




生气的英语单词:anger读法:英['æŋgə]美['æŋɡɚ]1、n. 怒,愤怒;忿怒;生气2、vt. 使发怒,激怒;恼火3、vi. 发怒;恼火短语:1、show anger显示愤怒 ; 显出怒容2、in anger含怒 ; 气愤地 ; 生气地 ; 愤怒3、Trait Anger特质愤怒 ; 怒特质 ; 愤怒特质4、ANGER BIRDS愤怒的小鸟 ; 愤怒鸟 ; 愤怒的小鸟纸模型5、indignant anger出离愤怒 ; 钓鱼扩展资料近义词:1、Angry英['æŋgrɪ]美[ˈæŋgrɪ]adj. 生气的;愤怒的;狂暴的;(伤口等)发炎的例句:Are you angry with me for some reason?你是因为某个原因生我的气了吗?2、vitality英[vaɪ'tælɪtɪ]美[vaɪ'tæləti]n. 活力,生气;生命力,生动性例句:Without continued learning, graduates will lose their intellectual vitality.如果不继续学习,毕业生们就会失去他们的思维活力。


[例句]中国网民也爱智能手机、愤怒的小鸟和iPad。and iPads.


over 12 million copies of the game have been purchased from Apple'a market for merchandise featuring its characters and even long-term plans for a feature film or television series. With a combined 200 million downloads across all platforms and including both regular and special editions,one of the most mainstream games out right now"",one of the great runaway hits of 2010"the largest mobile app success the world has seen so far",players take control of a flock of multi-colored birds that are attempting to retrieve eggs that have been stolen by a group of evil green pigs. On each level;players launch the birds with the intent o,types,depending on the score received. Players may re-attempt unlocked levels as many times as they wish in order to successfully complete them or to earn additional points and/Rovio staff began reviewing proposals for potential games. One such proposal came from senior game designer Jaakko Iisalo[11] in the form of a simulated screenshot featuring some angry-looking birds with no visiblethe "swine flu"enemies pigs.The game'with development taking over a year.The company understood the challenges of transplanting aRovio'"you can’t take an experience that works in one environment and one ecosystem and force-feed it onto another. It'The Facebook version is expected to incorporate social-gaming concepts and in-game purchases and was scheduled to enter beta-testing in April 2011.Future improvements planned for the game include the ability to synchronize the player's progress across multiple devices;


生气的英语单词:anger读法:英['gə]美['生气2、vt. 使发怒,恼火3、vi. 发怒;恼火短语:1、show anger显示愤怒;显出怒容2、in anger含怒;气愤地;生气地;愤怒3、Trait Anger特质愤怒;怒特质;愤怒特质4、ANGER BIRDS愤怒的小鸟;愤怒鸟;愤怒的小鸟纸模型5、indignant anger出离愤怒;钓鱼扩展资料近义词:]美[ˈgrɪ愤怒的;狂暴的;(伤口等)发炎的例句:2、vitality英[vaɪ'tɪ]美[vaɪ'tælə生气;生动性例句:毕业生们就会失去他们的思维活力。


angry,发怒的,生气的,气愤的;t told me his plans.我很生气,因为他没有告诉我他的计划。


1、hot under the collarwe really go hot under the collar when we saw what those dogs have done to those flowers we worked so hard to grow. .当我们看到这两只狗把我们辛辛苦苦种好的花弄成那个样子的时候,我们正是非常生气。

7.求元首的愤怒 英文台词

Krebs:敌人能以更大的阵型突破前线)Im Süden hat der Gegner Zossen genommen und stöt auf Stahnsdorf vor. (在南部敌人拿下了措森,(在北郊的弗瑙区和潘科区间敌人也在采取行动,Karlshorst. (在东面敌人正处于利希滕贝格,卡尔斯霍斯特一带) Hitler:斯坦因纳一进攻一切就会好转起来的) Krebs:我的元首) Steiner... (斯坦因纳) Jodl:Steiner konnte nicht genügend Krä斯坦因纳集结不到足够的力量来发动一次进攻) Der Angriff Steiner ist nicht erfolgt. (斯坦因纳进攻没有发起) Hitler:以下的人留在房间里。凯特尔,约德尔,(那是个命令!) Der Angriff Steiner war ein Befehl. (让斯坦因纳进攻是个命令!竟然敢冒险违抗我的命令?) So weit ist es also gekommen... (事情已经到了这种地步了吗) Das Militä(军队骗了我!每个人都骗了我,甚至党卫军!(所有的将军不过是一群无耻不忠的懦夫!元首,我不能允许您这样侮辱那些为您留血的军人。Verrä!ter;他们只不过是懦夫:叛徒!饭桶!元首:您所说的实在是闻所未闻)Hitler,Die Generalitä:t ist das Geschmeiß(希特勒!你们这些将军都是德国人民的败类:(你们毫无荣誉可言!rakademien zugebracht haben. (你们称自己为将军;仅仅是因为你们在军事学院待了几年) Nur um zu lernen,lt;(而只学会了怎么用刀叉吃饭!r meine Aktionen nur behindert;(一直以来军队只会阻挠我的行动!(只会用各种方法拖我的后腿!)!vor Jahren alle hö(我早就应该像斯大林那样把所有的高级军官全部处死!) Ich war nie auf einer Akademie. (我从来没进过什么学院) Und doch habe ich allein,靠自己的力量征服了整个欧洲!(从一开始我就被背叛和欺骗!) Es wurde ein ungeheuer Verrat geübt am deutschen Volke. (这是对德国人民巨大的背叛) Aber alle diese Verrä(但所有的叛徒都会偿还的!他们会用自己的鲜血偿还的!他们要溺死在自己的血里!)Traudl:Gerda,格尔达,请冷静一点) Hitler:我的命令都被当成了耳边风) Es ist unmöunter diesen Umständen zu führen. (在这种情况下让我如何领导) Es ist aus. Der Krieg ist verloren. (结束了。战争失败了) Aber wenn Sie,Eher jage ich mir eine Kugel in den Kopf. (但如果你们认为我会因此离开柏林的话,你们就大错特错了!我宁愿拿子弹射进我的脑袋!) Tun Sie,
