




谄上欺下2自以为懂行的1. It is strange that he should fall in love with such a snobbish girl. 说来真怪,他居然与那位高傲的女孩子坠入情网。

2.歌词中带有you and me baby in 的一首男生说唱HI曲叫什么名字?

哈哈~我也很喜欢这首歌 也是刚找到 MV很搞~The Bad Touch - Bloodhound GangHa-Ha!quicker than FedEx never reach an apex like the Coca-Cola stock you are inclined To make me rise an hour early just like Daylight Savings Time Do it now You and me baby ain's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel Gettin'Small Craft Advisory"Tool Time"ll do it doggy style so we can both watch "X-Files"t nothin's do is do it like they do on the Discovery Channel Gettin'horny now


先生们女士们】The moment you’ve all been waiting for ..【这是你们都在等待的时刻】In this corner:(EM大哥太COOL啦)So crack a bottle,let your body waddle【开一瓶酒 大摇大摆的走】Don’t act like a snobby model you just hit the lotto【不要做出一副很势力的样子(或者暴发户的样子)你只不过中了一注彩票(LOTTLO指乐透)】O-oh o-oh,bitch3s hopping in my Tahoe【噢噢噢噢~婊子们在我的Tahoe跳动】(hopping一词有跳动的意思 另一个意思是卖力的,tahoe本来是指塔霍湖是一个地名,但是tahoe有个引申意义泛指威士忌酒,所以这一句我也很迷惑暂且只能这样翻译了见谅)Got one riding shotgun and no not one of them got gloves(怎么都译不通 望高手指点)Now where’s the robbers?【现在劫匪在那里?】(另一个版本歌词这句里是rubbers而不是rObbers,rubbers指橡胶 哪个歌词是对的?我也不知道不知道怎么回事·)I noticed there’s so many of them【我发现这里有太多的土匪(劫匪)了】and there’s really not that many of us.【实际上,我们中的很多人都不是土匪】Ladies love us and my posse’s kicking up dust.【女士们喜爱我们。

4.eminem 《crack a bottle》歌词中文翻译

Ooww Ladies and gentlemen【OH! 先生们女士们】The moment you’ve all been waiting for ..【这是你们都在等待的时刻】In this corner : weighing 175 pounds, with a record of 17 rapes, 400 assaults, and 4 murders【现在站在这里的 是一个重达175磅 拥有400项暴力案 17强奸案 4谋杀案记录】the undisputed, most diabolic villain in the world【一个无可争议的 世界上最可怕的恶魔】Slim Shady!(EM大哥太COOL啦)So crack a bottle, let your body waddle【开一瓶酒 大摇大摆的走】Don’t act like a snobby model you just hit the lotto【不要做出一副很势力的样子(或者暴发户的样子)你只不过中了一注彩票(LOTTLO指乐透)】O-oh o-oh, bitch3s hopping in my Tahoe【噢噢噢噢~婊子们在我的Tahoe跳动】(hopping一词有跳动的意思 另一个意思是卖力的,忙碌的。tahoe本来是指塔霍湖是一个地名,但是tahoe有个引申意义泛指威士忌酒,所以这一句我也很迷惑暂且只能这样翻译了见谅)Got one riding shotgun and no not one of them got gloves(怎么都译不通 望高手指点)Now where’s the robbers? Whose got the robbers?【现在劫匪在那里?谁抓住了劫匪?】(另一个版本歌词这句里是rubbers而不是rObbers,rubbers指橡胶 哪个歌词是对的?我也不知道不知道怎么回事·)I noticed there’s so many of them【我发现这里有太多的土匪(劫匪)了】and there’s really not that many of us.【实际上,我们中的很多人都不是土匪】Ladies love us and my posse’s kicking up dust.【女士们喜爱我们,我的粉丝门欢呼着躁动着】(首先为什么我要这样翻译,posse在口语中泛指乌合之众 临时组织起来的一群人,而kick up dust指引起骚乱,联系到歌曲开始时的Ooww Ladies and gentlemen, 把这句翻译成我的粉丝们引起骚动)It’s on till the break of dawn【直到黎明的到来】and we’re starting this party from dusk【但是我们的狂欢从黄昏就开始了】


Snoopy 史努比snobby['snɔ


这是一部典型的好莱坞青春校园影片,有丰富的画面和绚烂的色彩,当然最最重要的就是主人公在90分钟中传奇的励志过程。从中我们也了解到了金发美人在美国社会的地位究竟是怎样的一种状况,不学无术,靠美貌吃饭是大多数人对她们的看法,但在影片中美丽聪慧的Elle打破了这个定势,完成了一个从美貌白天鹅到智慧白天鹅的过程。对于英语学习来说,我认为此片更是一部上好的教材,原因有二:就语言本身来说。这是一部青春校园片,剧中人物的语言涉猎了课堂、餐厅、电话、演讲、聚会等各个方面,对日常的口语表达很有帮助;从内容上,Elle的奋发向上会激励学习中的你,把枯燥的学习过程变得后劲十足。首先来认识电影中的主要角色,这里提一点学习英语的小建议,在看完影片后不妨给你印象深刻的角色写一个“人物小传”这是表演学习当中重要的一部份,但我认为它同样适用于英语学习,根据你对人物的理解,写一到两话即可,既可以锻炼自己对事物的归纳能力,同样也可以轻松自然的练到写作,可谓一举两得,Warner,unfortunately looks like the dumb blonde)故事的引子是从Elle的金发开始的,这似乎是很荒谬的一件事情,但是在英美文化当中,这种现象已经历来已久了,判断一个女孩的受教育程度或是家庭背景,往往是通过头发颜色和说话声音的位置,这在很多的影视作品中都有体现(梦露早期的作品都是挤着嗓子说话的),还有Warner就读的大学是Harvard Law School(哈佛法学院)。悉美国政治的人都知道,竞选议员是迈入仕途的第一步。从政的道路当中,伴侣的选择至关重要,更重要的是联姻的家族要门当户对,就Warner所说的抛弃Elle为了找一个serious girl其实也只是一个借口罢了。进入影片场景一Elle为迎接期待已久的约会,拉着两个死党去置装。在服装店(Sun Plaza Boutique)里,坏心的店员认为Elle只是富家的挥霍女罢了,于是想拿过季的衣服充当新款……Clerk:We just got it in yesterday.Elle:yes,of course.Elle:Absolutely. It’s one of kind.在这个简短的对话中,需要引起我们注意的有:意思是,with no others like it.强调的是对于某事物,unique的感觉,想起了上课期间一个同学问我可否用”他理解该短语的意思是,其实不然”的意思就是对某事理解”所以以此联想一下就可以得出,是我不感兴趣之意”还应该注意的是Sun Plaza Boutique,这里的服装店没有用传统的,Boutique,根据发音我们感觉他有一点法语的味道“没错”

7.急求阿姆Beautiful,Superman,Crack a bottle,三首歌的歌词

ve been hard to reach 最近我变得无法让人接近 I've been too long on my own 我已经一个人太久了 Everybody has a private world 每个人都有属于自己的天空 Where they can be alone 好能让自己能静下来想想 Are you calling me 你打电话找我么?are you trying to get through 想和我说说话么?Are you reaching out for me 你想了解我么?m reaching out for you 我也想了解了解你 I'depressed 我就是感到很压抑 I just can seem to get out this slump 似乎就是无法从萧条中逃出去 If I could just get over this hump 除非我能把这座山头给翻过去 But I need something to pull me out this dump 我需要一些东西把我从忧郁里拉出去 I took my bruises,took my lumps 身上带着淤青和肿块 Fell down and I got right back up 摔倒了也立刻爬起来 But I need that spark to get psyched back up 但我需要那种快感来使我的精神振作 And the right thing for me to pick that mic back up 这样才能回到麦克风前 I don'm in 告别这种状态 I starting to feel distant again 我再次开始感到冷漠 So I decided just to beat this pain 所以我便拿起笔来开火 Up and tried to make an attempt to vent 并尝试去发泄 But I just can't admit 但我真的无法承认 Or come to grips,with the fact that 一个事实 I may be done with rap 就是我可能会和饶舌一同去死 ­I need a new outlet 我需要一个新的出口 I know some shits so hard to swallow 并且我知道有些事情无法忍气吞声 But I just can't beautiful OoOo 但别让任何人说你不够美 They can all get fu-cked. Just stay true to you 让他们都去死你只需问心无愧 I think I'm starting to lose my sense of humor 我觉得我的幽默感已经开始离我远去 Everything is so tense and gloom 所有事情绷得那么紧看起来那么忧郁 I almost feel like I gotta check the temperature in the room 刚踏入房间就觉得气氛不对 Just as soon as I walk in (我一进来) It's like all eyes on me 好像所有人都在盯着我看 So I try to avoid any eye contact 所以我尽量避免眼神交流 Cause if I do that then it opens a door to conversation 如果这么做的话就打开了话匣子 Like I want that... 像我希望的 I'm not looking for extra attention 我不是想吸引多余目光 I just want to be just like you 我只想像你一样 Blend in with the rest of the room 和其他人关系融洽 Maybe just point me to the closest restroom 而他们只是告诉我最近的休息室在哪 I don'我不需要谁他妈的来讨好我 Tryin to follow me around,and wipe my ass 做我的跟屁虫拍我马屁 Laugh at every single joke I crack 给我讲的每个笑话捧场 And half of them ain't even funny like that 事实上它们之中有一半根本没那么好笑 ""哈哈哈哈马修哥们你太逗了“god damn.你他妈该去当个喜剧演员,"。Unfortunately I am 很不幸我就是 but I just hide behind the tears of a clown 我只是藏在一个小丑的眼泪的后面 So why don't you all sit down 所以说你们为什么不试试静静坐下来Listen to the tale I'm about to tell 听我将要诉说的故事 Hell;我们不用站在对方的立场上And you don'。don't expect no help所以别指望会有人来帮你 Now I could have either just 现在我可以 Sat on my ass and pissed and moaned 坐着无病呻吟 But take this situation in which I'm placed in 但身在我的处境 And get up and get my own 我全靠自己振作起来 I was never the type of kid 我从来不是那种只会等待的孩子 To wait but I know to unpack his bags 我会收拾自己的行李 Never sat on the porch and hoped and prayed 才不会坐在走廊里祈祷 For a dad to show up who never did 那个从没来过的的老爸出现 I just wanted to fit in 我只是希望能融入Every single place 我去的每个地方 [Every school I went 每一所学校I dreamed of being that cool kid 我梦想我能做个酷小孩Even if it meant acting stupid 即使那意味着看起来很傻 Aunt Edna always told me 艾德娜阿姨一直告诉我 Keep making that face till it gets stuck like that 不要说话直到面部僵化 Meanwhile I'm just standing there 然后我就在那里 Holding my tongue up trying to talk like this 一言不发地试着“说话 Till I stuck my tungue on the frozen stop sign poll at 8 years old接着我如同坠入冰窟走向极端不想言语 那年我8岁 I learned my lesson and cause I wasn't tryin to impress my friends no more那时我吸取了教训因为我不想再引起朋友的注意 But I already told you my whole life story但我已经告诉了你们我生命中全部的故事 Not just based on my description 不止是建立在我的文字上 Cause where you see it from where you're sitting 因为你站在你的立场上所看到的 Is probably 110% different 会110%不一样 guess we would have to walk a mile我想我们应该互换鞋子试试 In each other'你鞋码多大?m reaching out for you sOoOoo Oo Oo ]Yea... To my babies. Stay strong 献给我的宝贝们,要坚强 Daddy will be soon 爸爸就快到家了 And to the rest of the world 献给世上其他的人 God gave you the shoes 上帝给了你属于你的鞋子 That fit you,
