




我只有绿野仙踪的,brave,they all have the things they want:the Cowardly Lion is brave and the Tin Man is kind-hearted.This book tells us a story of how a little girl Dorothy goes back to her hometown when she is in another strange city. Dorothy is a little girl who lived with her aunt and uncle in Kansas. The weather there is very bad,they were caught by the witch and Dorothy was requested tothey could take anybody go back to their home as soon as she said‘East,home is always the best place for us to rest or study. There are our parents here;we can see Dorothy is a brave and kind-hearted girl. She killed the two bad witches in Oz;and he suggested Dorothy to cut down a tree to参考资料:the Good Witch of the North tells Dorothy that she will have to go to the "Emerald City"and encourages the Cowardly Lion to journey with hthe Tin Woodman sees a ravenous beast;who begins to melt. The Winkies rejoice at being freed of the witch'the Tindodge the Hammer-Heads,and he agrees to return there to rule them after Dorothy returns to Kansas--the biggest of the tigers ruling in his stead as before. Dorothy uses her third wish to fly over the Hammer-Heads'through Glinda'to their respective sovereignties:so they will never be under its spell again. Dorothy and Toto return to Kansas and a joyful family reunion. The Silver Shoes are lost during Dorothy's flight and never seen again.······································说行天下 是非常不错的小说网站大全,值得拥有。

2.阿拉丁神灯 读后感 英文

I like "Aladdin lamp"so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the whole world.Therefore,we can'to be brave and they do struggle.


near a city in Arabia.Only a poor boy from the city can get into the garden and find the lamp.And that boy’s name is Aladdin…阿拉丁是一个懒惰的孩子,成天和朋友们在市场上玩耍,他和他的母亲都很穷,经常挨饿,但阿拉丁从来都不工作。也不帮助他的母亲,有一天。阿拉丁的叔叔阿巴那扎尔来到了这个城市,他跟阿拉丁和他的母亲说“给阿拉丁买了一件漂亮的外套”还说想继续帮助他们。阿拉丁非常高兴,但其实阿巴那扎尔并不是阿拉丁的叔叔,他想找到一盏神灯。他知道那盏神灯在一个阿拉伯附近的一座神奇的地下花园里。只有这个城市里的一个穷孩子能进入花园找到那盏灯,这个男孩的名字叫阿拉丁。


Aladdin is a lazy boy.He does not like work and he does not like work and he plays all day with his friends in the market.He and his mother are very poor,and are often hungry,but Aladdin never works,and never helps his mother.One day Aladdin’s uncle ,Abanazar,arrives in the city.“I am a rich man,”he tells Aladdin and his mother.He gives them gold,buys Aladdin a beautiful new coat,and wants to help them.Aladdin is very happy.But Abanazar is not Aladdin’s uncle.He is a magician from Morocco,and he wants to find an enchanted lamp.He knows the lamp is in a magical garden under the ground,near a city in Arabia.Only a poor boy from the city can get into the garden and find the lamp.And that boy’s name is Aladdin…阿拉丁是一个懒惰的孩子,他不喜欢劳动,成天和朋友们在市场上玩耍,他和他的母亲都很穷,经常挨饿。但阿拉丁从来都不工作,也不帮助他的母亲。有一天,阿拉丁的叔叔阿巴那扎尔来到了这个城市。“我很有钱。”他跟阿拉丁和他的母亲说。他给了他们一些金子,给阿拉丁买了一件漂亮的外套,还说想继续帮助他们。阿拉丁非常高兴。但其实阿巴那扎尔并不是阿拉丁的叔叔。他是来自摩洛哥的一位魔法师,他想找到一盏神灯。他知道那盏神灯在一个阿拉伯附近的一座神奇的地下花园里,只有这个城市里的一个穷孩子能进入花园找到那盏灯,这个男孩的名字叫阿拉丁。




英文:"Aladdin lamp "talk about such a story:the cave has wanted to use Aladdin'《阿拉丁神灯》讲了这样一个故事:阿拉丁是个没有爸爸的孩子。一个自称是他叔叔的人其实是个魔法师,他把阿拉丁带到了一个山洞里,想利用阿拉丁把洞里的神灯拿去。阿拉丁下到了洞里一看,里面全是金光闪闪的金银财宝!这时阿拉丁发现了自己有危险。洞被魔法师堵住了,魔法师去非洲老家了。可怜的阿拉丁擦了擦灯,他前面出现了一种白茫茫的东西,看上去像一只怪兽,其实他是神灯。神灯帮助了阿拉丁,使他有了城堡和公主。我喜欢神灯,因为他乐于助人。求分


