



1.美国加州租房合同写违约支付全部房款 我提前1个月说明 急

美国房屋租赁合同范本TENANACY CONTRACT1.出租方----(以下简称甲方)landlord----(hereinafter referred to as Party A)地址----Addree----电话----tel----2.承租方----(以下简称乙方)Tenant---- (hereinafter referred to as Party B)地址------Address----电话(Tel)----3.租赁物业Premlses甲方同意将__________单位及其设备在良好状态下租给乙方,租赁面积统计约_____平方米.Party A hereby agrees to lease----in clean and tenantable condition to Party B,租赁期第一年内双方不能停止合同,第二年双方如需退租,shall any party wish to stop the contract . the intiate party shall give the other party two months prior written notice.5.租金Rent:租金应以现金或支票支付,当甲方或甲方委托人每月收到乙方租金后,当立即发回收据予乙方.租金必须于每月__号前支付.The rent is payable in ----by cash or check. Party A (or A’s representative)shall issue a receipt to Party B upon receiving the rent . The rent must be paid before or on the ----day of each month.6.押金Deposit:A.本合同签订后__天内,乙方应向甲方缴付__个月租金额做为押金,合计为__Party B must pay to Party A----months rent as deposit for a total of ----of ----within ----days upon the contract signed.B.在租赁期届满后,乙方付清该物业租赁期内的一切费用,并且将该物业交还于甲方后的十四天内,甲方应将押金无息返还给乙方.On the completion of the contract,致使甲方未能如期收取租金或对于出租物业造成损坏,甲方可扣留部分或全部押金抵付。Party A has the right to retain part or all of the deposit in compensation.7.费用Charges:A. 租赁期内的管理费用由__方负责支付.The management fee shall be paid by_____.B,租赁期内之水,由__方按单缴付.Charges for water,telephone and cable TV are payable by -monthly to the relative bureau according to bills received.8.甲方的责任:A.租赁期内甲方不得无故收回房屋,甲方如有违约,应退还全部押金及补偿壹倍押金给乙方.Party A is not permitted to take back the leased presises during the tenancy period. If Party A breaches this contract. The deposit will be bouble returned to Party B.9.乙方的责任:A.乙方如在租赁期内中途退租,在末经得甲方同意下,原押金不予退还.If Party B vacates the premises before completion of the tenancy period without any permission of Party A,the deposit will not be returned to Party B.B.租赁期内末经甲方同意,乙方不能将其所租物业全部或部分转租,私自转租无效.During the period of tenancy,Party B can not sub-let or let in part or if full the leased premises.C.乙方应爱护租赁物业及其设备,乙方应负责赔偿.Party B shall take care of the premises and the facilities of the premisese and shall be responsible for any damages to the premises or the facilitics of the premises owning to the resons of Party B.D.在已有房内的装饰和设施之外,乙方如要增加设备或其他装修征得甲方同意;租赁期满必须恢复原状,经甲方验收认可后归还甲.In additon to the decoration and equipment already in the premises,以此合同中方为准.In case of dispute,

2.在美国租房,leasing office罚款1000刀,请问怎么解决


3.历史上的今天——1963年2月16日,披头士以“Please Please Me”首次成功

