谱上是找不到的。5. VERB(不知不觉中)发现(自己在做某事) If you find yourself doing something,you are doing it without deciding or intending to do it. It's not the first time that you've found yourself in this situation...你陷入这种状况已经不是第一次了。I found myself having more fun than I had had in years...我发现自己这些年来从未像现在这样开心过。发现自己呆在一条冰冷黏湿的船上。His lunch did not take long to arrive and found him poring over a notepad covered with scrawls.不久午餐就送来了,当时他正埋头于一本满是潦草字迹的记事簿。7. VERB发觉,认识到(某事属实) If you find that something is the case,that both groups of birds survived equally well... 这两位生物学家惊奇地发现,两组鸟都很好地存活了下来。At my age I would find it hard to get another job...到了我这个年纪自己就会发觉很难再找到一份工作了。We find her evidence to be based on a degree of oversensitivity...我们认识到她提供的证据在一定程度上是出于过分敏感。8. VERB裁决;判决;you say that the person has been found guilty or not guilty. She was found guilty of manslaughter and put on probation for two years...她被裁定过失杀人罪名成立,I just went blank.当他们判定我们有罪时,我的脑子顿时一片空白。9. VERB觉得;认为 You can use find to express your reaction to someone or something. I find most of the young men of my own age so boring... 我觉得和我同龄的年轻人大多都很无聊。re sure you'...我们保证你一定会认为这很刺激的!I find it ludicrous that nothing has been done to protect passengers from fire...乘客没有受到任何防火保护,这让我觉得十分荒唐。10. VERB感受到(愉快、安慰等情感) If you find a feeling such as pleasure or comfort in a particular thing or activity,...怎么会有人以猎杀这种美丽的动物为乐呢?I was too tired and frightened to find comfort in that familiar promise.我既疲惫又恐惧,就连那熟悉的承诺都无法让我感到安慰。11. VERB找出,挤出(时间或金钱) If you find the time or money to do something,you succeed in making or obtaining enough time or money to do it. I was just finding more time to write music...我刚刚找到了更多时间来作曲。interesting,good,or useful. Another of his lucky finds was a pair of candle-holders...他的另一个幸运发现是一对烛台。

4.Hope this email finds you well!这句话翻译成中文,比较贴切的翻译是什么?

The night is long that never finds the day.这是莎士比亚的《麦克白》第四幕第三场最后一句话。人生的一种感悟 在经历过一些事物之后 已经学会坚韧 的人才会写出如此的东西来 这是对自我的激励 也是一种坚强的宣泄 要人们不要消极,

5.求莎士比亚一句名言的原句 英文的无论黑夜多么悠长白昼总会到来

The night is long that never finds the day.这是莎士比亚的《麦克白》第四幕第三场最后一句话。人生的一种感悟 在经历过一些事物之后 已经学会坚韧 的人才会写出如此的东西来 这是对自我的激励 也是一种坚强的宣泄 要人们不要消极, 而应该积极的去克服困难 人生会好起来的 . 简单来说就是 不管你的现况多么的差 总会好起来的 一切都将过去... 黑夜总会被黎明所替代

6.war is like love,it always finds a way谁说的

战争就像爱情“是一位著名的德国戏剧家与诗人,重点词汇War战争。战争期间;斗争like喜欢;(与 would 或 should 连用表示客气)想;想要;喜欢做;比如;相似的;相同的;相类似的人[事物];喜好;爱好;种类;好像;仿佛;如;(非正式口语;大概;可能love喜欢;爱;爱戴;赞美;喜爱;喜好;爱慕;热爱;爱情;疼爱;爱人;总是;永远;不断地finds找到;发觉;到达way方法;道路;方向;某方面;远远地;贝托尔特((1898-1956) 德国诗人和戏剧家;发展;史诗戏剧“

7.Hope this finds you well.是什么意思

