木乃伊英文:木乃伊1 戏中主角的名字是什么(英文)?




1.木乃伊1 戏中主角的名字是什么(英文)?



mi]n.(儿语)妈咪;木乃伊;经处理保存的人体或动物干尸复数:最近一具埃及妇女的木乃伊经受了什么事情?相似短语sugar mummyn. 有年轻情人的老妇人mummy case古代装木乃伊的箱(外面雕刻并绘有死者形象)mummy porn妈妈情色(出自于小说《五十度的灰》的书评,詹姆斯认为这是她听到过的有史以来最诋毁女性的词语。)toilet mummyphr. 马桶木乃伊(有的人特别担心马桶座圈的细菌,就用一大堆厕纸厚厚地铺在座圈上,把马桶座圈裹得像个木乃伊。马桶木乃伊”根本就没时间考虑到自己的外貌的普通妈妈们,名人妈妈因为有很多助手帮忙,s boy【口】=mama's boydry as a mummy干极了;十分干 燥as dry as a mummy干得象木乃伊一样,十分干燥beat to a mummyv. 打烂扩展资料,木乃伊的处理过程1、立即把最易腐烂的内脏部分掏出:通常是在尸体的左侧切开一个口子。把肝、肺、胃和肠子等内脏全部拿出来,把死亡物的脑髓通过筛骨从鼻孔中抽出,心脏是思维和理解的器官,必须留在体内,2、对内脏和体腔进行防腐处理。先用棕榈酒或椰枣酒将它们彻底清洗消毒,然后在内脏上撒一层捣碎的香料,把它们放进四个坛子里存放起来,对于消毒后的体腔;先填进用布包的泡碱和其它临时填充物,然后把它放置于干燥的泡碱粉里约四十天,最后细心地缝上刀口,3、将已处理过的尸体涂上一层油膏或松香溶液。


木乃伊 [mù nǎí yī]基本翻译mummy网络释义木乃伊:


treasure hunters and geographer for the legend and the madness.欧康find it almost is not the beauty of Egypt associates艾弗琳of Jurists (尔薇茨Rachel) and her brother Jean Nathan (John it). The trio left the Cairo,but also to prevent艾弗琳become Stepp埃默霍think of lovers:dead city"gold by the sun"through the fierce battle;killing the mummies to save the world. Finally,艾弗琳and Connor lovers also married ... ...,


1719 BC, the Egyptian city of Thebes, the evil wizard埃默霍Stepp and his wife, pharaoh娜姆Akesu expose the affair. Aksu娜姆suicide, and despair at埃默霍Stepp汉姆奈Putra - City of Death act of desecration of the gods. Since his disgraceful actions, he was the ultimate curse would become zombies, but will never die. Only when the decomposed body of his disappearance he would be freed. When Stepp埃默霍compliance with the sarcophagus and the screaming fear, the curse has been laid along with his evil, revenge in the hearts of more and more powerful in the dark. 埃默霍Stepp生不如死to over 3000. In 1923, active military personnel that瑞克欧康(布兰登法拉瑟) and comrade-in-arms Benny (Kevin欧康it) in a battle once hobbled through the ruins are汉姆奈Putra. Few years later, when欧康then in prison awaiting a trial will almost certainly suddenly feel that they know Putra汉姆奈may be a way to save the ruins of their own fate. In the legend, buried汉姆奈Putra substantial wealth, treasure hunters and geographer for the legend and the madness.欧康find it almost is not the beauty of Egypt associates艾弗琳of Jurists (尔薇茨Rachel) and her brother Jean Nathan (John it). The trio left the Cairo, came to the Nile, crossing the Sahara desert, and with a team of military encounters with malice. They are not alone On the road, they also found a group of American Rangers and they have the same purpose, there are阿德斯贝(Eurostat may Fairbanks), a group of the protection of religious cemeteries to prevent the rebirth of the mysterious埃默霍Stepp the leader of the soldiers, but also stop them. Greedy American treasure hunters lifted the curse of the underground. As predicted, Stepp埃默霍terrible forces to show the form for the mummy. His strength can not imagine that he will be able to Egypt once again at the outbreak of the plague epidemic land. Explorer who became the victim of the mummy curse. The survival of people who must be the last desperate attempt to stop the mummy completely reborn become an invincible force of evil, but also to prevent艾弗琳become Stepp埃默霍think of lovers:娜姆Aksu. 埃默霍Depp will be back艾弗琳"dead city" held to allow Akzo娜姆resurrection ceremony. Connor also went to one pedestrian "dead city", they find the Titan, like the following the "gold by the sun", through the fierce battle, killing the mummies to save the world. Finally,艾弗琳and Connor lovers also married ... ...


妈妈 mummy (源自阿拉伯语 mumiya 涂香油的尸体


