



转载:《简爱》读后感,不过不可能只有三百字的~呵呵,你看能用不?who was brave and independent enough to pursue her own freedom and happiness as a disadvantaged group member under such social condition. The whole book divided Jane’s whole life into five stages in chronologic order:which her father contracted whilst caring for the poor. Then the ten-year-old orphan started his life living with her aunt and her three children at Gateshead,bullied by her cousins time after tiwhere was a quite important place for Jane that she met the two most important people in her life:her beloved Helen Burns died of typhus like Jane’s parents because of Mr. Brocklehurst'she finally told Mr. Rochester about her love to him. All people of good will have a good result. Mr. Rochester was also fall in love with this special girl first when he met her when he fall of the horse and broke his leg. They decided to get married. Nevertheless it was just the beginning of Jane’s real understanding of the long-lasting mysterious that existing in her mind. The crazy sound was not made by one of their servant,but Mr. Rochester’s insane wife.All kinds of unexpected things happened one after another soHelen,not only how to be a better man but also how to be ourselves.


A Review of Robinson Crusoe--《鲁宾逊漂流记》读后感 This is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe,man”an 18th-century Scottish sailor who spent almost five years alone on a desert island. This novel is famous for its lovely details and its expression of belief in man's ability when left alone in nature. 这是英国作家笛福于1719年出版的小说。它是一切文学中最流行的冒险小说之一。一个英国人的故事谁是在一个孤独的热带岛屿遇船难者。他建立自己的一间小屋,增长自己的食物,并成为自给自足。在经历了23年来,他会见了食人族组和救援他们的俘虏,一个年轻的本土whome他呼吁Friday.Crusoe和他的“人”星期五成了亲密的朋友,一当他们终于获救四年后,双方都能够重回英格兰。鲁宾逊漂流记部分是基于亚历山大西谷,一个18世纪的苏格兰水手谁花了一个荒岛上仅近5年的实际行动。这部小说以其可爱的细节及其在人的信仰表达



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转载:《简爱》读后感,不过不可能只有三百字的~呵呵,你看能用不?A Brief Summary of the Book” Jane Eyre”First when I opened this very book, I knew I would love it. I’ve heard so many great stories about Charlotte Bronte and her two great sisters, who were all great women in the history of literature, and Jane Eyre is among one of their masterpieces.The story happened in the 19th century during the Victorian period, which took place in the south of England that filled with criticism and depressed of the reality. However, that was also the budding stage of the self-consciousness of women. Jane Eyre was one of them.The book Jane Eyre reveal the hypocritical of the charities, and carved the ordinary-looking Jane into an lovely woman, who was brave and independent enough to pursue her own freedom and happiness as a disadvantaged group member under such social condition. The whole book divided Jane’s whole life into five stages in chronologic order: Jane's childhood at Gateshead, Jane's education at Lowood School, Jane's time as governess at Thornfield Manor, Jane's time with the Rivers family, Jane's reunion with Mr. Rochester, which well introduced how came her angular and specific personality.Everybody should be given a happy childhood for God’s sake, but unfortunately, Jane was not among those lucky ones. Tragedies happened one after another to this poor girl first when she came to this world. In their early years, both of Jane's parents died from typhus, which her father contracted whilst caring for the poor. Then the ten-year-old orphan started his life living with her aunt and her three children at Gateshead, which turned out not a happy cradle from the very beginning. Her aunt, Mrs. Reed, treats her as bad as a witch. Every time when she was not happy, she would vent her anger on small poor Jane and put Jane into a horrible red room where Jane’s uncle died. No matter how hard Jane tried, no mercy was owned. Moreover, bullied by her cousins time after time, she chose to be strong instead of surrender.Since Mrs. Reed was so hatred to raise Jane, she finally decided to take other’s advice and sent Jane to a charity school, where was a quite important place for Jane that she met the two most important people in her life: Helen Burns and Miss Temple. They really helped her a lot when Jane was shouldered with the accusation of deceitful. But in a short while, her beloved Helen Burns died of typhus like Jane’s parents because of Mr. Brocklehurst's neglection and dishonesty. The only consolation for little Helen is that she died in her best friend Jane’s arms. After her death, Jane became more tough-minded and independent.In the twinkling of an eye, eight years had passed by. Little Jane had grew up into a well-educated and graceful girl, who was capable enough to be a governess. Yeah, after two years’ teaching at Lowood School, she was soon employed by Alex Fairfax, who was the housekeeper of Thornfield Manor, as a governess for a lovely French girl Adèle Varens. And here at Thornfield Manor, she first experienced what equality was. Everybody, including her destined future husband Mr. Rochester, also her employer, the owner of the Manor, treated her without prejudice or hostility. She loved this place. The love was so deeply rooted in her heart that she could even feel this place even though she was far away from the Thornfield Mason. As a typical girl of braveness and impavidity, she finally told Mr. Rochester about her love to him. All people of good will have a good result. Mr. Rochester was also fall in love with this special girl first when he met her when he fall of the horse and broke his leg. They decided to get married. Nevertheless it was just the beginning of Jane’s real understanding of the long-lasting mysterious that existing in her mind. The crazy sound was not made by one of their servant, but Mr. Rochester’s insane wife.All kinds of unexpected things happened one after another so soon, that Jane left Mr. Rochester in a mid-night without telling anyone. And then experiencing begging, teaching in a school, receiving heritage from her uncle, and all these happiness and unhappiness invaded her later life as a rich woman without getting any message of what happened in Thornfield Mason. Is she happy then? Who knows.After once hearing Mr. Rochester calling her name instinctively, she finally what she really miss and what she exactly want. As a consequence, she went back to Thornfield in neat dress. What came into her eyes was a dead ruined mason without any vigor. What broke her heart most is the moment when she saw her beloved Mr. Rochester, who was half-blind without a hand. Jane eliminate his misgiving of his circumstance and prove him that she would still love him and would like to be him wife and grew old together with him no matter what happened. Ultimately, Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well. Mr. Rochester again processed, and recovered his eyesight little by little. They led a happy life ever after as prince and princess. When finishing the whole book, I didn’t think I’ve just finish a story but experiencing a era of fighting for freedom, equality, and one’s own happiness. The images of Jane, Mr. Rochester, Helen, and Miss Temple will always rise in my head as the representative of the good spirits in England under that circumstance. To end this brief summary, I’d like to say that people like us, especially those who lived in a perfect harmonious and democratic society should learn from them, not only how to be a better man but also how to be ourselves.

英语作文读后感有关 一千零一夜 500字

talent pool into the book'Alibaba and Sishidadao"","",Alibaba and Sishitaidao",but then chieftain were smart and attentive female owner found her dancing add to the fun will kill bandit chieftain. Then came the treasure Alibaba',took out gold coins given to the poor. Alibaba simple good story;Margina wise beyond mind,Ha Xibo and Snake Queen"not their word. "Aladdin's lamp"fear,have a solution to any difficulties. 《一千零一夜》是世界文学宝库中的一颗璀璨的明珠,更是一部具有浓厚的生活气息和鲜明民族特点的好书,是一本充满智慧和美好的书,故事情节曲折离奇,表现了人间善、恶、丑、美的特点。它讲述了阿拉伯世界一个个美丽曲折动人的故事,这些故事是由阿拉伯民族智慧、才华凝聚成的,书中的很多故事已经家喻户晓,如《阿里巴巴和四十大盗》、《神灯》、《辛巴德航海历险记》等。它们都是曲折生动、想象丰富,《辛巴德航海历险记》讲述了一位商人七次出海,每次出海都碰到种种磨难,最后成了一名富翁。而《神童智审资金案》用一个神童竟然审出了一庄连聪明法官也审不出的案子的故事,告诉我们不能忽略细节。我对《阿里巴巴和四十大盗》的印象最深,文中讲述了一个叫阿里巴巴的年轻人的故事。无意中发现了四十大盗的藏宝洞,知道了其中的秘密,于是乘强盗走后,装了三袋金子回家了。可是由于哥哥的贪心,不但自己丢掉性命,还暴露了阿里巴巴。强盗们四处寻找阿里巴巴,发誓要报仇。不知内情的阿里巴巴的侄子把打扮成商人的强盗头子带到了家中,可是强盗头子又被聪明细心的女拥发现,她在跳舞助兴时将强盗头子杀死。阿里巴巴来到了那个藏宝的山洞,取出金币分给了穷人。故事中阿里巴巴淳朴善良,爱护穷人,马尔基娜聪明过人,心思缜密,马尔基娜的聪明机智令我非常敬佩。书中还有许许多多的故事,《商人和魔鬼》的故事让我明白了遇到困难要勤动脑筋,勇于克服。《哈希卜和蛇女王》让我明白了做人要讲诚信,不能失信于人。《阿拉丁神灯》的故事让我明白了做人一定要善良。这本书里的童话故事让我领悟到:做人要诚实,应该自己努力争取,也明白了遇到问题时不要紧张、害怕,SPAN></SPAN>


mental illness"such as injection of mind-altering drugs,the word "normal"they should be entitled to make decision and there is on doubt that prejudice should be avoided in society.


(1)《钢铁是怎样炼成的》汉语:每个人都有童年,并且每个人的童年是不同的,我们每个人的童年有高尔基那么贫苦吗?我们在家里是独生子,是父母亲的掌上明珠。高尔基的童年没有我们幸福,家庭也没有我们美满。高尔基从7岁起就没有了爸爸,跟着妈妈和年迈的奶奶生活,别的小孩都有新衣服,就他没有,他有的就只有几件打满补丁的衣服和一个书包。他没有埋怨妈妈,而是更努力得读书,准备孝敬辛苦的妈妈。童年这本书记载了高尔基儿时的一些故事,中间还夹着一点点的苦涩,还夹着做人的道理:高尔基在这样艰苦的环境下也能成才,真让我佩服。高尔基在小的时候就非常喜欢数学。在一节数学课上,老师出了一个题目考在班上的同学,题目是:1+2+3+4+……+100=“这可为难了很多同学?他们一个个都很着急”只有高尔基算出来了,等于5050,老师不会再因为他们家穷而瞧不起他们。而是觉得他很有数学天赋,我们要向高尔基学习,孔子说得好。英文:No,is the daughter of parents. Gorky',This can be difficult for a lot of classmates:and is equal to 5050. Since then;Confucius said it well,",think of the Yan Jian Xian.",(2)《钢铁是怎样炼成的》 汉语,说到《钢铁是怎样炼成的》这本书:想必大家对它并不陌生吧;书里讲了一位坚强;勇敢的主人公保尔·柯察金. 读了《钢铁是怎样炼成的》这本书后:我领悟到,一个人的毅力对他的一生是有很大影响的.就说这本书中的主人公保尔·柯察金吧!他的一生非常坎坷,然而他凭什么使自己继续活下去呢 是毅力.毅力给了他无穷的力量,老天也使他有了三次生命.自从认识水兵朱赫来以来:他的心被共产党吸引住了.经过几番波折,他终于如愿以偿,成为了一名共产党员.他出生入死,英勇杀敌.在战争中他也受了不少伤.最严重的一次就,是被弹片击中头部,死里逃生.痊愈后,保尔没有忘记党,拿起新的武器,重返战斗队伍,开始了新的生活!他十几岁就立足杀场,英勇杀敌,热爱祖国,在战场上,他被砍了好几刀都大难不死,为什么 仍然是毅力.年轻的他后来疾病缠身,但他仍不停地忘我工作,有休假疗伤的机会他也不愿意放弃工作,毅力真是一种锲而不舍的精神啊!这是一个感人的故事,我的心好象在水里扔下了一块大石头,久久不能平静.我佩服保尔·柯察金那种勇敢,百折不挠的精神.讨厌故事里维可外多那种小贵族.保尔·柯察金的影子时时在我的脑子里浮现,鼓励我要像像他一样做一个坚强,勇敢的人. 生活在和平年代的我们,生活中一点小小的困难没什么大不了,只要勇敢地去面对,等事情一过,你会发觉,原来自己是有毅力的.保尔·柯察金的精神,永远值得我学习. 英文:brave hero Pavel Korchagin.Read the "How the Steel Was Tempered"This book I learned that:a long time can not be calm. I admire Pavel Korchagin kind of courage and indomitable spirit. Hated the story outside the multi-dimensional and that kinds of small aristocracy. Pavel Korchagin's shadow in my mind from time to time emealways worthy of my learning. (3)《鲁宾逊漂流记》 汉语:在漫长的人生道路上,有着很多的困难险阻,也有许多磨难与坎坷会阻挡自己的脚步,使自己不能前进,如果永不放弃任何事物都会被你自己征服。古人云:骐骥一跃,不能十步;怒马十驾,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。不知不觉中,眼前突然出现一片汪洋大海,远处有一座孤僻的小岛,在静静的小岛中,只有鸟儿在歌唱,树木在生长,花儿在吐露着芬芳。渐渐地,波涛汹涌地海面上,出现了一叶扁舟,划行着,狂风把他的船掀翻,只有他一个人漂流到这座荒芜人烟的小岛上。这个撑舵之人就是听过作家笛福笔下的《鲁滨逊漂流记》中的主人公——鲁滨逊。他一个人在这僻静小岛上顽强生活,有一种声音一直在脑海里不停地回荡着:放弃吧“这样生活着有什么意义,不会有人来救你的?但坚持的信念很快打败了这种想法。鲁滨逊坚持着”将面临的困难一个个消灭。最后终于得到了回到文明社会的机会,其实,我们也应该这样。遇到坎坷,应该去克服,兴许会使自己变得更坚强更勇敢,永不放弃,坚持不懈。这样才能获得光明获得成功,相信我吧,奋斗到底,胜利才会属于你的,坚持到底。奋斗一生的宝葫芦,他会帮助你走过一生的 英语,Robinson Crusoe"there has been a voice kept reverberating in my mind with;so what is the meaning of life;No one will rescue you.",But insisted that the belief is Express defeated the idea.?s(4)《格列佛游记》 汉语:当我翻开了《格列佛游记》时我立刻就被眼前的目录所吸引了:小人国历险、大人国历险、会飞的国家……这些字眼似乎被作者施加了魔力,我一看到这些就想快点往下看,想快点了解怎么会有小人国和大人国,国家又怎么会飞。带着这些疑问我认真地读起了第一章。这本书讲的是格列佛以海上医生的身份随同一艘船出海航行,后遭遇风暴孤身一人涉险了一些神奇的国家,最后终于回到了自己的国家的事情。情节曲折、玄妙,又不乏幽默。把格列佛的历险写的栩栩如生,有趣极了。倒不如说成是“我与格列佛的游记”因为我在阅读这本书时几乎入迷了,好像就是我和他一起历险一样。但是我又从心里佩服他的机智勇敢,他总是给我一中“逆境丛生”的感觉,这点就是他历尽艰险后从新踏上自己的国土的主要原因,所以我坚决要向他学习这种精神,若我以后遇到这种事情的话说不定早已经一命呜呼了呢!这本书实在是太好看了,使得我读了几遍了还是觉的没看够,它实在太有趣了,我十分喜欢《格列佛游记》的这本书。听了我的介绍你是不是有心动的呢?那就快读一读这本书吧!记住噢,它的名字叫做《格列佛游记》!英文:"when I was immediately attracted to the immediate directory:abstruse,We could say was "I Gulliver's Travels"as if that is the samfeeling,and I very much like "s Travels"its name is called "Gulliver's Travels"够了吗!4篇 读后感要有中文的?既要中文也要英文,只给英文我看不懂,不要给中国的小说!好啦!祝你学习进步哦!
