




08/10 身高178 个人简介 Till出生于田纳西州的胡德堡,但是他的童年生活大都是在亚特兰大市郊度过的.在拍摄了Hannah Montana 电影版之后,他的父母就注意到了他模仿声音和角色的天分.在Till的母亲送他去的当地表演班上,

2.youbelongwithme 歌词翻译

s upset.你和女朋友在通电话,get your humor like I do...因为她并不能像我那样欣赏你的幽默I'm in the room我在房间里It's a typical Tuesday night是一个寻常的星期二的晚上I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like听着她不喜欢的歌and she'll never know your story like I do ...而且她永远不会像我那样了解你But she wears short skirts她穿她的短裙I wear T-shirts我穿我的T-shirtsShe'只是个观众Dreaming about the day when you wake up梦想着有一天你醒来的时候And find what you're looking for has been here the whole time发现你寻找的就是呆在我身旁If you could see that I'm the one who understands you假如你能发觉唯一理解你的人是我been here all along so why can'总在我身旁却为什么你看不出来You belong with me你应该和我在一起You belong with me我们注定在一起Walkin'和穿着牛仔裤的你I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be我禁不住觉得这是应该的Laughing on a park bench,thinking to myself坐在公园的长凳上,自己幻想着Hey isn'这很简单啊And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town你本有着能照亮这个小镇的笑容I haven'我就没有见过你笑了You say you're fine你说你还好I know you better then that我知道你很糟Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that╮(╯▽╰)╭这样的女生你要来做什么呢She wears high heels她穿她的高跟鞋I wear sneakers我穿我的板鞋Shes cheer captain and她是拉拉队长I'ight我还记得一天深夜里,你开车到我家I'm the one who makes you laugh我是唯一能让你开怀大笑的人When you know you're about to cry当你快要掉眼泪的时候And i know your favorite songs我知道你最爱的歌And you tell me about your dreams你会告诉我你的梦想Think I know where you belong觉得我知道你该属于哪儿Think I know it's with me...属于我If you could see that I'm the one who understands you假如你能发觉唯一理解你的人是我been here all along so why can'总在我身旁却为什么你看不出来You belong with me你应该和我在一起Standing by and waiting at your back door在你后门一直站着,默默等着All this time一直一直How could you not know你怎么还没发觉Baby you belong with me亲爱的,你应该和我在一起You belong with me我们本应在一起You belong with me我们注定在一起Have you ever thought just maybe你是否有曾经想过,也许you belong with me我更适合你You belong with me...我们应该在一起------------Love storyWe were both young when I first saw you 当我第一次见到你的时候我们都还很年轻 I close my eyes and the flashback starts 我闭上双眼 我们的故事在我脑海里一幕幕回放 I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air 炎炎夏日我站在阳台上 See the lights,派对和舞会礼服 See you make your way through the crowd 看你穿过拥挤的人群 And say hello,you were throwing pebbles 你就是罗密欧 你朝我扔小石子 And my daddy said stay away from Juliet 我爸爸说 离朱丽叶远点 And I was crying on the staircase,t go 我在楼梯上哭了 求你不要离开 And I said 我说 Romeo,take me somewhere we can be alone 罗密欧 带我去一个我们能单独在一起的地方吧 I's left to do is run 我会等待的 现在能做的只有逃跑了 You's left to do is run 我会等的 我们所能做的就只有逃跑了 You'll be the princess 你会成为我的王子而我就是你的公主 It'they’re trying to tell me how to feel 罗密欧 快解救我吧 他们试图告诉我如何去感受 This love is difficult,but it’s real 这段爱情困难重重 但是这是真实的爱 Don'll make it out of this mess 不要害怕 我们会摆脱困难的 It'wondering if you were ever coming around 我已厌倦了等待 我想知道你究竟还会不会回来 my faith in you was fading 我对你的信心也在减少 When I met you on the outskirts of town 当我在郊区遇到你 And I said 我说 Romeo,I’ve been feeling so alone 罗密欧 快解救我吧 我一直感到很孤独 I keep waiting for you but you never come 我一直都在等你 但是你却没有出现 Is this in my head,t know what to think 我脑海里想的全是这个 我不知道还能想些什么 he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring 他跪在地上 拿出一个戒指 And said 说道 Marry me Juliet you'll never have to be alone 嫁给我吧 朱丽叶 你不会再感到孤单了 I love you and that'


You's going off about something that you said她因为你说的某些话而不高兴Cause she doesn'get your humor like I do...那是因为她不像我能够明白你的幽默I'm in the room我待在自己的房间It's a typical Tuesday night这又是个普通的星期二的夜晚I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like我听着她不会喜欢的音乐and she'm on the bleachers而我站在看台上Dreaming about the day when you wake up翘首盼望And find that what you'百般寻觅之人已在灯火阑珊处静候If you could see that I'm the one who understands you如果你能够察觉我是了解你的那个人been here all along so why can'那为什么我一直在这里 而你却视而不见You belong with me你应该和我在一起You belong with me你应该和我在一起Walk in the streets with you in your worn-out jeans你穿着牛仔裤和我走在街上I can'自己边想边笑Hey isn't this easy嘿 这不是很容易吗And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town你的笑容可以照亮整个城镇I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down可她总是伤你的心 于是那样的笑容消失不见You say you'半夜时你突然驾车到我家I're about to cry当你用力屏住眼泪时I know your favorite songs我知道你最喜欢的歌And you tell me about your dreams你还告诉我你的梦想I think I know where you belong我想我知道你该何去何从I think I know it's with me.我想那是和我在一起Can'm the one who understands you你怎么可以不明白我是了解你的那个人Been here all along我一直在这里So why can'亲爱的You belong with me你与我所属You belong with me你应该和我在一起Have you ever thought just maybe你是否想过you belong with me你应该和我在一起You belong with me...你应该和我在一起扩展资料:《You Belong with Me》是美国乡村流行乐女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特演唱的一首流行歌曲,该歌曲收录在泰勒·斯威夫特于2008年11月11日发行的第二张录音室专辑《Fearless》,并作为推广专辑的第三支单曲,《You Belong with Me》在美国公告牌百强单曲榜拿下第二名,成为泰勒·斯威夫特首支拿下该榜亚军的歌曲。


youbelongwithme意思----- 你和我在一起!---- belong with 1.和somebody同属(某个职业)----- He is a geography who belongs with Tony.(他和托尼同属于地理学家)2.与···有关---- Poetry belongs with music.(诗和音乐有关)3.和···住在一起----- He belongs with his father.(他和他父亲住在一起


youbelongwithme意思----- 你和我在一起!---- belong with 1.和somebody同属(某个职业)----- He is a geography who belongs with Tony.(他和托尼同属于地理学家)2.与···有关---- Poetry belongs with music.(诗和音乐有关)3.和···住在一起----- He belongs with his father.(他和他父亲住在一起




