runout:run out和run out of的区别是什么?



目录 out和run out of的区别是什么?

匆匆离开:Lots of students ran out to see what had happened. 许多学生跑出去看发生了什么事情。The water runs out at the other end of the pipe. 水从管子的另一端流出去。期满:Our contract runs out at the end of the month. 我们的合同在本月底到期。被用完:You'd better go home before your money runs out. 你最好别等钱花光再回家。伸出:The wall runs out into the field. 这面墙一直延伸到田野里。6. 把(绳子等)放出;拉出:They ran the rope out a little at a time. 他们一次把绳子抽出来一点。I've run myself out. I can't go any further. 我跑得精疲力竭,再也走不动了。8. [英国英语]用汽车把…送出去;驾车出游:We ran out to the centre of the city this morning. 我们今天上午开车到市中心一带去玩。9. 强迫离开;赶走:the police will run him out. 如果他拒不离开此地,警方将强迫他离开。失踪:The cashier had run out with eighty thousand pounds in cash. 这个出纳员带着八万镑现钞消失得无影无踪。学生们都从教室里跑出来。2. (液体)从…流出:Filthy water runs out of the pipe every day. 污水每天从管道中流出来。We ran out of coal,and had to burn wood. 我们的煤用光了,只好烧柴。


Run out run out of 都是用完耗尽的意思,

3.形位公差中circular runout,total runout什么意思?

圆跳动( circular runout) 被测要素绕基准轴线回转一周时,由位置固定的指示器在给定方向上测得的最大与最小读数之差。圆跳动公差是被测要素在某一固定参考点绕基准轴线旋转一周(零件和测量仪器件无轴向位移)时,指示器值所允许的最大变动量。圆跳动公差适用于被测要素任一不用的测量位置。全跳动(total runout) 是关联实际被测要素对理想回转面的允许变动量。当理想回转面是以基准要素为轴线的圆柱面时,与当理想回转面是与基准轴线垂直的平面时,称为轴向(端面)全跳动。圆跳动和全跳动的差别:


run out 1. 跑出去;匆匆离开:例句: Lots of students ran out to see what had happened. 许多学生跑出去看发生了什么事情。2. (液体)流出:例句: The water runs out at the other end of the pipe. 水从管子的另一端流出去。3. 到期,期满:例句: Our contract runs out at the end of the month. 我们的合同在本月底到期。4. 被耗尽,被用完:例句: You'd better go home before your money runs out. 你最好别等钱花光再回家。5. 突出;伸出:例句: The wall runs out into the field. 这面墙一直延伸到田野里。6. 把(绳子等)放出;拉出:例句: They ran the rope out a little at a time. 他们一次把绳子抽出来一点。7. 使跑得精疲力竭:例句: I've run myself out. I can't go any further. 我跑得精疲力竭,再也走不动了。8. [英国英语]用汽车把…送出去;驾车出游:例句: We ran out to the centre of the city this morning. 我们今天上午开车到市中心一带去玩。9. 强迫离开;赶走:例句: If he refuses to leave here,the police will run him out. 如果他拒不离开此地,警方将强迫他离开。10. 消失;失踪:例句: The cashier had run out with eighty thousand pounds in cash. 这个出纳员带着八万镑现钞消失得无影无踪。 run out of 1. 从…跑出来:例句: All the students run out of the classrooms as soon as the bell rings. 铃声一响,学生们都从教室里跑出来。2. (液体)从…流出:例句: Filthy water runs out of the pipe every day. 污水每天从管道中流出来。3. 耗尽,用完:例句: We ran out of coal,and had to burn wood. 我们的煤用光了,只好烧柴。4. [美国英语]强迫离开;驱逐出…:例句: They ran the spies out of the country. 他们将间谍驱逐出境。 @关键是run out 是不及物词组 ,和主语是逻辑上的主谓关系 run out of是及物词组 所以呢run out是不及物的,后面不能加宾语,所以没有被动 run out of是及物的,后面必须加宾语 就是如果出现sth be run out那就是错的 只有sth run out等

5.use up和run out of的区别

注意和be used up run out 的区别run out of 后接物品名词,主语一般是人run out 一般以物做主语,表示该物以用光,以主动形式表示被动意义 sb. use up sth. be used up 意义与run out 相同,它本身就是被动形式,主语只能是物 例子:

6.pcb行业钻孔机run out测试是什么意思?测试方法及作用是什么?

RUN out量测 是指主轴偏摆度的测量,检查主轴在各转速时所产生的偏摆度数是否过大,一般生产使用中的主轴偏摆在10以内为佳!先卸下主轴压脚,在主轴中插入标准PIN,




