寿司英文:寿司的作文英文 带翻译5句话




1.寿司的作文英文 带翻译5句话

你需要两种蔬菜比如黄瓜或红萝卜.Sauce,use only Japanese rice vinegar.为了制作出效果最好的寿司,最好选用日本米醋.and a thin sheet of seaweed.还有薄薄的紫菜片.you aslo need a bamboo Mat and sharp knifen你还需要一个小竹帘和一把锋利的刀.Next,卷和切寿司.Place seaweed down on the bamboo mat.把紫菜片放在竹帘里,grab the cooked rice and spread it onto the seaweed.把米饭分布在紫菜里.Line up your ingredients in the middle of the seaweed.把蔬菜横着放在紫菜中间.After that.holding the closest edge of the bamboo mat,roll the sushi.抓着竹帘从最边上开始卷寿司.tighten the roll as you go.卷紧一些,


寿司的英文是sushi 一、读音英[ˈsu:ʃ日>寿司,生鱼片冷饭团;用这个可不可以做寿司呢?Otherfoodstoavoidincluderawmeatandseafoodincludingsushisashimiandcarpaccioandhotdogs.其他食品,以避免包括生肉和海鲜,包括寿司,生鱼片和薄片,和热狗。四、词语搭配sushi bonds eurodollars欧洲美元寿司债券扩展资料寿司相关材料英文:rice、sea weed 1、rice 英[raɪs] 美[raɪ稻米,大米;Thailand exports its finericesaround theworld.泰国将精米出口到世界各地。第三人称单数:rices现在分词:


寿司用英语可以说:i]注意英式发音读长u音,美式发音读短u音。双语例句:The restaurant is famous for its delicious sushi.那家餐厅以美味的寿司著名。拼盘寿司,在英语中就是assorted sushi,读音:英[ətɪ:sɔd':i] assorted释义;adj.各种各样的;配合的;适合的动词assort的过去式和过去分词.扩展资料;寿司相关材料英文1、sashimi 读音;sæ:ɪ'shiː日>:生鱼片There are training and handling procedures for sashimi;as well.生鱼片的制作处理工序也是很讲究的;2、rice读音,米饭;稻His plate was piled high with rice.他的盘子里盛满了米饭;3、wasabi读音;ˈ:':sɑ;bɪ]n.(吃生鱼片沾用)山葵:


literally,it's sour."There are various types of sushi:toppings stuffed into a small pouch of fried tofu called inarizushi;and toppings served scattered over a bowl of sushi rice called chirashi-zushi. 在日本料理,通常超过其他成分,包括鱼,各种肉类,蔬菜。寿司有时是误解意味着原鱼本身,甚至任何新鲜raw-seafood菜。在日本,生鱼片刺身仅被称为是有别于寿司,生鱼片是作为生鱼片的组成部分,而不是大米的组成部分。字寿司本身是从过时的语法形式的一个词,不再被使用在其他情况;实际上,寿司”这是酸的。有各种类型的寿司寿司海苔卷”内(干燥和压层片海藻或海藻)称为makizushi或卷:做成的寿司配料铺手形成团块米饭叫nigirizushi;配料塞进一个小袋子油炸豆腐称为inarizushi;和配料曾散落在一碗寿司饭所谓的chirashi-zushi;


In Japanese cuisine, sushi is vinegared rice, usually topped with other ingredients, including fish, various meats, and vegetables. Outside of Japan, sushi is sometimes misunderstood to mean the raw fish by itself, or even any fresh raw-seafood dishes. In Japan, sliced raw fish alone is called sashimi and is distinct from sushi, as sashimi is the raw fish component, not the rice component. The word sushi itself comes from an outdated grammatical form of a word that is no longer used in other contexts; literally, sushi means "it's sour."There are various types of sushi: sushi served rolled inside nori (dried and pressed layer sheets of seaweed or alga) called makizushi or rolls; sushi made with toppings laid with hand formed clumps of rice called nigirizushi; toppings stuffed into a small pouch of fried tofu called inarizushi; and toppings served scattered over a bowl of sushi rice called chirashi-zushi. 在日本料理,寿司醋饭,通常超过其他成分,包括鱼,各种肉类,蔬菜。在日本,寿司有时是误解意味着原鱼本身,甚至任何新鲜raw-seafood菜。在日本,生鱼片刺身仅被称为是有别于寿司,生鱼片是作为生鱼片的组成部分,而不是大米的组成部分。字寿司本身是从过时的语法形式的一个词,不再被使用在其他情况;实际上,寿司”这是酸的。”有各种类型的寿司寿司海苔卷:内(干燥和压层片海藻或海藻)称为makizushi或卷;做成的寿司配料铺手形成团块米饭叫nigirizushi;配料塞进一个小袋子油炸豆腐称为inarizushi;和配料曾散落在一碗寿司饭所谓的chirashi-zushi。

6.寿司各种材料名称 英文

青鱼鲭mackerel 鯵horse mackerel 鰯sardine   赤身とろfatty tuna [fatty flesh of tuna fish] /tuna bellymedium fatty tuna 鲔tuna 鰹bonito 鰤yellowtail・甘海老sweet shrimp 海老shrimp 虾蛄mantis prawn [shrimp] 乌贼squid /calamari 云丹sea urchin生鱼raw fish玉子(焼)omelet(te)cucumberpickled radish山葵Japanese horseradish 回転寿司(店)sushi boats /sushi-go-round (restaurant) /


Japan(日本) Cooking culture introduces Japan Mention food and drink,antiquited temple and tower is not strange. Therefore modern Japan culture is antiquited have been tied in wedlock. 日本饮食文化介绍 说到饮食,不仅是以大米为主食、蔬菜、鱼与肉为副食的日本式餐点,而且西欧中国餐点一般也很普及,在日本可以品尝到丰富多样的餐食。日本是一个优质水资源非常丰富的国家,卫生设施也很完善,所以自来水在日本的任何地方都可以饮用。现代的日本文化更是多彩多姿。女孩子们在学习自古以来的日本传统文化,如茶道、花道的同时,也跳迪斯科。观览市区、古老寺院和高层建筑相邻而建的情景并不稀奇。故而现代的日本文化是结合了古老的、新兴的、西洋的和东洋的文化而形成。arrangement,to food to have very exquisite thinking also. Be taking a look on that is so meticulous that the day style being just like landscape painting-like takes care of,sometimes cannot bear to destroy that share for the first time to Japanese visitor beautiful. 日本人普遍爱食用生鱼,因而盖着生鱼片的寿司是日本国内最流行的食物。日本料理非常讲究保持食物的原味,不提倡加入过多调料,以清淡为主。对菜肴的色面尤其有着很高的要求,不但使用各式各样非常精致的盛器来装食物,对食物的形状、排列、颜色搭配也都有很细腻的考虑。看着那一道道精细得有如风景画一般的日式料理,初到日本的游客往往不忍破坏那份美丽
