



the egg is cooked to the street children play. Their eggs from rolling down the hillside:the children eat them with relish. To the relatives and friends,but also be a good gift.复活节是基督教纪念耶稣复活的一个宗教节日。每年春分过去,第一次月圆后的第一个星期日就是复活节。早年在基督教会中对复活节的日期曾经有过争议,引起一时混乱,直到公元325年,教士会议才决定整个教会统一在一天庆祝复活节。复活节有不少传统的庆祝活动,蛋就是复活节最典型的象征。古时人们常把蛋视为多子多孙和复活的象征,因为它孕育着新的生命。后来基督教徒又赋予蛋以新的涵义,认为它是耶稣墓的象征,未来的生命就是从其中挣脱而出世。复活节人们常把蛋染成红色,代表耶稣受难时流的鲜血,同时也象征复活后的快乐。还有一种古老的习俗,是把煮熟的彩蛋送给街头的孩子们做游戏。他们把彩蛋从山坡上滚下:谁的蛋最后破,谁就获得胜利,全部彩蛋都归他所有。美国白宫每年也玩这种游戏,只不过是把蛋放在草坪上滚动而已。兔子也是复活节的象征。现在每逢复活节,美国大小糖果店总要出售用巧克力制成的复活节小兔和彩蛋。这些彩蛋小的和鸡蛋差不多,大的竟有甜瓜那么大,孩子们吃起来津津有味。送给亲戚朋友,也不失为上佳礼品。


the world's the Christian must hold the celebration every year. Easter also symbolizes the rebirth and the hope. After the time is the vernal equinox month circle first Sunday date. 复活节是最古老最有意义的基督教节日之一。它庆祝的是基督的复活,世界各地的基督徒每年都要举行庆祝。复活节还象征重生和希望。时间是春分月圆后的第一个星期日。

复活节的由来 中英文对照 简略

s existence;and fasting called lent. this is observed in memory of the 40 days'fast of christ in the desert. in eastern orthodox churches lent is 50 days. in western christendom lent is observed for six weeks and four days.复活节是一个宗教节日,是为了纪念耶稣基督复活的三天去世已有2000年的磨难之后。对基督徒而言,复活节是宗教和家庭聚会的一天。复活节的起源是源于异教的神,拜加拿大之前存在;但加拿大的复活节开始,并继续是一个著名的基督教活动。许多教堂复活节之前的祷告,禁欲和禁食的季节,这是在沙漠中的快速基督的40天观察到的内存。在西方基督教四旬斋是观察六周四天。


Easter,and penance.概述:复活节,也被称为逾越节或复活周日,是一个庆祝耶稣基督由死复生的节日。据新约记载,公元30年他被罗马人钉死在加略山的十字架上,下葬后的第三天却得以复活。复活节是基督教徒庆祝的高潮,发生在四旬斋(或大斋戒)之后。而后者是为期四十天的禁食,祈祷和忏悔。2. Duration:the Feast of the Ascension.持续时间:复活节之前的一周被称为神圣星期。它涵盖复活节几大庆典日,濯足节和最后晚餐日,以及美好星期五(纪念耶稣的受难和死亡)。在西方基督教中,复活节,开始于复活节星期日,总共为期七周,直至第五十天的星期日的圣灵降临节。而在东正教中,复活节庆典则开始于逾越节,结束于之其后第四十天的升天盛宴。3. Customs:and Easter parades. There are also various traditional Easter foods that vary regionally.习俗:复活节习俗在整个基督教世界中有所不同,包括日出宗教仪式服务,复活节的问候,教堂的修剪,复活节彩蛋的装饰(它是空墓的象征)。复活节百合,也是复活节的一个象征,传统上被用于在这复活节这一天及节日其他期间装饰教堂的圣坛地区。另外一些与复活节有关的习俗和一些非基督徒的习俗,包括“寻找彩蛋”、“复活节兔子”和复活节游行等。


1. Overview: Easter, also called Pasch or Resurrection Sunday, is a festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day of his burial after his crucifixion by Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD. It is the culmination of the Passion of Christ, preceded by Lent (or Great Lent), a forty-day period of fasting, prayer, and penance.概述:复活节,也被称为逾越节或复活周日,是一个庆祝耶稣基督由死复生的节日。据新约记载,公元30年他被罗马人钉死在加略山的十字架上,下葬后的第三天却得以复活。复活节是基督教徒庆祝的高潮,发生在四旬斋(或大斋戒)之后。而后者是为期四十天的禁食,祈祷和忏悔。2. Duration: The week before Easter is called Holy Week, and it contains the days of the Easter Triduum, including Maundy Thursday, commemorating the Maundy and Last Supper, as well as Good Friday, commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus. In western Christianity, Eastertide, the Easter Season, begins on Easter Sunday and lasts seven weeks, ending with the coming of the fiftieth day, Pentecost Sunday. In Orthodoxy, the season of Pascha begins on Pascha and ends with the coming of the fortieth day, the Feast of the Ascension.持续时间:复活节之前的一周被称为神圣星期。它涵盖复活节几大庆典日,即圣周四,濯足节和最后晚餐日,以及美好星期五(纪念耶稣的受难和死亡)。在西方基督教中,复活节,开始于复活节星期日,总共为期七周,直至第五十天的星期日的圣灵降临节。而在东正教中,复活节庆典则开始于逾越节,结束于之其后第四十天的升天盛宴。3. Customs: Easter customs vary across the Christian world, and include sunrise services, exclaiming the Paschal greeting, clipping the church, and decorating Easter eggs, a symbol of the empty tomb. The Easter lily, a symbol of the resurrection, traditionally decorates the chancel area of churches on this day and for the rest of Eastertide. Additional customs that have become associated with Easter and are observed by both Christians and some non-Christians include egg hunting, the Easter Bunny, and Easter parades. There are also various traditional Easter foods that vary regionally.习俗:复活节习俗在整个基督教世界中有所不同,包括日出宗教仪式服务,复活节的问候,教堂的修剪,复活节彩蛋的装饰(它是空墓的象征)。复活节百合,也是复活节的一个象征,传统上被用于在这复活节这一天及节日其他期间装饰教堂的圣坛地区。另外一些与复活节有关的习俗和一些非基督徒的习俗,包括“寻找彩蛋”、“复活节兔子”和复活节游行等,另外还有各种各样的根据不同地区而有所区别的传统复活节的食物。


Easter(复活节) is the anniversary(纪念日) of the Resurrection(复活) of Jesus Christ.It comes on the first Sunday after March 21 st every year.On that morning people in new clothes go to church(教堂).They children get up early and look around everywhere for the East eggs(彩蛋).They think the Easter bunny(兔子) will bring the eggs to them.In fact some eggs are real eggs. Some are made of chocolate(巧克力).


复活节是为了纪念耶稣被钉上十字架,于是被基督教教徒借用过来表示生命、光明、欢乐的恩赐者耶稣再次回到人间。……全文复活节是为了纪念耶稣被钉上十字架,3天后死而复活的基督教节日。它是基督教与古代所谓异教风俗的结合物。据说复活节(Easter)一词源于盎格鲁撒克逊民族神话中黎明女神的名字Eostre。它的愿意是指冬日逝去后,春天(spring)的太阳从东方(east)升起,把新生命带回。由于该词喻意新生,于是被基督教教徒借用过来表示生命、光明、欢乐的恩赐者耶稣再次回到人间。按照习俗,如果月圆正值星期日,历年复活节的实际( exact )日期最早可在3月22日,人们都会或多或少休假几天。大学( university )都从复活节开始放春假,假期长达三四周,在多数西方国家里,复活节一般要举行盛大的宗教游行。游行者身穿长袍,手持十字架,他们打扮成基督教历史人物,唱着颂歌欢庆耶稣复活。如今节日游行已失去往日浓厚的宗教色彩。节日游行洋溢着喜庆的气氛,具有浓烈的民间特色和地方特色。游行队伍中即有身穿牛仔服踩高跷的小丑,也有活泼可爱的卡通人物米老鼠( Micky )。游行多以介绍当地的历史( history )和风土人情为主,游行者化装成为苏格兰风笛乐队以及皇宫卫士,复活节的到来还使人们纷纷换上新衣。过去基督教教徒会在节前去教堂行洗礼。

