







3.〈〈大森林里的小木屋 〉〉读后感英语

我读完了《大森林里的小木屋》这本书,写了一家人在大森林里发生的有趣的故事。I finished reading the book "wrote a family in the interesting story happened in the forest.我很喜欢糖雪那一篇,那一篇写的是下了一场雪,爸爸把那场雪叫做糖雪,之后他们就到了爷爷家去做枫糖,枫糖就是在枫树春天要有足够的汁水才能长出叶子,所以在树腰的地方打一个小口,接上一个木桶,把枫树流出来的汁水盛起来,虽然这样枫树就会长得不好,接出来的枫树的汁水再放到一个大锅里熬上好一会,直到非常粘稠的时候再把它挖出来,放到盘子里让它冷却,最后结成的块块就是枫糖。after they got to grandpa'finally formed a piece piece is maple syrup.还有一篇写了妈妈去看了看家里养的牛,结果发现了一只大狗熊,能把人撕碎,可是那只狗熊却一动不动,站在那里,妈妈伸手摸了摸他都没有反应,原来是狗熊害怕灯光,爸爸在去城里卖兽皮的时候也遇上了一直熊,不管爸爸怎么打他,朝他大喊,那只熊都一动不动,最后爸爸直接从他旁边绕过去了,熊竟然没有追上来。熊既然还害怕灯光,太奇怪了。the bear couldn'too strange.这本书非常的好,他向我们介绍了在大森林里生活的人们,大家一定要买来看一看。you must buy a look at.

4.〈〈大森林里的小木屋 〉〉读后感英语

我读完了《大森林里的小木屋》这本书,写了一家人在大森林里发生的有趣的故事。I finished reading the book "the great cabin in the forest, wrote a family in the interesting story happened in the forest.我很喜欢糖雪那一篇,那一篇写的是下了一场雪,爸爸把那场雪叫做糖雪,之后他们就到了爷爷家去做枫糖,枫糖就是在枫树春天要有足够的汁水才能长出叶子,所以在树腰的地方打一个小口,接上一个木桶,把枫树流出来的汁水盛起来,虽然这样枫树就会长得不好,接出来的枫树的汁水再放到一个大锅里熬上好一会,直到非常粘稠的时候再把它挖出来,放到盘子里让它冷却,最后结成的块块就是枫糖。I like sugar, the snow that one, that one is written down a snow, my dad called the snow snow, after they got to grandpa's house to make maple sugar. Maple syrup is in maple spring will have enough juice to grow leaves, so the waist of a tree for a small mouth, connected to a bucket, put out the juice of maple trees, though this maple trees will grow well, pick out the maple juice, put them in a big pot for a while, until the very thick, dig it out on the plate to make it cool, finally formed a piece piece is maple syrup.还有一篇写了妈妈去看了看家里养的牛,结果发现了一只大狗熊,狗熊力大无比,能把人撕碎,可是那只狗熊却一动不动,站在那里,妈妈伸手摸了摸他都没有反应,原来是狗熊害怕灯光,爸爸在去城里卖兽皮的时候也遇上了一直熊,不管爸爸怎么打他,朝他大喊,那只熊都一动不动,最后爸爸直接从他旁边绕过去了,熊竟然没有追上来。熊既然还害怕灯光,太奇怪了。And mother wrote an article to looked at home to raise cattle, the results found a big black bear, bear great strength, can tore up the people, but still, the bear stood there, mother stretched out his hand and touched him all have no reaction, turned out to be afraid of the light the bear when daddy in the city to sell skins also met a bear, no matter how father beat him, he shouted, the bear is motionless, the dad directly from beside him, the bear couldn't catch up. Since the bear also afraid of the light, too strange.这本书非常的好,他向我们介绍了在大森林里生活的人们,大家一定要买来看一看。This book is very good, he introduced to us in the big forest life of people, you must buy a look at.


