




超过的英文:exceed;pass;si:sid] vt.超过;超越;胜过;越过…的界限vi.突出,领先The price will not exceed £100.价格不会超过100英镑。ɛkˌsɛ超额量;多余量;放肆adj.超重的,过量的,额外的Luggage in excess of 20kg is taxed.行李超过20公斤要付费。p] vt.超过,越过;优于,胜于;做得比…更好;跑过,逃脱Demand is outstripping supply.需求快超过供给了。四、pass英 [pɑ:s] 美 [pævi.通过;走过;批准;度过,超过I caught him a lap later,and although I could pass him I could not shake him off一圈后我追上了他,但却甩不掉他。aʊ(r)] 美 [aʊtˈnʌmbɚ] vt.超过,数量多于;


超过的的英文:s head超过...理解力Her writing is ahead of the times.她的作品是超过时代的。His age is over thirty.他的年龄已超过30。Arithmetic result exceeded 32 bits.算术结果超过32位。这没超过免费行李限量吧?我们减少的资源成本超过 93%!There are 70 digitals on your keyboard.你的键盘上有超过70个键。and airmen paraded down the Champs Elysées.超过四千名士兵、水手和飞行员沿着香榭丽舍大街游行。s getting past it.我的园丁已超过75岁,恐怕已力不从心了。


1、至多at (the) most(adv) upper limit;at mostnot more thanat the utmostat the outsideat the longestB not more thanat the mostat the very mostmax.例子:He's only away for short periods a week at the longest.它想他至多不过15岁。I think he was fifteen at(the) most.一晚上我至多可挣250英镑。At (the) most I might earn 250 a night.我们每周至多工作四十小时。We have 40 hours at work at the most each week.2、最多maximumat (the) mostlargest (number of sth)the mostmostat bestat the outside例子:The cottage could accommodate up to five people.我们最多给百分之四的佣金。


1、至多at (the) most(adv) upper limit; at mostnot more thanat the utmostat the outsideat the longestB not more thanat the mostat the very mostmax.例子:他只是短期外出--至多一周。He's only away for short periods a week at the longest.它想他至多不过15岁。I think he was fifteen at(the) most.一晚上我至多可挣250英镑。At (the) most I might earn 250 a night.我们每周至多工作四十小时。We have 40 hours at work at the most each week.2、最多maximumat (the) mostlargest (number of sth)the mostmostat bestat the outside例子:这间小屋最多能容纳5个人。The cottage could accommodate up to five people.我们最多给百分之四的佣金。A4%25 commission is the maximum.整个来说,我们队得分最多。Our team scored the most goals on aggregate.我父母死时她给我的帮助最多。She helped me (the) most when my parents died.这厅最多容纳七十人。This hall holds a maximum of seventy people.3、不超过at the mostnot more thanno more ... than ...not exceeding例子:我参加聚会的时间必须不超过两个小时。I must limit myself to two hours here in the party.最远不超过十英里。It's ten miles away, at the farthest.我将待在这里最多不超过三天。I'll stay here not more than three days.

5.请问各位大佬:达到并超过 用英语怎么说哦?



Percentage of smoking men is 50 percent higher than women.三音节以下的形容词用形容词比较级 than,三音节以上的词用More 形容词原形 than*****************************************************************************祝天天开心,本题不明白。


over 平常对话用的1. The meeting is over.会议结束了。2. You'd better think it over carefully.你最好仔细考虑一下。3. He pushed me and I fell over.他推我,我跌了下来。4. Take these letters over to the post office.把这些信送到对面邮局去。5. By the time we arrived the meeting was over.我们到达时,会议已结束了。more than超过,多于,非常This city has a population of more than 1,000.这个城市人口超过一百万。
