



《羊皮卷》汇集了人类历史上最伟大的成功大师经典励志之作,内容涉及有关成功学的方方面面,各个成功学大师的文章风格各异,具有很强的艺术魅力和思想价值,这些都是人生经验的阐发和总结,它将全方位地挖掘我们内心的潜力。引领我们逐渐走向正确的人生。其中让我记忆深刻的是第14课《 如何战胜消极情绪》。本课中共讲述了一个小故事。然后通过这个小故事作者提出的问题。非洲臭虫“你生活中的”文章中用”来表示我们的消极情绪和自卑感“让讨厌的困扰损坏了我们的自我形象。毁灭了我们对幸福的渴望,本课时的最后一个环节是,战胜失败机制。挫败感“攻击感”不安全感。孤独感,愤怒感,空虚感这些都是失败机制的成分,1924年出生在美国东部的一个平民家庭的奥格·曼狄诺,在28岁以前还是比较幸运的。走出校门之后:他迅速地找到了工作,没有很好地把握生活。他逐渐偏离了正确的轨道,最终失去工作和财产,妻子也离开了他,失意中的奥格·曼狄诺在苦闷中徘徊,他遇到了一位即将改变他生活的牧师。在教诲和鼓励了曼狄诺一番之后,牧师送给了他一部《圣经》和一张列着11本书书名的清单。

给一篇读后感 读富兰克林自传有感 1000字



conduct,he also served as the American ambassador to France. He tells of how he learned the printing trade and how he established "Poor Richard's Almanac."as much for his humility as for his services to his country and its future citizens.

《 富兰克林传》读后感

傲慢与偏见The novel opens with the famous line,"must be in want of a wife.". and ends with two marriages:s,bold,he cannot deny his feelings for Elizabeth. His initial proposal of marriage is rejected because of his pride and Elizabeth's prejudice against him;he is happily engaged to a loving Elizabeth.Role of women in the 18th centuryIn late-18th-century England,women were not permitted to visit new arrivals to the neighbourhood (such as Mr. Bingley in Pride and Prejudice) until the male head of their household had first done so. Women were under enormous pressure to marry for the purpose of securing their financial futures and making valumarriage,wealth,s chances for a good marriage.了不起的盖茨比Published in 1925,"a post-World War I era in upper-class America that Fitzgerald himself gave this name to,death,and corruption pervades the novel and "infects"it is the stuff of myth. Gatsby'attempts to portray,athe history of that summer"s death) and is followed by Gatsby'sunshine,and the in-between changes of twilight) symbolizes emotional states as well.红字The Scarlet Letter attained an immediate and lasting success because it addressed spiritual and moral issues from a uniquely American standpoint. In 1850,s literary genius;and continues to be read as a classic tale on a universal theme.


傲慢与偏见The novel opens with the famous line, "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.". and ends with two marriages: Jane and Bingley's, as well as Darcy and Elizabeth's. Both couples are assumed to live happily ever after.Elizabeth (Lizzy) Bennet is the core of the family. Elizabeth is the second of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet's five daughters, and is an intelligent, bold, attractive twenty-year-old when the story begins. In addition to being her father's favourite, Elizabeth is characterized as a sensible, yet stubborn, woman. Misled by his cold outward behaviour, Elizabeth originally holds Mr. Darcy in contempt. However, she finds that Mr. Darcy improves on acquaintance, more so than she would expect.Fitzwilliam Darcy (commonly known as Mr. Darcy) is the central male character and Elizabeth's second love interest in the novel. He is an intelligent, wealthy, extremely handsome and reserved 28-year-old man, who often appears haughty or proud to strangers but possesses an honest and kind nature underneath. Initially, he considers Elizabeth his social inferior, unworthy of his attention, but he finds that, despite his inclinations, he cannot deny his feelings for Elizabeth. His initial proposal of marriage is rejected because of his pride and Elizabeth's prejudice against him; however, at the end of the novel, after their relationship has blossomed, he is happily engaged to a loving Elizabeth.Role of women in the 18th centuryIn late-18th-century England, women were relegated to secondary roles in society with respect to property and social responsibilities. For example, women were not permitted to visit new arrivals to the neighbourhood (such as Mr. Bingley in Pride and Prejudice) until the male head of their household had first done so. Women were under enormous pressure to marry for the purpose of securing their financial futures and making valuable social connections for their families. Therefore, marriage, though romanticised, was in many ways a financial transaction and social alliance rather than a matter of love. Although Jane Austen did not condone loveless marriages (she stayed single all her life), she did approve of matches having equality in various respects, including wealth, social status, love and character. In Pride and Prejudice, wealth, social status, chastity (and the perception of chastity) and physical attractiveness are depicted as factors affecting a woman's chances for a good marriage.了不起的盖茨比Published in 1925, The Great Gatsby became an immediate classic and propelled its young author to a fame he never again equalled. The novel captured the spirit of the "Jazz Age," a post-World War I era in upper-class America that Fitzgerald himself gave this name to, and the flamboyance of the author and his wife Zelda as they moved about Europe with other American expatriate writers (such as Ernest Hemingway). However, Gatsby expresses more than the exuberance of the times. It depicts the restlessness of what Gertrude Stein (another expatriate modernist writer) called a "lost generation." Recalling T. S. Eliot's landmark poem "The Wasteland" (1922), then, Gatsby also has its own "valley of ashes" or wasteland where men move about obscurely in the dust, and this imagery of decay, death, and corruption pervades the novel and "infects" the story and its hero too. Because the novel is not just about one man, James Gatz or Jay Gatsby, but about aspects of the human condition of an era, and themes that transcend time altogether, it is the stuff of myth. Gatsby's attempts to attain an ideal of himself and then to put this ideal to the service of another ideal, romantic love, are attempts to rise above corruption in all its forms. It is this quality in him that Nick Carraway, the novel's narrator, attempts to portray, and in so doing the novel, like its hero, attains a form of enduring greatness.The novel is narrated in retrospect; Nick is writing the account two years after the events of the summer he describes, and this introduces a critical distance and perspective which is conveyed through occasional comments about the story he is telling and how it must appear to a reader. The time scheme of the novel is further complicated as "the history of that summer" of 1922 contains within it the story of another summer, five years before this one, when Gatsby and Daisy first courted. This is the story that Jordan tells Nick. As that earlier summer ended with Gatsby's departure for the war in the fall, so the summer of Nick's experience of the East ends with the crisis on the last hot day (the day of mint juleps in the hotel and Myrtle Wilson's death) and is followed by Gatsby's murder by George Wilson on the first day of fall. This seasonal calendar is more than just a parallel, however. It is a metaphor for the blooming and blasting of love and of hope, like the flowers so often mentioned. Similarly, the novel's elaborate use of light and dark imagery (light, darkness, sunshine, and shadow, and the in-between changes of twilight) symbolizes emotional states as well.红字The Scarlet Letter attained an immediate and lasting success because it addressed spiritual and moral issues from a uniquely American standpoint. In 1850, adultery was an extremely risqué subject, but because Hawthorne had the support of the New England literary establishment, it passed easily into the realm of appropriate reading. It has been said that this work represents the height of Hawthorne's literary genius; dense with terse descriptions. It remains relevant for its philosophical and psychological depth, and continues to be read as a classic tale on a universal theme.


《羊皮卷》这本书基本上是对世界上各种励志畅销经典书籍的浓缩版,就我读过的这本书里面就有《思考致富》的浓缩,《信仰的力量》等等各种书籍,我们再将《羊皮卷》这本书进行浓缩,找出对我们有用的部分,因为所有书籍只有找出对我们有的部分并加以运用才会产生效益,而且将这有用的部分在进行精简成几句简练的话才能更容易记住,下面我们共同来看看这本书的主要部分第一卷 最伟大的力量第二卷 思考的人第三卷 金钱的魅力第四卷 向你挑战 第八卷 思考致富第九卷 信仰的力量第十卷 爱的能力第十一卷 迈向成功第十二卷 付出行动可以看出。


由于他出生在贫寒的小商人家庭.他几次被迫辍学在小商店里打杂.后来又在哥哥的印刷厂当学徒,最后自己在费城开了一家印刷所.他在这期间过着艰苦的生活,吃得简单.但是却一直有一种非常强大的精神支撑着他.除了辛勤工作之外,他还始终怀着强烈的求知的渴望和热情,挤出一切时间和一切金钱来读书和买书. 在他看来,读书是他打开幸福成功之门的钥匙.书是无价之宝,西班牙语和拉丁语. 成功背后却是无比的艰辛,而且也是一个伟大的发明家.他发明了新式火炉,一分耕耘一分才.他付出了艰苦的努力就品尝到了成功的果实.他为全美国人们创造了幸福.我们应该学习富兰克林的这种精神.富兰克林自传在本站电子书栏目名人传记下有提供. 第一次读富兰克林自传是在中学,看到一半的时候他还在搞印刷就没看下去,但由于我不习惯在电脑上看长篇的小说,所以一直没看完,可义乌这种地方唯一一个不错的新华书店也只有一本,我不想买一本自己很喜欢的旧书,所以一直没有买。对于富兰克林遵守的十三种德行,我自己想做到的首先是节制,关于节制我一直在这样做,后来看《商道》中戒盈杯也曾挽救过林尚活的命,对饮食就更加注意,包括倒水喝酒都从来不会太满,最重要的是食不过饱还可以保持一个比较清醒的大脑。寡言我做的也不好,以后也需要多加注意。俭朴我做的并不很好,有时候总感觉消费可以刺激自己的需求,进一步刺激自己追求更高更好的东西,但目前看来这是一种非常错误的做法,以后会多加注意(因为即使是一元钱,一直消费最终会导致自己保持收支平衡而没有足够的启动资金)。清洁我做的是最糟糕的(这方面我现在还没打算去做,这是一个非常久的习惯了,可能需要太多的时间,并且有时候会与我的时间观造成冲突) 其它几点秩序,正直做的还自己感觉不错。对富兰克林非常重视公共事业深有感触,正如我去新华书店找如此好的一本书而却很难以找到一样,这个损失不应该由书店来承担,但一个人买一本又很浪费资源,图书馆是首先应该投资的,并且挑选比较著名及有影响的书多放一些,义乌不能创造超级富豪我感觉与此也有很大的关系,大多观念并不新,超级富豪几乎没有。另外对富兰克林遇到的总督基思印像非常深刻,因为感觉他太像自己遇到过的一个人,从来不实现自己的承诺,但非常喜欢许诺,也进一步告诉我自己的原始积累的重要性,凭空的依靠可能把自己带到绝境,就如富兰克林去伦敦采购印刷器材那样陷信困境。他也告诉我媒体的力量,默多克都承认富兰克林为媒界做的最成功的人,掌握并好好的利用媒体可以产生无可言喻的力量,也看到富兰克林早期并不谦虚,我也经常犯类似的错误,辩论的时候没有必要以非常强势的压倒别人,尽管在当时可能会给自己带来一定的快感,但一定要体会别人的感受,这点以后也是我非常应该注意的。富兰克林能在如此多的领域做出对世界产生影响的事,应该很大程度上依靠他的习惯。节制、沉默寡言、生活有序、决心、俭朴、勤勉、诚恳、公正、中庸、清洁、平静、贞洁和谦逊:他一直在尽力地做到这些。尽管他也很难完全满足要求,我不禁为这位世界伟人给自己提出的高要求而惊叹,我想。做一个品德完美的人的确不容易:但是只有努力做了,才有做好的希望,富兰克林曾说过这样一句话。能够给人类带来幸福的“倒不如说是每时每刻发生在他们身边的琐细的方便,这句很有启发性的话提醒了人们。不要只顾那些百年不遇的幸运”而忽略了身边的小事,这句话也很好地解释了富兰克林的那些造福人类的发明和他成为发明家的原因:读完了整本书,我想;我们的生活是无比幸福的,时代给予了我们物质上的丰富多彩:我们不必再像富兰克林小时候那样,承受因为家庭困难而辍学的痛苦,我们不必再像他那样。
