




the Teamwork Show of Class 2012 begins now.First program is...( I believe we are still immersed in the firs program)Next is the ...The program below it...The final program . 缺少一个背景,比如节日、事件等等。给你个例子:节目有英文版雪绒花(合唱),话剧《小红帽》(英文版),《Pround of you》(独唱)话剧《Ask the way》小提琴独奏 舞蹈 合唱--------------------------Good evening. On this Christmas Eve,and Merry Christmas(网上找一些祝福语,或者把一些叙述成绩、成就的语言,润润色,放进来)Ladies and gentlemen,"Edelweiss."as the teacher'below please enjoy solo "please enjoy the drama "ask the way"let the song end today’s class meeting. . . . . . .


开场白:1. prologue2. prolusion 其它相关解释:lead-in><opening question><introduction>例句与用法:晚上好”开始了他的开场白。He began his prologue by saying "good night". 2. 说几句开场白会很合适的。他的开场白说得结结巴巴。the introduction was stumbled over. 4. 开场白以后我们马上讨论实质问题,一个小时内便达成了协议。


my name is xx(写黑板),please don'if you do have any questions about me right now,I am listening.(please do so/please ask) ..........基本概念:介绍自己-缓解陌生气氛-提出期望-鼓励共同学习-给时间大家提问祝你成功哦~~~


开场:We are very happy to gather here to hold an English evening party. ----XXXXXXX!m XXX FROM XXX B:They can be a effective tool when you communicate with foreigners.A:Today,tonight,Yeah,A:'Just do it''but also a spirit of studying English.A:performance have brought you lots of happiness and some interests in English.B:Goodbye and Goodnight!差不多吧!双语。我没懂什么意思 是要我翻译么。我不想翻译了。我改了一下 还分段了 如果你们是2个人正好可以说 一个人就和在一起说吧?弄了我好长时间..?


开场:A:Ladies and Gentlemen:We are very happy to gather here to hold an English evening party. ----XXXXXXX! I'm XXX FROM XXX B:I'm XXX FROM XXX We are very glad to be the host of this evening party.A:Learning English can broaden your minds,enhance your knowledge.By doing this , you will know the customs and cultures of other countries.And enjoy the holl time.B:Yeah, English shows up everywhere,they can be a beautiful song if you sing them with melody.A:They can be a soul poem if u read them with u heart.B:They can be a effective tool when you communicate with foreigners.A:Today, a colorful performance which acted by XXXX (class or school) will be held here. The performance shows us what happiness and colorful life it is in XXXX.and the fun of learning english.B:Now it's time for us to have performance. For this evening party all the (classes or classmates) have made careful preparations. So I'm sure we'll be able to enjoy many excellent performances tonight. 结束:A:Boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, tonight ,we really got lots of happiness in the show.B:Yeah, we prove that English can be such beautiful once again.we can so nearly touch English and feel the power of it!A:From now on, we needn't be in trouble in English, because we got the key.B:''Just do it'' is not only a spirit of doing sports, but also a spirit of studying English.A:We got really various of exciting performance tonight, we wish the ( X hours) ' performance have brought you lots of happiness and some interests in English.B:we have to say goodbye to you now. We are looking forward to getting together here next time!! Goodbye and Goodnight!差不多吧。。。双语?我没懂什么意思 是要我翻译么???我不想翻译了。。。我改了一下 还分段了 如果你们是2个人正好可以说 一个人就和在一起说吧。。。。弄了我好长时间..


"先生们!女士们!我为能在此设宴招待各位贵宾而深感荣幸和愉快,我愿借此机会向各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎,我此时的心情可以用孔子在《论语》中的一句话来表达。有朋自远方来。不亦乐乎:现在我宣布“晚宴开始,I hope this helps?


五种最佳英语开场白 奥一网讯 试图向不认识的人介绍自己可能会是件非常令人不好意思的事。如果你对他们完全不了解,你怎么知道该说些什么呢?你如何能和完全陌生的人开始有趣的对话呢?这儿就有五个避免第一次相识尴尬的英语开场白。找共同点。就算你对这个陌生人完全不了解,事实上有一点你是知道的-你知道他们与你共处一室。如果你在你朋友Bob的派队,赞美他们:大家都喜欢听关于自己的甜言蜜语。告诉他们你有多喜欢这个人的鞋子或是眼镜“在那之后!如果他们只回答说”你就可以接着问,类似“这些问题非常有用因为这可以让对方多告诉你一些关于他们的事“问关于他们的问题“几乎所有的人多有工作”意思是你想了解他们是在哪里出生的,问句能让第一次的对话更简单一些”如果这个礼貌的话“他们也会反问你同样的问题”这样一来你就有谈论自己的机会了。介绍你自己。不要仅仅说,告诉别人更多关于你自己的信息:Hi。这样可能捕捉到对方的兴趣“鼓励他们问你问题或告诉你更多关于他们的信息,对某事物作评论。不要直接问任何关于对方的问题“你可以说类似,来诱导他们说出他们的看法:就算这个房子或是派对不是他们的。这样的评论听起来也非常的舒服容易让人谈论起来,就象是第一个建议“这些开场白能起很好的作用因为你和对方有共同之处”你们在互相交谈“男孩和女孩。我们非常高兴地聚集在这里举行一次英语:首先:让我们来欣赏带来的故事,故事的名字叫《 》,掌声欢迎。Good。Here,你想听故事吗。你想有一个快乐的时间吗!想告诉你一个有趣的故事?希望大家喜欢,它的名字是《 》Listen to a good story,let us play an interesting game. His name is hard words.听好了故事!让我们来玩一个有趣的游戏?他的名字叫拼单词?let us play following an English word games.拼单词的游戏让我们又加强了对单词的记忆力,下面让我们玩一个英语接龙游戏,English ABC",students。and good-bye,这次活动到此结束,同学们。再见;
