




Lao Zhang drive to the NortheastHitThe driver to play rascalRunThanks to a northeast personTo the hospital five stitchesOkayLao Zhang to ask him to eat mealDrink less of him not to doHe said......The ans that GA is the Northeast person...The ans that GA rich Korea ginseng...The ans that GA Braised Pork with Vermicelli...The ans that GA is a living Lei feng...We have no such people that ga...Hit the car which can not save...We have precious mushrooms which GA mountain...He is not the person of northeast people...Cui flower sauerkraut



3.在东北 英语怎么说

is one of the subspecies of the tiger.(西伯利亚虎又称东北虎,是虎的亚种之一。)It is the largest living carnivorous cat by weight.(是现存体重最大的肉食性猫科动物。and the weight reaches about 350 kg.(其中雄性体长可达3米左右,尾长约1米,体重达到350千克左右。)Wild Siberian tigers are brown and yellow in summer and pale yellow in winter.(野生西伯利亚虎体色夏毛棕黄色,冬毛淡黄色。usually 2 of which are close together like willow leaves.(背部和体侧具有多条横列黑色窄条纹,通常2条靠近呈柳叶状。with several black horizontal stripes on the forehead.(头大而圆,前额上的数条黑色横纹。king"reputation.(中间常被串通;极似,丛林之王“)扩展资料东北虎生活习性。西伯利亚虎常单独活动:只有在繁殖季节雌雄才在一起生活,无固定巢穴。多在山林间游荡寻食,能游泳。能爬树,由于林区开发、人口激增。过去偏远地区都已发展为村镇,虎亦常到林区居民点附近觅食,虎多黄昏活动。白天多潜伏休息,没有惊动则很少出来,虎的活动范围较大。在北方日寻食活动范围可达数十公里,捕猎方式是静伏或潜行至一定距离。然后突然袭击,猛扑过去,咬住被捕动物的颈部,使猎物无法逃脱,捕食野猪。以及马鹿、水鹿、狍、麝、麂等有蹄类动物,偶而亦捕食野禽,秋季亦采食浆果和大型昆虫等,百度百科-西伯利亚虎:


The Siberian tiger, also known as the amur tiger, is one of the subspecies of the tiger.(西伯利亚虎又称东北虎,是虎的亚种之一。)It is the largest living carnivorous cat by weight.(是现存体重最大的肉食性猫科动物。)The male body length is about 3 meters, the tail length is about 1 meter, and the weight reaches about 350 kg.(其中雄性体长可达3米左右,尾长约1米,体重达到350千克左右。)Wild Siberian tigers are brown and yellow in summer and pale yellow in winter.(野生西伯利亚虎体色夏毛棕黄色,冬毛淡黄色。)The back and sides of the body have multiple rows of narrow black stripes, usually 2 of which are close together like willow leaves.(背部和体侧具有多条横列黑色窄条纹,通常2条靠近呈柳叶状。)The head is large and round, with several black horizontal stripes on the forehead.(头大而圆,前额上的数条黑色横纹。)The middle is often colluded, very much like the word "king", so the "king of the jungle" reputation.(中间常被串通,极似“王”字,故有“丛林之王”之美称。)扩展资料东北虎生活习性:西伯利亚虎常单独活动,只有在繁殖季节雌雄才在一起生活。无固定巢穴,多在山林间游荡寻食。能游泳,能爬树。由于林区开发、人口激增,过去偏远地区都已发展为村镇,虎亦常到林区居民点附近觅食。虎多黄昏活动,白天多潜伏休息,没有惊动则很少出来。虎的活动范围较大,在北方日寻食活动范围可达数十公里。捕猎方式是静伏或潜行至一定距离,然后突然袭击,猛扑过去,咬住被捕动物的颈部,使猎物无法逃脱。捕食野猪,以及马鹿、水鹿、狍、麝、麂等有蹄类动物,偶而亦捕食野禽,秋季亦采食浆果和大型昆虫等。参考资料来源:百度百科-西伯利亚虎




is held annually from January 5 and lasts for over one month. Harbin is the capital city of Heilongjiang Province and this is China'of Harbin is recognized as the cradle of ice and snow art in China and is famous for its exquisite and artistic ice and snow sculptures. The fabulous Ice Lantern Festival was the forerunner of the current festival and is still the best loved part of the overall event in the opinion of all who come to Harbin each year.The Derivation of the Ice LanternThe first Ice lanterns were a winter-time tradition in northeast China. During the Qing Dynasty(1644 - 1911),the local peasants and fishermen often made and used ice lanterns as jack-lights during the winter months. At that time these were made simply by pouring water into a bucket that was then put out in the open to freeze. It was then gently warmed before the water froze completely so that the bucket-shaped ice could be pulled out. A hole was chiseled in the top and the water remaining inside poured out creating a hollow vessel. A candle was then placed inside resulting in a windproof lantern that gained great popularity in the region around Harbin.From then on,today we can marvel at the various delicate and artistic ice lanterns on display.Today'ice lantern in broad sense refers to a series of plastic arts using ice and snow as rawice architectures and so on.Harbin Ice Festival provides the visitors each year a whole new world of ice and snow. The best collections of ice artworks are exhibited in three main places:and Zhaolin Park.The Sun Island Park is the site of the Snow Sculpture Exposition displaying a wonderful snow world. It has the world'must see'flowers,the park becomes a glorious andamazing ice world.Today,Canada,Japan,Singapore,Russia,China,Harbin ice lanterns have been exhibited in most of China'Europe,Harbin'culture,sports and tourism.


黑龙江省在中国的东北部Heilongjiang Province in Northeast China黑龙江省在中国的东北部Heilongjiang Province in Northeast China
