寿司的英文:寿司店 用英语怎么说?




1.寿司店 用英语怎么说?

因为寿司这个词在英文里就是按照日语的罗马音来的,所以寿司店可以说:Sushi Bar or Restaurant or Shop希望对你有帮助哦~

2.寿司分类 英文

卷寿司英文翻译:rolled sushi日语罗马字:军舰寿司”英文翻译:英文翻译:Inari-zushi“箱寿司所谓的箱寿司,又叫做压寿司对哦英文翻译:pressed sushi日语罗马字:Oshizushi


关于寿司的英文:1、Cucumber Sushi 青瓜寿司2、Carb Roe Sushi 蟹黄寿司3、Wahu Sushi 和风寿司4、Salmon Sushi 三文鱼寿司5、Swordfish Sushi 箭鱼寿司6、Squid Sushi 鱿鱼寿司7、Prown Sushi 明虾寿司8、Gyrus Sushi 回转寿司扩展资料Sushi读法 英['suːʃ



5.寿司的作文英文 带翻译5句话

你需要两种蔬菜比如黄瓜或红萝卜.Sauce,米饭和米醋.for best results,use only Japanese rice vinegar.为了制作出效果最好的寿司,最好选用日本米醋.and a thin sheet of seaweed.还有薄薄的紫菜片.you aslo need a bamboo Mat and sharp knifen你还需要一个小竹帘和一把锋利的刀.Next,卷和切寿司.Place seaweed down on the bamboo mat.把紫菜片放在竹帘里,grab the cooked rice and spread it onto the seaweed.把米饭分布在紫菜里.Line up your ingredients in the middle of the seaweed.把蔬菜横着放在紫菜中间.After that.holding the closest edge of the bamboo mat,roll the sushi.抓着竹帘从最边上开始卷寿司.tighten the roll as you go.卷紧一些,


literally,it's sour."There are various types of sushi:toppings stuffed into a small pouch of fried tofu called inarizushi;and toppings served scattered over a bowl of sushi rice called chirashi-zushi. 在日本料理,通常超过其他成分,包括鱼,各种肉类,蔬菜。寿司有时是误解意味着原鱼本身,甚至任何新鲜raw-seafood菜。在日本,生鱼片刺身仅被称为是有别于寿司,生鱼片是作为生鱼片的组成部分,而不是大米的组成部分。字寿司本身是从过时的语法形式的一个词,不再被使用在其他情况;实际上,寿司”这是酸的。有各种类型的寿司寿司海苔卷”内(干燥和压层片海藻或海藻)称为makizushi或卷:做成的寿司配料铺手形成团块米饭叫nigirizushi;配料塞进一个小袋子油炸豆腐称为inarizushi;和配料曾散落在一碗寿司饭所谓的chirashi-zushi;


吞沙小卷 Swallow the small book of sand 蟹籽沙律寿司 crab seed sand law birthday department 鳗鱼小卷/documents 海草蟹籽寿司 sea-weed crab seed birthday department螺肉寿司 spiral shell flesh birthday department带子裙边寿司 belt skirt edge birthday department玉米蟹籽寿司 maize crab seed birthday department蟹柳寿司 crab Liu Dao department三文鱼沙律寿司 three culture fish sand law birthday department希鲮鱼寿司 rare dace birthday department 香芒三文鱼寿司 Three culture fish birthday departments 咖喱龙虾寿司 curry lobster birthday departments 鹅肝蟹籽寿司 goose liver crab seed birthday departments 香芒鳗鱼寿司 Xiangmang eel birthday departments 鹅肝泰芒寿司 goose liver Taimang birthdays attend to Xiangmang 心相印 heart premier's seal 香芒吞拿鱼寿司 Xiangmang swallow love of spending with fish birthday department 黄金鱿鱼寿司 Xiangmang swallow love of spending with fish birthday department 熟虾寿司 gold squid birthday department花之恋 familiar shrimp birthday department纤纤卷/swallows 9 pieces吞拿鱼沙律手卷 to have no way with fish sand law hand scroll 蟹柳卷/9件 crab willow volume 9/
