piace:voglio dire,mi piace il tuo中文什么意思




1.voglio dire,mi piace il tuo中文什么意思

voglio dire,我喜欢你

2.the piace能换成piaces吗?

the place 带有the已经特指了某个place。

3.意大利语ti piace pechino?是什么意思



这里有篇天津的示例.仅供参考:our environment will be much improved.天津是我的家乡,它是一个美丽的城市,然后,随着经济的发展,天津的环境已经变得越来越差了.例如,工业废气污染了新鲜的空气,工业废水污染了河流.这就导致了生活得舒适度已经不再像过去那么好了.为了使天津成为一个更适合生活的城市,我应该做一些力所能及的事情.比如我可以种一些树来净化空气,出门的时候我可以坐公共汽车而不是打车.也许做这些事是微不足道的,但是如果每个人都行动起来,人多力量大,天津的环境就会大大改善的.

5.make our city a better piace英语作文五句话

这里有篇天津的示例.仅供参考:Tianjin is my hometown,it is a beautiful city.However,as the economy develops,the environment of Tianjin becomes worse and worse.For example,the exhaust gas pollutes the fresh air,the industrial waste water pollutes the rivers,as a result,the comfort level of living is not as good as before.In order to make Tianjin a better place to live,I think I should do something in my power.For example,I can plant some trees to cleanse the air,I can take bus instead of taxi,so the air pollution will be less.Maybe these things are potty,but if everybody acts,then many hands make light work,our environment will be much improved.天津是我的家乡,它是一个美丽的城市,然后,随着经济的发展,天津的环境已经变得越来越差了.例如,工业废气污染了新鲜的空气,工业废水污染了河流.这就导致了生活得舒适度已经不再像过去那么好了.为了使天津成为一个更适合生活的城市,我应该做一些力所能及的事情.比如我可以种一些树来净化空气,出门的时候我可以坐公共汽车而不是打车.也许做这些事是微不足道的,但是如果每个人都行动起来,人多力量大,天津的环境就会大大改善的.

6.now i see you in a better piace什么意思意思

now i see you in a better place现在我看到你在一个更好的地方双语对照例句:

7.a piace nearby

Lene Marlin I entered the room 走进你的房间Sat by your bed all through the night 坐在你的床边I watched your daily fight 忆你坚强依然I hardly knew 容我徐徐体念The pain was almost more than I could be 痛苦难堪And still I hear 依稀还能听见your last words to me 临终遗言 Heaven is a place nearby“天堂并不遥远So I won’t be so far away 并非远在天边And if U try and look for me。
