






his love will never be allowed bysuperior.


Recently,I read Helen Keller'"with excellent the results obtained a bachelor',do not be afraid to retreat;to get confidence. Good upbeat attitude is one of the important factors for success.,


写十篇就累死了呵呵,先用着吧1. 化学秘密读后感Chemical secret book reviewIn this winner holidays,thriller". The novel is about Mr. Duncan's boss;2.牙齿和爪子读后感Teeth and claws book reviewIn this winner holidays?Teeth and claws"shuchong“Book",Lay Denis. Washi Ta ":"and",Gabriel Ernes;wolf,"the king'exposing the depths of human nature to most. 3.在月亮下面读后感The following book review in the MoonThe sun is burning a huge fireball. Without light and heat from the sun,I have a more deep sentiment:reducing CFC emissions.All life on Earth would be no life left the sunlight and the sun light is visible light,green plants;the most absorbed by the ozone layer.However,in the fast advancement of human tozone layer"4.苏格兰玛丽女王读后感Mary Queen of Scots book reviewHighlights of biographical literature,wonderful,hardship,it becomes a few simple screen theater. A person'the book has been written very clearly. •lush,happy,beautiful,the only sacrifice of love oelegant,until she brought no return. •Zweig'ah,and even in some respects we do not like animals do. Animals and people should live in harmony. "Orcas"I believe you willunderstand the truth of many

5.英文小故事梗概 读后感10篇

五篇不少了,写十篇就累死了呵呵,先用着吧1. 化学秘密读后感Chemical secret book reviewIn this winner holidays, I read the "Chemical Secret" in “shuchong”,Although not quite like to watch the English novel, but I watched this addiction!For me this novel is a timid man "thriller". The novel is about Mr. Duncan's Paint career: from an impoverished unemployed people to find a wealthy and rich career, to return to live in a small apartment in a dirty unemployed people. Unconventional and downs throughout the story, it is a good thing can be instantly transformed into a negative factor, is "a blessing in disguise, bad thing.".Duncan is both sympathetic and people who hate people. He is a competent biologist, found that the toxicity of the paint factory, but the boss is under coercion self-deception to think no one will hurt, but to the community to conceal the truth. Sadly, his pregnant daughter, to uncover the truth, unfortunately, in the survey fall into the river, was filling with venom of this river. At the end of his walk in the way to the hospital, mental uneasy thought: fetal malformation ... This makes the novel even more tragic and suspense.I do not like this inside the paint David's boss, David is a person who only seek their own interests, he ignored the safety of others, just know that money is really selfish shameful act! Be clearly seen in his company and drink contaminated water to seal poisoning, but he said the paint quickly into the sea, we never drink, it was only 200 million dollars a purification equipment costs.We all know the importance of environmental protection, but in the interests of the face, which one would you choose?2.牙齿和爪子读后感Teeth and claws book reviewIn this winner holidays, I read the "Teeth and claws" in “shuchong”, Teeth and claws"Book" teeth and claws "This book is the story of a few short and pithy:" Lay Denis. Washi Ta "," storytelling "and" Gabriel Ernest. ""Tuobo Maury," "wolf," consisting of. The length of each story is not long, but it is Sylvia wonderful. Author hecla Hugh Munro was a correspondent, also a writer.Good with a clear and concise language to tell a wonderful story of one vivid. He wrote wonderful short stories known. He was born 1870, died in 1916.Each book is a kind of hero story aggressive animals. Bizarre fantasy story, but brilliant. May be surprising is that the authors and do not let these animals appear in the forest steppe, but these animals appear in the elegant room, the king's garden or a beautiful mansion. These animals will suddenly appear, people by surprise. These animals with their own animal, injury or swallowing. But they always tear up the human camouflage, exposing the depths of human nature to most. 3.在月亮下面读后感The following book review in the MoonThe sun is burning a huge fireball. Without light and heat from the sun, we can not survive on the planet Earth. The ozone layer around the planet to protect us from the fire of the sun damage. However, if the ozone layer break, be like?Read the story below in the moon, I have a more deep sentiment: to protect the earth, we must first protect the ozone layer is not destroyed, reducing CFC emissions.All life on Earth would be no life left the sunlight and the sun light is visible light, ultraviolet, infrared, three parts. Sunlight into the atmosphere (including UV), 55% of light through the atmosphere to the earth and sea, of which 40% of visible light, which is the driving force for photosynthesis, green plants; 5% 100 ~ 400 nm wavelength ultraviolet light, and ultraviolet divided into long wave, medium wave, short wave ultraviolet light, UVA can sterilization. But the wavelength of 200 ~ 315 nm short-wave ultraviolet radiation on the human body and biological harmful. When it passes through the stratosphere, the most absorbed by the ozone layer.However, in the fast advancement of human technology, a large discharge of sewage and toxic gases, heavy use of products containing CFCs, the ozone layer destruction. Imagine, if the "ozone layer" that destroyed the umbrella of the Earth, the Earth will happen?How should we do to protect the ozone layer? We can drive less, use less products containing CFCs, no radiation of appliances to buy .To our planet, please protect the ozone layer. Hope that through our efforts, not to expand empty, and even to restore the original appearance of the earth more beautiful, more human health and longevity!4.苏格兰玛丽女王读后感Mary Queen of Scots book reviewHighlights of biographical literature, is that person's life can be condensed in the hundreds of book pages. Years in the past few decades, the proud, frustrated, wonderful, hardship, and all of life, the only change made a point of looking down to watch, it becomes a few simple screen theater. A person's fate, on the stage of history, how small, and time is the best explanation of who, decades or centuries after the spectator, through the biographies of the fire, you can see all the ups and downs of fate minor context to say that this is a wonderful thing. About Scotland, in addition to bagpipes, plaid skirt, the really is not much known, that the island is located in the north of England, leaving the impression is bleak and tragic, this impression and bagpipes, but also on the Ministry and that the "brave heart "of film-related. • do not say that Mary Stuart and Elizabeth scores between, the book has been written very clearly. • About Mary Stuart, book reading, there is a personal taste of the image. She seems to be a beautiful winged butterfly with Fenghua, in her youth before the age of 25 years, she was free, lush, elegant and lucky. She lightly flying around, happy, beautiful, popular everywhere, people adore. But her rash and impulsive, she such a temperament, if it is a normal woman, the only sacrifice of love or marriage, but she was crowned Queen of the head, being in the center of the vortex of politics, so not far from the tragedy in waiting her. • After 25 years of age Mary Stuart is still lush, elegant, but she has lost the most precious freedom, happiness is no longer blessing to her, she is still beautiful but the trembling of the wings has been unable to fly day and night thinking she broke free, But the shackles of the body become increasingly tight, until she brought no return. • in Mary Stuart's fate, the protagonist Elizabeth can not be ignored, two women, a struggle of several decades of war, and then two completely different fate. The work style of the novel is between statements and between historical facts, but has a longer length on women's psychological description, Zweig's language because they know and love, so read it is quite calm.5. 逆戟鲸 读后感Killer whale book reviewI recently read a book, the name is "killer whale." Animals and people, with feelings and emotions, the feelings of people in almost all animals found; human animals can also be inspired. We should protect animals, not kill animals, or animals will also be retaliation, only people and animals live in harmony, the world was more beautiful and more exciting.Animals need to learn many things, and what help each other ah, ah, and so pay attention to instrumentation, and even in some respects we do not like animals do. Animals and people should live in harmony. "Orcas" to tell a man to kill the mother whale, when the male whale in a sea fell to his death at the tip of the man had done. The article tells us that the brutal cruelty to animals, nature will inevitably be punished. Animal protection is everyone's responsibility, we must not only protect animals, but also to protect their living environment is not destroyed, so that people and animals to mutual benefit.I read this book a great harvest, you read it, I believe you will understand the truth of many


loving it.我阅读了一本名叫 哈利·波特 的书,著名小说家在书上创造了一个美妙而神奇的世界,这是属于所有儿童的爱的世界,英语短文读后感.读了这本书,你也会有一个好的心情,而不是其他复杂的情绪.波特是一个勇敢的人,他会帮助人解决麻烦.这本书给我一个深刻的映象,它的里面细致描绘了每个人的微小细节.如果您有机会阅读它,祝福你会像我一样,热爱它.I have read a book named Harry《老人与海》读后感The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway’s most enduring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. It played a great part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers. Besides The Old Man And the Sea,the old person causes all one\'is power which the person goes forward.I first read this book when I was in my fifteens. And now I remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday.【扩展阅读篇】所谓“可以是从书中领悟出来的道理或精湛的思想,可以是受书中的内容启发而引起的思考与联想,可以是因读书也可以是因读书而引起的对社会上某些丑恶现象的抨击、讽刺.读后感的表达方式灵活多样,基本属于议论范畴,但写法不同于一般议论文,因为它必须是在读后的基础上发感想.要写好有体验、有见解、有感情、有新意的读后感,要读好原文“读后感[1]”的基础.走马观花地读,可能连原作讲的什么都没有了解,读得肤浅?当然也感得不深.只有读得认真,才能有所感,并感得深刻.如果要读的是议论文,要弄清它的论点(见解和主张),想一想你受到哪些启发,还要弄清论据和结论是什么.如果是记叙文,就要弄清它的主要情节,以及故事发生在哪年哪月.作品涉及的社会背景,还要弄清楚作品通过记人叙事,揭示了人物什么样的精神品质,反映了什么样的社会现象,表达了作者什么思想感情,作品的哪些章节使人受感动,排好感点只要认真读好原作,一篇文章可以写成读后感的方面很多.如对原文中心感受得深可以写成读后感,对原作其他内容感受得深也可以写成读后感,对个别句子有感受也可以写成读后感.总之,只要是原作品的内容,都可能写成读后感,你需要把你所知道的都表示出来,这样才能写好读后感.第三、选准感点一篇文章,但在一篇读后感里只能论述一个中心,所以紧接着便是对这些众多的感点进行筛选比较,找出自己感受最深、角度最新,现实针对性最强、自己写来又觉得顺畅的一个感点,作为读后感的中心,然后加以论证成文.第四、叙述要简既然读后感是由读产生感,那么在文章里就要叙述引起,有时还要叙述自己联想到的一些事例.一句话,读后感中少不了,.但是它不同于记叙文中”的要求.记叙文中的”讲究具体、形象、生动”而读后感中的,却讲究简单扼要”只要求能引出事理.初学写读后感引述原文”一般毛病是叙述不简要,实际上变成复述了.这主要是因为作者还不能把握所要引述部分的精神、要点,所以才简明不了.简明,联想要注意形式联想的形式有相同联想(联想的事物之间具有相同性)、相反联想(联想的事物之间具有相反性)、相关联想(联想的事物之间具有相关性)、相承联想(联想的事物之间具有相承性)、相似联想(联想的事物之间具有相似性)等多种.写读后感尤其要注意相同联想与相似联想这两种联想形式的运用.编辑本段如何写读后感格式一、格式和写法读后感通常有三种写法,一种是缩写内容提纲,一种是写阅读后的体会感想:一种是摘录好的句子和段落,读后感《英语短文读后感》.题目可以用《读后感》,还可以用自己的感受(一两个词语)做题目,下一行是——《读有感》;第二行是副标题.二、要选择自己感受最深的东西去写,这是写好读后感的关键.三、要密切联系实际,就是这篇文章的中心论点.\观点句\在文中的位置是可以灵活的,可以在篇首,也可以在篇末或篇中.初学写作的同学,最好采用开门见山的方法,把观点写在篇首.(4) 联——联系实际,纵横拓展.围绕基本观点摆事实讲道理.写读后感最忌的是就事论事和泛泛而谈.就事论事撒不开,感不能深入,文章就过于肤浅.泛泛而谈,往往使读后感缺乏针对性,不能给人以震撼.联,就是要紧密联系实际,既可以由此及彼地联系现实生活中相类似的现象,也可以由古及今联系现实生活中的相反的种种问题.既可以从大处着眼,也可以从小处入手.当然在联系实际分析论证时,还要注意时时回扣或呼应“部,联”引”藕”断而”丝“连这部分就是议论文的本论部分”是对基本观点(即中心论点)的阐述,通过摆事实讲道理证明观点的正确性,使论点更加突出,更有说服力.这个过程应注意的是,所摆事实,所讲道理都必须紧紧围绕基本观点,为基本观点服务.(5)结——总结全文,升华感点.,读“的内容不放松.以上五点是写读后感的基本思路”但是这思路不是一成不变的,简述原文\亮明观点\前;就不必再写第四个部分了.一、先要重视感感要多 读要少,要善于灵活掌握.比如,简述原文,亮明观点”前“但二者先后次序互换也是可以的.再者”如果在第三个步骤摆事实讲道理时所摆的事实就是社会现象或个人经历,就不必再写第四个部分了.二、要重视\,在\的关系中;的前提;基础;\,是\的延伸或者说结果.必须先\读\,则无\.因此;要写读后感首先要读懂原文;要准确把握原文的基本内容;正确理解原文的中心思想和关键语句的含义,深入体会作者的写作目的和文中表达的思想感情.三、读完一本书或一篇文章会有许多感想和体会,对同样一本书或一篇文章,不同的人从不同的角度思考问题,更是会产生不同的看法;受到不同的启迪.以大家熟知的,滥竽充数,成语故事为例,从讽刺南郭先生的角度去思考“可以领悟到没有真本领蒙混过日子的人早晚要\”露馅\,"认识到掌握真才实学的重要性;若是考虑在齐宣王时南郭先生能混下去的原因;就可以想到领导者要有实事求是的领导作风;不能搞华而不实,否则会给混水摸鱼的人留下空子可钻,再要从管理体制的角度去思考,就可进一步认识到齐宣王的\,大锅饭\缺少必要的考评机制;为南郭先生一类的人提供了饱食终日混日子的客观条件;从而联想到改革开放以来;打破\铁饭碗\,废除大锅饭的必要性.四、叙述作品不能用大量篇幅复述原文一篇读后感;不能写出诸多的感想或体会;这就要加以选择.作为初学者;就要选择自己感受最深又觉得有话可说的一点来写.要注意把握分析问题的角度;注意联系自己的实际情况,从众多的头绪中选择最恰当的感受点,作为全文议论的中心.初中作文课中,除了写\,读后感\,外,老师还会要求同学们在看完一部电影;电视片或参完某一展览后写\"观后感\",观后感的写法与读后感是一样的,只需在第一部分简述所观的内容;然后引出观点;展开论述就可以了.五、写景、物的读后感应该怎样写(1)简述原文有关内容.如所读书、文的篇名、作者、写作年代;基本观点摆事实讲道理.这部分就是议论文的本论部分,是对基本观点(即中心论点)的阐述,通过摆事实讲道理证明观点的正确性,使论点更加突出、更有说服力.这个过程应注意的是,所摆事实、所讲道理都必须紧紧围绕基本观点,为基本观点服务.(4)围绕基本观点联系实际.一篇好的读后感应当有时代气息,有真情实感.要做到这一点,必须善于联系实际.这“也可以是某种社会现象.联系实际时也应当注意紧紧围绕基本观点,


Name:L. Frank Baum (U.S)Press:Dorothy,Toto,Then,Dorothy got home... She felt the happiness again.Feelings:she went home successful. I want to be a good person as her!


Black Horse 黑骏马 Jed got to the top of the mountain and sat down to rest. The July sun had made him hot. 杰德到了山顶,就坐下来休息。searching footmarks left by the horse.他走了很长一段路才到山顶的,所以感到浑身乏力。他知道他想方设法要逮住的那匹马离此不会太远。他察看折山上及下面的山谷,寻找着那匹马留下的蹄印。他看到在山的另一侧,顺坡而下有一行马蹄印。他一定要逮住这匹马。他知道曾有比他更有能耐的人尝试过。州内最好的牧场主汤姆·拉格伦就曾经在他那帮牛仔的帮助下做过尝试.But they had not been able to capture it. It had gotten away from others,too. They all said it was too wild. It could not be captured.但他们并没有能逮住它,其他试图去逮它的人也都失败了,他们都说他太野,是不可能被逮住的。Jed came to a cool-looking river. He drank the clear water.顺着山路向下,慢慢地、艰难地走了一段之后,杰德到达一条水看上去十分清澈的河边,喝了几口河水。then hid behind a tree to watch. It was the biggest and blackest and blackest he had ever seen.接着又沿山谷向前走了一段,这是他看到了那匹黑马,他站在一棵树下遮太阳。杰德又走进了些,然后躲在一棵树后观察。这是他有生以来见过的最大、最黑的马。he could sell horses. That would be all the happiness Jed wanted.杰德对马了如指掌。他是一个从小与马厮混、在马背上长大的人。尽管他挣的钱从来没有超过10美元,如果他能够得到一匹公马、一匹母马和10公顷土地,他就可以养马并以卖马为生了。那就是杰德想要得到的全部幸福了。那匹大黑马从树下走了出来,走到河边开始吃草。杰德继续观察着。他在地上找了一块柔软的地方,将头靠在一棵倒着的老树上睡着了。always looking for hidden danger.第二天日出时他醒了过来,马上就用目光寻找那匹马,正吃着草呢。杰德看着它吃草,随后又见它抬起头,朝四周看看。它们总是十分小心,不时地看看四周是否有什么暗藏的危险。he walked closer. 杰德开始慢慢向它走近。它停止吃草,看着杰德。杰德的心开始“直跳。人们都说这马是一个杀手,杰德停了下来。只见它高高的抬起前蹄,然后又重重的落回原地。杰德又走近了些。他开始柔声跟它说话。这匹马转身顺着山谷跑了下去。杰德却因兴奋而浑身大汗淋漓,倒在地上。他已经做了别人没有做到的事儿.He had almost touched the wild horse. The animal was not a killer. If it had been,Jed would be dead now.他几乎快要挨到这匹野马了。杰德现在已经没命了。For six days he followed the horse. He rested when the horse rested. Jed did not like the land they were in now. The sides of the valley were high and filled with big rocks. Few trees were around. And the bottom of the valley was soft and wet.他一连跟踪了这匹马6天。杰德不喜欢他现在所呆的地方。这山谷的两侧都很高,周围没有多少树,而且谷底又软又湿。and then lay down to sleep.杰德又看了一会儿马,随后躺下来睡觉。他被雷雨声惊醒。他立刻沿着岩石向上走,直到找了一个可以蔽雨的干燥的山洞,他再接着睡。大雨已经泡软了谷底的土壤。这一天他大部分时间都在跟着马走。湿湿的山谷是现在它唯一可以行走的地方了。s nose was smelling the air. It smelled danger. It smelled danger.越走,山谷两侧就显得越高。临近黄昏时分,但这次它的脸上出现了一种恐惧的神情。他停下来仔细观察,只见马鼻子在嗅着空气,他闻到了危险的气息。a wildcat(链接至同目录下wildcat)or bear maybe. He pulled his knife from his pants. He looked among the rocks but saw nothing. 杰德想到是不是有什么野兽,也可能是一只熊。他从裤子里抽出刀,在岩石间四处看看,但什么也没有看见。trying to watch both sides at the same time.他便向马走过去。豹猫可能在山谷的某一侧。他走得很慢,尽力同时看着两侧。it would do it now. He felt the excitement of danger.慢慢地,他来到了马身边。杰德一直盯着那些岩石。豹猫如果要袭击,它现在就会跳出来的。他感到既危险又兴奋。寂静被打破了。黑骏马大声嘶叫起来,那是一种充满恐惧的叫喊。它顺着湿漉漉的山谷奔跑起来。岩石中传出了一种沉重的、深沉的响声。成吨成吨的湿土和大岩石开始从山坡两侧滚落下来。原来山地本身就是马的敌人。Jed looked for the horse. In front of him were tons of the fallen earth. He could not see down the valley and could not see the horse.当空气恢复清新的时候,杰德立刻开始找马。在他面前是滚落下来的成吨的泥土,他无法看到山谷的前方,也看不到马。the deeper it sank in the mud.他慢慢地爬过那些落下来的岩石。马在这个石土堆的另一边,看上去比先前更加恐惧。它的腿陷入了软土里,动弹不得。而它越挣扎,就在泥中陷的越深。too. He walked on the grassy places harder than the mud.杰德向它走过去。一步都感到软泥也在将他向下吸,而且在长草的地方走比在泥里走还要艰难。Don'Horse!当他赶到马身边的时候”泥已经验到了马肚上,现在它只剩下头部还能动弹,摸到马。杰德感到欣喜若狂,别挣扎。别担心“马儿,我会把你弄出来的,s face. At last they were friends.突然!他赶到马的牙齿咬住了他的手臂”他咬住嘴唇;以防自己疼得叫出声来,他用那只没被咬着的手轻抚马身。使它平静下来,慢慢地让它松开了嘴。马将鼻子贴在了杰德的脸上,最后。他们成了朋友,Now Jed could go to work. He studied the problem carefully. He had no way to lift the big horse from the mud. Certainly his rope was not strong enough.现在杰德可以开始忙活了。他仔细研究了这个问题,他没有办法将这么大的一匹马从泥里拽出来。它的绳子显然不够结实。He began to pull the mud away with his hands. But more mud fell into the hole he dug. He ran to the rocks that had fallen down the mountain. He took off his shirt and filled it with rocks. He dug again.他开始用手将泥刨开。更多的泥又落进了他刚挖开的窟窿里。他就跑到那些山上落下的岩石边,脱下衬衣将岩石裹住,又挖了起来。他将岩石放进他挖开的窟窿里,岩石稳稳地呆在里面,慢慢地形成了一面挡土石壁,他整整挖了一天,夜幕降临时,他的两手已经被尖锐的岩石划得血淋淋的。He knew night would be a bad time for the horse. He did not want it to become frightened and struggle against the wall of rock he was building in the mud.他知道。夜晚对马来说是很难熬的,他不想让马害怕。以至于挣扎起来踢坏他在泥里建好的石壁,kind words to it to calm its fears.他砍了一些小树,将它们放在马旁边的地上,整整一夜,他都跟马说一些温柔友善的话来解除它的恐惧。he test.第二天早上,他抱来些草让它吃,然后又开始忙活起来。这是一项好时而又艰苦的工作。夜幕降临时,他又在马旁边躺了下来。现在他还不想让马从泥中挣脱出来,考验的时机还没有到。he had enough rocks in the mud on one side of the horse. Now he began to dig near the houses front legs. His rocks began to make the mud harder. The horse was able to move a little.到第三天中午的时候,他在马一边的泥里放进了足够的岩石。现在他开始挖马前腿附近的土了。他放的岩石使泥地坚硬了起来,it raised one of its front legs on to the rocks. It pushed against the rocks on its side and lifted its body a little out of the mud.而感到压力变小了的时候,马便将它的一条前腿拔了出来,翘到了岩石的上面,然后朝身边的岩石猛蹬,使它的身体从泥里稍微抬起了点儿。Jed got his rope and tied it around the horses neck. He began to pull on the rope.杰德拿出绳子,将它系到马的脖子上,开始拉绳。it moved forward toward hard land.马感到了拉力,就用尽全力在泥里向外挣扎。他将另一条前腿也拔出来,搭在了岩石上,靠着后腿的巨大蹬力和杰德对它脖子施加的拉力,他向前面的硬地移动着。he felt the horses nose push against his face. He jumped to his feet and when he brought grass for the horse it made friendly noises and playfully pushed him.杰德倒在地上,高兴而又疲惫。他已经三天没吃东西了,睡的觉也不多。正有点迷迷糊糊的,他感到马的鼻子拱到了他的脸上,他赶快一跃而起。当他为马抱来草料时,马发出了友好的叫声,顽皮地拱拱他,"You got him."有人骑了一匹大黑马来到牧场主汤姆·拉格伦的领地上。他在牧场房边停下来,一名小个子男人从马背上跳了下来。汤姆·拉格伦用吃惊的眼光看着这匹马,眼前的情景简直令他难以置信。"。Tom;汤姆;他毕竟是一个马主,没有必要让杰德告诉他是怎么逮住马的。杰德疲惫的脸、划烂的手、肮脏的衣服和瘦弱的身体就已说明了一切。Jed“that horse will kill anyone except you. I do not want it. But I have not forgotten my promise."”杰德“拉格伦说;那匹马会弄死除你之外的任何人“我不想要它,但我没忘记自己的诺言”",if you will let me send my female horses to the black horse."。如果你让这匹马一直呆在这儿。我就把一些土地和牧场后边的那坐老房子送给你;如果你让我把我的母马送到你的黑骏马那里去交配的话;我会每个月付给你三十美元,"我想要我的马的身体力都有黑骏马的血统,你可以留下交配后产下的小马中的七分之一;Jed put his arm around the black horse. The black horse was his. His dream had come true. It was too much all at once.杰德伸出手臂;抱住大黑马”黑骏马成他的了。他的梦想已经变为现实了,突然之间。他得到的真是太多了”as an animal spoke of extremes of joy and suffering. People were shocked by the truth exposed by the novel and changed their attitudes towards animals. Sewell formed the novel with three kinds of characters:Stop!if John had not tried to understand w”had a 20-centimeter-long tail. His beautiful long tail was cut off just because the owners thought it was fashionable. Humans never understood how pained a horse is when he can’t brush flies off his sides and back legs.Sky,Why don’t people cut their own children ‘s ears to make th“the dream of the author will have come true and her hard work will have been rewarded.,
