




现在进行时是英语的一种时态,表示现在进行的动作或存在的状态。在英语时态中,指动作发生的时间“指动作的样子和状态”现在进行时表示动作发生的时间是“动作目前的状态是“正在进行中”1、表示现在正在进行的动作“2、表示现阶段正在进行或从事的动作”1、一般疑问句是将be移到主语前面:句末加问号。be+主语+doing sth◇Are they putting up the scaffolding:t.2、否定句式是在be动词后加not?主语+be+not+doing sth◇I am not working.◇He isn',


ðlɔndri]洗衣服,洗熨衣服,做洗衣服的活。我得整理床铺和洗衣服。kləðz]洗衣服。例句:我让我妈妈给我洗衣服。扩展资料:1、clothes的基本意思是“衣服”是各种衣服、服装的总称,指具体的衣服,而不是抽象的着装,可指上衣、裤子、内衣、外衣,也可指特殊场合的服装,2、clothes是复数名词。单复同形,3、clothes前可用my。a good many修饰(谓语动词用复数),也可用a pair ofclothes,a suit ofclothes修饰(谓语动词用单数),但不可用数词修饰。


do the washing洗衣服例句:I'll do it.你不用亲自洗衣服,2. He ordered that the students wash the clothes every week by themselves.他要求学生每周都要自己洗衣服。我会帮妈妈做些家务,比如打扫屋子,洗衣服等等。4. Can you do the washing for me?你能帮我洗洗衣服吗?


or wherever else you keep them. Keep in mind that your socks may be in the living room or under your desk. Make sure you'and adding water (read labels to verify the temperature) and detergent. The water should feel slippery. Warning:usually the one with socks and underwear. Put the first pile into the washer. Add detergent (the bottle/and examine all the knobs to maand lowers your impact on the environment. Fold as little as possible. Just stack your undies like pancakes. Over drying wears fabric out faster;pull towels/don'just hang them up. Warnings:and don't spin the clothes. New clothes with bright colors maydon'they will never be the same. Let them dry in the sun. Never wash and dry dark and light colored shirts together. Never put bleach on shirts that are not white. Things You'll Need Clothes Detergent A washing machine Or a bucket /or somewhere to hang them 参考文献:http://www.wikihow.com/Wash-Your-Clothes


How to Wash Your Clothes Learning how to wash clothes is a very important skill. Failure to acquire this may not only turn out to be unhealthy, but also expensive, in the case that the washing goes wrong. Fortunately, then, it is not a very difficult skill to master. Steps: Collect all your dirty clothes from the bathroom floor, or wherever else you keep them. Keep in mind that your socks may be in the living room or under your desk. Make sure you've found everything. Sort the clothes into piles. There are two important considerations here: what material your clothes are, and what color. Read all the labels, and pick out the clothes that (a) cannot be washed (need to be taken to a dry cleaner), (b) all clothes that say delicate, or have other restrictions. These are commonly materials such as silk, wool, and certain synthetic fibers. Remember delicates may have to be washed by hand. This means using a sink or a bucket, and adding water (read labels to verify the temperature) and detergent. The water should feel slippery. Warning: remember to sort the colors (see point five below). Sort the remaining clothes (generally materials such as cotton, linen, synthetic fibers) according to color. All whites should go with only whites (or very light colors if the item has been washed many times). Then put all the reds, pinks, and oranges in a separate pile (never keep this close to the white pile as you will be wearing pink shirts for a long time). Then, depending on how much more you have left, put the other colors together, possibly into a lighter (e.g. greys, yellows, light blues) and a darker pile (blacks, dark blues, browns, purples). Know that, each pile is its own load. It is recommended to start with the highest priority pile, usually the one with socks and underwear. Put the first pile into the washer. Add detergent (the bottle/box should say how much you need). Read all instructions on the washer carefully, and examine all the knobs to make sure you are washing the clothes the way you are planning to. Whites and underwear usually go on hot temperatures. Colored clothes and sheets usually go on warm or cold temperatures. Close the door and push the on button. all dried and foldedCome back when the washer is done and take the clothes out. Shake them gently, and either put into a dryer (remember to read the label) or hang them up to dry. Tips: If you're sharing an apartment or living with people you know, it sometimes helps to join in the washing. This is especially the case with reds, as many people don't have a full load of red clothes in their wardrobe. Doing laundry together saves money and time, and lowers your impact on the environment. Fold as little as possible. Just stack your undies like pancakes. Over drying wears fabric out faster; try to leave a little moisture in (not too much though), it will dry before you get to using it anyway. Take the sheets off the bed, wash them and put them right back on. Less time will be spent folding/storing. Go one step further and divide your dress sock drawer in two. Put clean socks in one side and draw from the other. When they are gone, reverse. This way you wear your socks evenly and can throw them all out at the same time and start over, hence less waste. Also- no folding, just throw them together like worms. The recommended detergent amounts are about twice what you need. Use half of what they recommend & your clothes will be just as clean and your detergent will last twice as long. I f your dryer is near the shower, pull towels/clothes directly from the dryer if they are in there, hence less folding. Have hooks in your closet for your favorite pants and shirts that you wear constantly, don't fold and store them, just hang them up. Warnings:Always check the labels of your clothes. If you are ever unsure, wash on the lower temperature, or by hand, and don't spin the clothes. New clothes with bright colors may have to be washed by themselves for the first few times unless you have something in a very similar color. Blue Jeans should be inside out to retain their dark color. If you wash your tennis shoes, don't put them in the dryer, they will never be the same. Let them dry in the sun. Never wash and dry dark and light colored shirts together. Never put bleach on shirts that are not white. Things You'll Need Clothes Detergent A washing machine Or a bucket / sink A drier to dry the clothes, or somewhere to hang them 参考文献:http://www.wikihow.com/Wash-Your-Clothes


wash clothes do the laundry希望我的回答能够帮到您,祝学习进步! (*^__^*)


我要洗衣服用英文怎么说英文:I want to wash my clothes.词语解释:希望;打算;需要…在场n. 需要的东西;缺少;贫穷例句:] 美 [wɑ:ʃ清洗;浸湿;冲刷,冲击;洗去罪名vi. 耐洗;被洗掉(通常与 out 和 away 连用);(波涛等)拍打n. (尤指船过后划出的)水流;要洗的衣物的数量;薄涂层(尤指涂料)vt. 弄湿;使受洗礼;(光)布满;(猫等)舔净(自身)adj. 可洗的,耐洗的;(证券交易)虚假的例句:He got a job washing dishes in a pizza parlour 他在比萨店里找到一份洗盘子的工作。clothes英 [kləð衣物;寝具v. 穿(衣)( clothe的第三人称单数);给…提供衣服;(用语言)表达;
