renders:the tower——Vienna Teng的中文歌词




1.the tower——Vienna Teng的中文歌词

s coming apart right before my eyes 不再依照他人的意愿活着 在我眼前,她慢慢崩溃 the one who depends on the services she renders to those who come knocking 她放弃她依靠而活的那个人 she's seeing too clearly that she can't be what understanding defies 她看得十分清楚 她无力改变拒绝这一切 she says I need not to need or else a love with intuition someone who reaches out to my weakness and won'我不需要什么 只要能够感触到的爱情 一个能抚摸到我的脆弱 不离不弃的人 I need not to need I'm the flower trying to bloom in snow 我不需要什么 我一直都很坚强 但是现在我感觉自己像是努力在雪地里绽放的花朵 she turns out the light anticipating night falling tenderly around her and watches the dusk the words won't come 她预见到黑夜将要来临 她关上灯,柔和夜雾环绕 注视着薄暮 无言 she carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it that she can be happy the way things are be happy with the things she'

2.我的电脑是WIN10系统,使用IE11的浏览器,但是打开一些电路图网站显示 SVG currently renders in IE only

建议还原系统或重装。Win7810还原系统,右击计算机选属性,在右侧选系统保护,系统还原,按步骤做就是了,如果有还原软件,自带的映像备份,并且进行了备份。 opposed to force-feeds students and renders them capable only of spitting back predigested ideas

后者只能让学生学到别人消化好然后喂给他们的思想。as opposed to是个固定短语:和……形成对比as apposed to后面是和前面存在并列关系的结构,这里是动词的限定形式,和前面的动词限定形式进行对比。


这句话的结构比较复杂,其实应该是两个句子:my rich experience.2 My experience makes me a perfect candidate for it.这样就比较明白了。但我觉得原句这样写虽然从语法结构上似乎没有问题,但如果作为主语从句+系动词+表语从句来理解:[使我合格且称职的][是][我的丰富经验让我成为(职位的)最佳候选人]。文意重复,显得很奇怪。就你的问题,在1句中,what renders me qualified and competent 是疑问词引导的主语从句,系动词is是全句的谓语,my experience是表语,而in my own view是独立成份。这句还可以改写为这样更好一些:that renders me qualified and competent.全句也可以改为:更好一些:that renders me qualified and competent and makes me a perfect candidate for it.基本上是这样,希望对你有帮助。


这句话的结构比较复杂,其实应该是两个句子:1 what renders me qualified and competent is, in my view, my rich experience.2 My experience makes me a perfect candidate for it.这样就比较明白了。但我觉得原句这样写虽然从语法结构上似乎没有问题,但如果作为主语从句+系动词+表语从句来理解:[使我合格且称职的][是][我的丰富经验让我成为(职位的)最佳候选人]。文意重复,显得很奇怪。就你的问题,在1句中,what renders me qualified and competent 是疑问词引导的主语从句,系动词is是全句的谓语,my experience是表语,而in my own view是独立成份。这句还可以改写为这样更好一些:It is my rich experience, in my own view, that renders me qualified and competent.全句也可以改为:what renders me qualified and competent and makes me a perfect candidate for it is,in my own view, my rich experience.或者这样,更好一些:It is my rich experience,in my own view, that renders me qualified and competent and makes me a perfect candidate for it.基本上是这样,希望对你有帮助。

6.为什么俄语中称中国为 Китай(契丹)



Vienna Teng《The Tower》http:tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=The+Tower附歌词:t let goI need not to needI'm the flowers trying to bloom in snowI dingerous I the power find down the floor
