




叶子“英语leaf念法”英 [liː:f] 美 [lif]释义;(书籍等的)一张;翻书页3、vt. 翻…的页;匆匆翻阅4、n. (Leaf)人名,(英)利夫例句;1、Each node can be either a branch or a leaf.每个节点都可以是一个分支或者是一个叶子:2、Yea。虽说他们在跳舞时戴的野花环没有在他们的头发上留下叶子;扩展资料leaf的同近义词!foliage读法:fəʊlɪfolɪɪdʒ]释义;叶子(总称)短语;1、foliage spray 根外施肥:叶面喷肥2、pot foliage 盆栽观叶植物3、foliage tree 阔叶木。


叶子英语为:短语:coltsfoot leaf 款冬叶子lemon leaves 柠檬叶子the leaf nodes 叶子结点a leaf 一叶子扩展资料用leaf造句:1、The plant is leafing out in the summer sun.这株植物在夏日的日光中长叶子。2、Begin to roll the leaf from one side.然后从一边往另一边卷起叶子。3、THE FOREST was large and thickly overgrown with all kinds of leaf-bearing trees.这是一座很大很茂密的森林,长满生有各种各样叶子的树。一片湿润的叶子就会毁掉你。


"banner"I am afraid that even approached the courage did not dare to have.3,hey!ordinary green leaves make me feel:if I can'Life?congratulate green cabbage...... The fields around left its footprints.8,the leaves turn into a butterfly just fall down from the sk,y,fan"small fan"feels like delicate skin;Shu Fuji.10,leisurely,like dancing in the air.,


1, the maple leaf like a lovely hands, big and small fat and thin, long and short. Looks like there are countless hands in greeting me, to welcome me.2, the ancients said, "banner" is not the golden autumn leaves achievements, or the achievements of the golden autumn leaves. The leaves seem to be born for the autumn, spring green, summer green, and not the aura of autumn leaves. The cool autumn wind, light tenderness, sky caixia. This mass, a golden trees, the leaves falling in the wind, have a thick layer on the ground. As the scenery, who dare to destroy? I am afraid that even approached the courage did not dare to have.3, hey! You see, the fiery red maple leaves, should be. As it leaves wide open hand, waving in the wind. I see she is looking at her and feel shy? Or in order to meet the arrival of autumn and the girl? Perhaps because of the autumn girl of infinite love, makes her face so red.4, the red maple leaf, light from the shackles of free books, light in the room. Traces of its movement is not fast, very soothing, but also very firm. Life is clearly out of the trees survive, however, the fiery red hot, but did not decrease with the passage of life.5, after the autumn frost strike, the color of the leaves with the language to express, dark red, dark red, like red - red, green like non green, red with green, green with red, in a word, it contains a variety of red and green color levels, although many, but the autumn girl gave it foreign exchange is unusually melt exactly, it is more than less specific points is too bright, too light, this is any painter is difficult.6, ordinary green leaves make me feel: if I can't be a Liufang full of flowers, a piece of pure noble green leaves and Why not?? Life, the same as its modest diligent vigorous green.7, leaves, see red sorghum, greeting yellow corn, congratulate green cabbage...... The fields around left its footprints.8, the leaves turn into a butterfly just fall down from the sky, draw a beautiful arc. At the moment, it saw the beauty of the world, heard the birds call, but also completed their mission.9, there are a few roadside ginkgo trees, the tree was covered with green "fan", under the touch of autumn, the color becomes green with yellow. Pick up the light and thin "small fan", some have vertical stripes of green; some edge is yellow, the middle of the whole leaves green, green and yellow; there are vertical stripes of yellow soil, feels like delicate skin, Shu Fuji.10, a breeze, the leaves fall down in the air, leisurely, and high and low, like dancing in the air.


叶子英语为:单数时用leaf 复数是leaves。短语:


叶子leaf;foliage;树木现在都长出了叶子。All the trees are leafed out now. 这株植物在夏日的日光中长叶子。The plant is leafing out in the summer sun. 刮风时,我们能听见树上的叶子发出飒飒的声音。


树叶 单数leaf 复数leaves草叶 blade
